A/N- Sorry it's taking so long. My goal is to get at least two chapters out a week, maybe more depending on the length. I feel like this chapter might be a little long winded since Beckett has to go through some basics with Castle and I started to feel like I was a coach as I wrote. Hope you are enjoying it. I don't have a beta and I try to reread it a few times through but I know I miss stuff.

The sun was still high in the late afternoon sky when Castle pulled up to the softball fields in the back of PS 14. While it had been warm most of the day, a breeze started to blow and cool the air. Gathering his gear from the back seat Castle could hear the distinct voices of detectives Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito discussing the latest trades between the Yankees and Red Sox. He quietly observed the ease at which they played catch; almost as if they could do it with their eyes closed. Scanning the rest of the field the writer's eyes finally fell on Kate Beckett standing in the third base dugout tying a pair of old black cleats on. Castle had seen her in work out clothes before, but there was something different about the way she looked in a three-quarter length baseball Henley reading "NYU Athletics" and black polyester warm-up pants. She looked younger, relaxed, and happy.

"Yo! Beckett, what's taking so long?" Esposito called towards the dugout.

"I apologize for having the sense to wait to put on my cleats AT the field instead of dirtying my car like other people," She called back, "Have either of you talked to Castle this afternoon? He said he was going to meet us here before practice."

"Nope. Haven't heard from him." He shrugged firing a ball at Ryan.

"I just want to make we get a few basics down before the rest of the team gets here…" Beckett started

"Hey! Speak of the Devil!" Ryan interrupted flashing his trademark smile.

"Hey guys." Castle said opening the gate and walking over to the dugout.

"I thought we were going to have to put out an APB." Beckett sarcastically grinned pulling her weathered glove out of a red bat bag, "Hurry up, we need to get warm." She said slapping him on the shoulder as she jogged down the baseline towards Ryan and Esposito.

Castle took a moment to watch Beckett make her way towards her coworkers kicking up dirt as she ran. He got lost in his thoughts wondering if this was the Kate before her mother was brutally murdered. Before the entire weight of the world was placed on her shoulders.

"HUSSLE-UP RICK!" She shouted.

"Coming." He called back running in her direction.

"I don't want to see any standing around buddy." She teased glaring at him, "This is serious stuff. Now are you ready?"

"Yup. Ready." Castle said spreading his feet wide and holding his glove up, "Hit me with your best shot." He grinned.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." She shook her head, "Alright, watch the ball." The detective said as she effortlessly stretched her right arm back and followed through, releasing the ball at eye level. Any other day Kate would have put more force behind the throw but in this case she didn't want to hurt Castle if he missed the ball.

Twenty feet across from her, Castle watched as the ball was released and began its flight in his direction. Instead of relaxing and watching the ball until it reached his glove Castle's gaze remained on Kate. Luckily for everyone she had superb aim and the ball hit his glove and bounced to the side instead of hitting him somewhere else on his body.

" Oh my God!" She gasped watching the ball bounce off the side of Castle's glove, "Castle, you have to watch the ball! You're going to give me a heart attack."

"Sorry." He replied meekly, "I really tried. I'm just not used to this."

"OK. Just throw the ball back." She said letting out a heavy sigh and holding her glove up at chest level, "Nice and easy."

Picking up the ball off the outfield grass Castle took a deep breath and tried to copy what Beckett had done mere moments before. Gripping the ball tightly with all five fingers he brought his arm back just as she had done, but instead of releasing the ball at eye level he let go too early sending the it flying over her head and into the fence.

"Wow bro!" Esposito couldn't help but laugh, "What was that?"

Kate could tell that Castle was embarrassed so she shot a look at the detective telling him to back off. She had to admit that Castle's lack of skills was somewhat funny, maybe even adorable, but that wasn't what was important.

"Right. Sorry" Esposito mumbled under his breath. He didn't want to hurt Castle's feelings, but he wasn't used to being around a grown man who knew nothing about the game.

"OK Castle, we're going to walk through the motions step by step so you understand the mechanics of how to properly throw a softball." Kate said jogging over to the writer, "Hey Esposito, can I get some help?"

"Sure." He replied moving over to the spot she had vacated.

"First things first, don't spread your legs so far apart. It makes squaring up your shoulders and following through hard." She said standing behind Castle and placing her hands on his hips.

"I could get used to this." Castle purred, "You know how I like being up and personal with you."

