Author's note: up to chapter 4 already. Though I got reviews about Naruto becoming too strong too fast, one his training was never top notch until Shipudin and even then he always seems to be second to the others in terms of skill rather while he's first in power. Also Naruto will learn to transfer his lower level demons into others, and lastly the villains in this story will be stronger than they were in the canon, and the main spin off to this story is that he will eventually face demigod-leveled opponents. So Naruto needs to be stronger as well.

Demon soul

Chapter 4:The Plaiminaries, show the demons might

Naruto and the rest of the genin who made it passed the forest of death stood before the Hokage and the judging jonin in rows consisting of their teams. Naruto looked around as he ran through with reading the minds of most. He had to say that he was disappointed with as they were either continplating about how strong the sand team was or how they could help train the Uchiha. Only a handful of people had thoughts of any interest and he often felt differently.

The Hokage- 'This years Genin indeed carry the will of fire' 'I don't think so, most of the ninja here are here for either their own dark purposes or to help Sasuke-teme and the other genin just want the premotion'

Kakashi- 'Good Sasuke made it and Sakura seems like she's starting to pull her own weight. Although its disappointing that the demon made it as well' 'Yeah yeah yeah, you can call me that all you like at this point to be called human would be an insult if humans act like you do.

Anko- 'I cant believe so many made it I was expecting single digits but what is lord Hokage thinking letting the Uchiha continue with that cures mark on his back.' 'Curse mark?'

Guy- 'to think so many rookies made it. The training you put them through must have been impressive my rival but their still no match for my students.' 'He's mostly right his students are older smarter and more experienced but my bloodline gives me exactly what I need.'

Once the last of the passing teams arrived, the genin were gathered in a large room with stairways to balconies on either side of the entrance, and a large statue of two hands making a hand sign, at the base of which stood the Hokage, the previous two proctors, Anko, and all the teams' jonin instructors.

"Congratulations to all of you on reaching the final exam," Sarutobi said.

"Before I explain to you the third test there is something that I would like for you all to know. This is the true reason for this exam." stated Sarutobi immediately catching the attention of the gathered gennin.

"Why do we have all the allied countries taking the exam together? Many believe it is to promote friendship among the countries. Others believe it is to raise the level of our shinobi. But here and now I will tell you the truth because I do not want you to be confused about this." Started Sarutobi each of the gennin's listening to him closely.

"The truth of the matter is that this is a replacement for war among the allied countries." Said Sarutobi successfully surprising even the most stoic and knowledgeable of the gennin.

"If you trace back the history of the nations you will find that the current allies were once enemies. These were people who fought over the rights to rule this world. However in order to prevent wasteful fighting these people set a stage for battle. That is the origin of the Chuunin Exam." explained Sarutobi

"Why the hell do we have to do that? I thought this was just supposed to be for deciding who would become chuunin!" exclaimed Kiba.

"It is indeed a fact that this exam decides which shinobi's have what it takes to become Chuunin. However on the other hand this exam has another side, one where each countries shinobi risk their own life to protect their own countries prestige." Explained Sarutobi calmly.

"You see watching the third exam will be leaders and influential individuals. These individuals are from many countries that make up the clients of the shinobi villages. The leaders of these countries will also be there to witness your battles. If the strength of a country is clear then that country will receive more clients.

However if a country is perceived as weak then they will lose clients. This will also signal potential enemy countries that your country has power. As such this also sends a political message. " Finished the Sandaime before taking a breath followed by a hit from his pipe.

"Yeah but why do we have to risk our lives in battle!" exclaimed Kiba not liking the thought of dying for someone's entertainment.

"The strength of a country is measured by the strength of the village. the strength of a village is measured by the strength of its shinobi. And a shinobi's true strength can only be shown by a life risking battle.

This exam is a place to showcase each village's strength as well as your own. It only has meaning because lives are at risk, and that is why those that came before you have fought in the Chuunin Exam." finished Sarutobi.

"Then why do you say things about this being for friendship?" asked Sakura

"I said it before in the beginning, that I didn't want you to confuse the purpose of this. By losing life and establishing balance. That is the shape of friendship in the shinobi world." Said the Sandaime before taking another hit from his pipe.

