Disclaimer: Not mine.

Red: Blood Theory

"I know why a romantic relationship never did and never will work out between us."

Amber eyes momentarily met a pair of jade orbs. The man's gaze went back to being fixated on a piece of paperwork. "Why, pray tell?" was his only reply.

It had been a trying day for Ian Kabra. People had been annoying him left, right and centre during the whole day. An influx of calls from his company staff had been a constant variable. Piles of paperwork towered like skyscrapers on his desk, his beeper perpetually vibrated every few minutes, and his army of personal assistants frequently appeared in his office. Not to mention that he had had to keep insane lunatics at bay throughout the day.

Why, even the weather was less than pleasant to say the least. Dark clouds filled the normally baby-blue sky like a mob of rabid fashionistas at a Balenciaga sale. The sheer rumble of numerous thunderbolts reverberating through the sky was enough to deter any stalwart soul that dared venture outside. Bolts of lightning kept striking at regular intervals, illuminating the city with bright flashes of effulgence. The rainfall that had started out as nothing but a slight drizzle at first, had transformed into droplets of liquid fury, hammering on every surface exposed to its wrath, akin to an exacerbated goddess with a vendetta.

Needless to say, the day had been far from enjoyable for him. The fact that Amy was here during office hours when he really needed to finish all of his work did not help matters at all. He had no time to listen to her. He had an axiom that labour started could not be halted until it was completed. Thus, there was simply no way he could tear himself away from his current endeavour.

"Our blood types are simply not compatible."

Then again, there are exceptions to every rule.

He stared incredulously at her. "Have you gone mad?"

Amy plopped onto a chair. "Considering that I am not in a straightjacket as we speak, I can honestly admit that no, I have not gone bonkers." She rolled her eyes when a sceptical look etched itself onto his face. "It's a very popular theory in Japan."

He quirked an eyebrow. "My apologies. I had no idea that your ethnicity had undergone a radical transformation."

She scowled slightly at his comment. "It's a cultural thing. Besides, the last time I checked, you don't have to be British to be able to have afternoon tea."

"Point taken." He leaned back in his black-leather chair, his ballpoint pen laying abandoned on his mahogany desk, tossed aside like a piece of litter, forgotten and unwanted. "So what exactly does this 'Blood Theory' of the Japanese encompass?"

"Well, the idea behind it all is that the personality of a person can be predicted from their blood type. For example," she pushed a few tendrils of stray hair out of her eyes. "my blood is of type A. According to the 'Blood Theory', we are generally characterized as being shy people who tend to avoid conflict. We seek harmony and are very polite. Considering that you're very cool and rational, I would categorize you as someone with blood type B. People with blood type B tend to be less than cooperative. They also tend to prioritize their thoughts over their feelings which makes them come off as cold and serious. If a person has type O blood, they're outgoing, social and energetic. They're also extremely self confident. On the other hand, people with AB type blood are very unpredictable as their blood is made up of both type A and type B blood. So their behaviour can be on opposite ends of the spectrum."

He nodded, taking in everything that she had just said. An idea suddenly struck him...he had always wondered whether they actually had any 'chemistry', so to speak, and her explanation had given him a prime opportunity.

He leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips.

Ian watched completely amused, as her skin tone changed into a delightful hue of red. Her mouth was slightly agape, and it was safe to say that more than a few seconds passed before she squeaked out a cry of, "I'll just be going now."

She stood up abruptly and practically ran off like a scared rabbit. "Oh. And Amy?" he called out after her, just as she made it past the doorway. She could very well picture the smirk that was definitely plastered on his face by now. This certainly wasn't a case of seeing is believing. "I'm actually of blood type AB. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm quite sure that according to the 'Blood Theory', people with my blood type are very compatible with people of type A blood such as yourself, no?"

A/N: This drabble is around 817 words long. It was actually supposed to be a one-shot, but I've been meaning to start a collection of drabbles since eons ago. I've finally gotten off my lazy bum and started it. So, yay me! Each chapter is based on a colour. Blood is, of course, red, thus the chapter title. This collection isn't limited to only Ian/Amy drabbles though. Other characters will be featured in future drabbles. (I write way too much Ian/Amy anyway. :p)

This idea came about when I heard f(x)'s Nu ABO before watching a scene of the Milky Couple from Dream High, right after revising my Biology notes. I'll be writing a lot this week because I'm participating in an Oxford and Cambridge essay contest. (I want to get in as much practice as possible.) This drabble was supposed to end a little differently with an ending along the lines of 'Tell me that we're not compatible now.', or something to that effect. However, I like this ending better because he debunked her theory. I don't think information about the characters' blood types have been divulged before. I've no idea whether this premise has been done before, but if it has, humor me and review anyway, okay?

As always, tell me what you like, what you hate, what is tolerable and what can be improved. Heck, you can flame me if you want. Just be sure to give me the reason for your hatred towards my story/writing.

Annyeong, chingus!