"Zip it Castle or you're on your own." She whispered into his ear.

"Yo! What's going on over?" Esposito threw his hands in the air.

"Castle's being inappropriate and so I had to reprimand him." Kate grinned, "OK, now Castle listen; feet slightly spread, then slightly turn your, body so that your glove hand, which is your left hand, is forward and then hold the ball right at chest height." She took a small step back allowing Castle to properly position his body.

"Like this?" He asked peering over his shoulder.

"Yeah, pretty good." She nodded, "Now point your glove hand at your target and reach straight behind you with your throwing hand." Kate she said surveying Castle's form, "Next you're going to lift your left foot up and set it down again while bringing your throwing hand forward…" she continued guiding the writer's arm, "Your elbow should be bent at a 90 degree angle once it is adjacent to your ear. Finally, smoothly extend your arm towards your target, releasing the ball at eye level. Now let me see your form without a ball."

"Why detective, I had no idea you're so interested in my 'form'." Castle wiggled his brow.

"Castle. Shut it and show me you were listening." Kate rolled her eyes and bit back a laugh.

Step by step Castle tediously went through the correct throwing motion to prove he was paying attention to more than just the cherry sent that was Kate Beckett. "Good right?"

"Pretty good. Let's see you throw a ball to Esposito." She responded.

"THANK GOD!" Esposito yelled, "I've been standing over here for so long I'm going to have to warm up again."

"Here you go." Kate said handing Castle the ball, "Just remember, nice and smooth."

Taking a deep breath Castle went through the motions in his head before extending his glove hand towards Esposito, reaching straight back, taking a small step with his left foot, then following straight through, releasing the ball right at eye level. It felt like an eternity had pasted as the ball sailed the 20 feet between him and the detective. Though it was not perfect Castle could tell right away that the ball was going to be easily catchible. He had not realized that the ball had not gone flying over Esposito's head or skidding by his feet until he felt two hands joyously grab his shoulders.

"Castle that was great!" Beckett exclaimed squeezing his shoulders a little tighter.

"We'll… You're a very good teacher detective." Castle purred.

"I like to think so." She whispered back, "But now that you know how to throw a ball you have to know how to catch it." She said releasing his shoulders and crossing her arms across her chest like a coach would, "

Castle's shoulders fell in defeat waiting for instruction.

"Two things. One, watch the ball all the way and two, stay relaxed." Kate said, "If you stand there stiff as a board it's going to be hard to react to the ball. Watch me." She stepped around Castle and held her glove at chest level creating a good target for Esposito to throw to, "Hit me Espo."

Castle watched as Esposito fired a ball in Kate's direction but missing a little low. However, instead of missing the ball she took a small step to the left, stretched her glove out and cleanly caught the ball.

"Sorry Becks." Esposito said embarrassed he had pulled his throw.

"That's OK. It actually proved my point." She looked over at Castle, "If I had stood there stiffly and blindly held out my glove HOPING Esposito would hit his target there is almost no way I would be able to adjust and catch the ball."

"OK, I think I get it." Castle nodded.

"And one more thing. It is a little easier to transfer the ball from your glove to your throwing hand if you are just slightly angled with your right foot back. Your shoulders should always be square to where the ball is coming from, but having your right foot back a little will make it easier to seamlessly transfer the ball and throw it back without stopping." Kate explained.

Successfully throwing the ball back to Esposito, Castle squared his body towards the Hispanic detective and waited for the return throw, "Watch the ball all the way and relax," Castle reminded himself. His first reaction was to tense up when he saw the ball flying through the air, but quickly relax his shoulders and only worried about the ball. Raising his glove to chest level and placing his throwing hand behind the glove for extra support Castle tracked the ball right into the webbing in the glove.

"Way to go bro!" Esposito cheered, "I guess there is some hope."

Castle felt a sense of pride flow through his veins… Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks.

"Alright Jeter. Now that you know how to throw and catch can we warm up?" Kate teased jugging back to where Esposito was standing.

"Hell yeah." Castle smirked before almost throwing the ball over Kate's head, "OK, maybe I need a lil more practice." He shrugged.

"I'd say so." She replied throwing her head back and laughing.

Please R&R- I love alerts and favorites, but hearing what you have to say makes me want to write more. Hopefully I'll have another one out no later than Monday… Practice continues and there are some surprise teammates.