Before we begin the third test I will tell you one more thing. This is not just a test; it is a life risking battle with your dreams and countries prestige on the line."

"I don't care what it is. Just hurry up and tell us what this life risking battle entails." Said Gaara impatiently.

"Please, Lord Hokage, allow me, Hayate Gecko, proctor of the third exam, to speak," Hayate said.

"Of course," Sarutobi said, letting Hayate have the floor.

"Before the final exam begins, because there are so many of you remaining, we will need to have a preliminary round to reduce the number," Hayate said before going into a small coughing fit. Once he got it under control, he continued. "As of this moment, it's every man for himself. So if you want to quit now, your teammates will remain. Do any of you wish to drop out?"

"Now if everyone could turn their heads to the screen we will randomly pick two contestants." Said the sickly proctor. The sceen began to flip through the names of each contestant but Naruto knew that it would be Sasuke and someone they were sure he could beat. Shortly it did.

Sasuke Uchiha vs Yorai Akado

'I knew it, of course with what ever happened to Sasuke they would want him to have a opponent who he would likely have the advantage over so he could get treatment and make the Uchiha clan look better than they really are.

"Alright, the two that are fighting will remain down here. The rest of you go up to the balconies," Hayate said.

As all but Sasuke and Yorai headed to the balconies, Kakashi stopped next to Sasuke and whispered to him. "If that mark gets out of control, I'll stop the match. Don't use Sharingan or any jutsu."

Sasuke stood across from Yorai with Hayate a bit away from them, noting Kakashi's warning as Hayate spoke up.

"Alright, the rules are simple, anything goes," Hayate said. "The match will continue until one of you gives up, dies, or is unable to continue. In addition, I can step in and stop the match if I deem it necessary."

Sasuke and Yorai nodded.

"Alright, begin!" Hayate said, jumping back to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.

Yorai ran at Sasuke with his hand poised to strike, but instead grabbed Sasuke's head.

Sasuke started feeling his strength leave him the moment Yorai grabbed him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"So you noticed," Yorai said. "I'm draining your chakra."

Sasuke quickly broke Yorai's hold and put some distance between the two. "Damn it! Without any chakra I can't use my Sharingan or my jutsu!" he thought angrily as Yorai pressed the attack, managing to suck out more of Sasuke's chakra. "Gotta think! What can I do?" he thought before having an epiphany.

"It's over!" Yorai exclaimed before Sasuke kicked him into the air and appeared behind him. "What the?"

"Lions Barrage!" Sasuke exclaimed, pulling Yorai toward the floor and striking him three times before axe kicking him in the chest, knocking him hard to the floor.

Hayate ran over and checked on Yorai, finding him unconscious. "The winner is Sasuke Uchiha," he said as he stood.

"Way to go, Sasuke!" Sakura said as Sasuke sat on the ground.

Kakashi leaned close to Sasuke. "We need to seal that curse mark. Come with me," he whispered.

Sasuke nodded and left with Kakashi as the next match up was being chosen, soon stopping.

Aburame Shino vs. Abumi Zaku.

"Who's this loser." Said Zaku getting a snort from the blond haired gennin who took that moment to look away from the fight.

The match was over in less then five minutes with Shino emerging as the victor. Of course the Aburame heir had given the boy the chance to forfeit before he crippled him. Zaku arrogant as always simply sent a blast of chakra induced wind at the Aburame revealing that he could actually use one of his arms. Shino had simply melted into a mass of bugs before appearing on the other side of him and giving him a back fist that sent him flying.

When he got up he found himself between Shino and a wall of bugs. Once again Shino gave him the chance to forfeit. Once again Zaku refused and tried to blast both Shino and his bugs only for his arms to inflate before exploding. Apparently Shino had ordered his bugs to clog up the air holes in his opponents hands resulting in the explosion. And just like that Shino was announced the winner.

Almost as soon as Zaku was cleared away by the medics Kakashi appeared behind Naruto and Sakura the former ignoring the gushing Sakura was doing over Sasuke. He couldn't care less about the boy from this point as apparently neither he or Sakura could no longer hold him back. So ignoring the two he turned his gaze to the screen just in time to see the next match announced.

Tsurugi Misumi vs. Kankurou

Naruto decided to actually watch this match as he wanted to see what Kankurou was capable of. This match however had also been a quick one, taking only about three minutes. Misumi apparently had the ability to stretch his limbs to a considerable length. Once he'd done this he'd wrapped himself around Kankurou and broke his neck when he didn't forfeit. Almost immediately afterwards 'Kankurou's neck snapped up and spun around revealing the wood beneath.

Just as the head spun around a pair of arms burst out from within the jumpsuit, and the bundle that had been discarded unraveled the real Kankurou jumping out chakra strings connecting his hand connected to his puppet and revealing himself as a puppeteer. Misumi had been dead before he could hit the floor.

Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamada

Kakashi had reappeared by this time to witness Sakura face off against her rival Ino, words and weak attacks were exchanged between the girls as they battled with academy style Bunshin(Clone) until Ino managed to catch Sakura with her clan's jutsu Shintenshin no Jutsu(Mind Transfer Technique). Ino was going to force Sakura to say that she forfeited until Naruto called out to his pink haired teammate and told her to prove that she wasn't here just for show suffice to say that his words sparked interest in certain people including his sensei who just filed it away until he could talk about it in private, after that statement Sakura somehow kicked Ino's spirit out of her body and they resumed their fight which ended in a double knockout from the equal haymakers the girls gave each other. When it was all said and done and both girls came to a bit later they made up and their friendship was mended somewhat.

Sabku no Temari vs Tenten

Naruto could honestly say he was looking forward to the fight between Sabaku no Temari and Higurashi Tenten, a match between two long ranged specialist. Unfortunately this match proved to be a mismatch as everyone found, out that Temari's being a wind user trumped Tenten's ability to hit her target with pinpoint accuracy. So when Tenten attempted to turn Temari into a pincushion with her Soshoryu(Twin Rising Dragons) ace in the hole and it failed, the wind user retaliated with an attack of her own after opening her Battle fan all the way to reveal three purpule moons on it. Tenten was unprepared as she was hit directly with Temari's Kamaitachi no Jutsu(Great Cutting Whirlwind Technique), and she found her self receiving cuts all over her body as she was trapped in a Whirlwind pillar. After that she ended up landing on the end of Temari's fan before being tossed off, needless to say this cause a heated argument between Temari who was pleased with her win and Rock lee with how she treated his teammate.

kiba vs Naruto

Naruto snorted at the board even as he heard Kiba's thoughts.

"yahoo looks like we get the easy win Acamaru." His parner barken in agreement with his master's assessment. Kiba jumped over the railing continueing to shout trash about how lucky he was. Naruto scoffed at Kiba's behavior as he slowly walked down as he decided to act like a mature ninja instead of how he used to.

"What's the matter dope? Know your going to lose so your trying to look cool while doing it? Or is it that you relize that Hinata is better off as my bitch?" Naruto finnaly looked at kiba but the way he did made Kiba freeze as he never seen anyone look so angry. A moment later Kiba shook it off as this was the good-for-nothing dope, the deadlast who couldn't even make clones, what did he a clan heir have to be afeird of?

"This will be over in one move, so you can just wait for me boy." Said kiba as he did his families beast mimicry as he went to all fours and charged at Naruto entending to make good on what he said. Just as the hit was just about to hit Naruto grabbed the affeneding elbow as but one foot behind him and putting his weight on it he spun before flinging Kiba back to his partner. Everyone knew the difference between the two that exsisted back in the academy so everyone was surprised that Naruto not only blocked Kiba's hit but even countered. Kiba whipped his chin before he turned to Acamaru.

"Guess he's gotten better, no matter, lets finish him buddy." Naruto looked at Kiba and Acamaru before turning to the Procter

"He's allowed to use his dog?" the sickly proter nodded

"Ninja dogs are tools just like a kunai or shuriken." Naruto nodded in understanding. Kiba grinned knowing as long as it was him and Acamaru the dead last could only run.

"Whats the problem dope to much to handle?" Naruto didn't even look at Kiba as he asked his next question.

"If that's the case am I able to use my summons?" Many Jonins couldn't believe what they just heard. Many were upset that the demon brat had summons, the few who didn't wondered what kind of summon he could have. The proctor just nodded as they were tools as well.

"Alright then its going to be a two on two." Naruto said as he bite his thumb and wrote a simble in his palm in hand for show as he didn't really need them to summon his partners. "Summoning jutsu: Chi" called Naruto as a puff of smoke appered to singnafied the use of jutsu even though Naruto had actually used a smoke bomb to make it seem real. Once the smoke disapated everyone saw the demon cat Chi in all her demonic glory. As the aduance laid on the purple haired demon cat no one could respond until Kiba snapped out of his daze to yell.

"What the hell is that?" Kiba yelled in fear of the demon cat as he used to torture and kill them for fun. Now seeing one bigger then him, he was scared that Karma was out for him.

"A bloodline summon" everyone looked at the creature wondering what sort of clan had bonds to this sort of monstrous cat.

"What the hell do you mean dope!" yelled Kiba not liking this situation in the slightest.

"My clan can pull spirits inside of our bodies and alter them for combat, the number of other abilities our clan has is secret. But I will tell you this I have two more summons a dog and a bird." Kiba froze hearing that Naruto, the dope, the loser, had two more of there monsterous summons in him. Kiba then scoffed at Naruto.

"It dosent matter dope as your still nothing to me. I will kill you then take hinata as my bitch. Hahahhahah!" laughed Kiba believing that the dope's summon would be just as weak as the dope himself after all it was just a cat. He'd kill just like any other. Naruto glared at kiba.

"I know I forgot to feed you this morning Chi so just eat the mutt." Chi nodded her head. Kiba snarled at Naruto for threatening his dog. Kiba threw a food pill to Akamaru before eating one himself. Akamaru turned red and attempted to charge at Naruto only for chi to intercept Akamaru at nearly twice the speed the small dog could move at. Many were surprised that something as large as this cat could move so fast without extream training or a stimulant like the one Akamaru himself just took. Kiba charged the beast but Naruto interfered holding a kunai in a reverse grip forcing kiba to change course with Naruto on his tail while Chi reengaged Acamaru. Many jonins including Kiba's own were wonding how could Naruto match Kiba.

Of course Kiba wondered this as well so Naruto elaborated , "I bet your wondering why you cant win huh kibble?" Kiba growled at Naruto but said nothing. "The answer is simple, the iunkuza rely so heavily on there ninja dogs that without them there overall abilities are reduced to almost nothing, as they need their partner for the vast majority of their jutsus. In short Kiba without Acamaru the only ones you could beat here are Sakura and Ino." Kiba bristled in rage.

"ACAMARU! Lets show this idiot who boss, NOW!" he yelled and Acamaru came running before jumping into the air. Kiba also jumped into the air and in a puff of smoke a giant two headed dog appeared. While most were impressed that someone so young mastered this high level clan skill, Naruto was not. This only reinforced his belief that the Inukuza relied too heavily on their nin dogs. The two headed dog then began its drilling fang right at Naruto only for him to substitute with a brick.

"Alright Chi lets show him the meaning of true power." Naruto called to his demon cat. Chi rushed to his side knowing what was going to happen.

"Secret jutsu: Soul residence Chi" called Naruto as lightning began to spark around him and Chi. Chi roared as Naruto lets out a battle cry and an explosion covered them. After the dust settled Chi was gone but Naruto was seen wearing a set of gauntlets and grieves that were white with purple strips and fur at the top of both.

"What is that" asked Sakura in awe of the strange weapon. All looked on mostly unimpressed with the exception of Sakura, Hinata and Tenten. The Inu-Kiba just growled and again did the tunneling fang. Naruto moved out of the way with utter ease but when Inu-Kiba turned to try again to hit him, Naruto turned to him ready to throw a punch. All thought this was a moronic move until the punch landed not only stopping the artificial hurricane that was Kiba and Acamaru but sent them sprawling to the ground. Everyone stared in disbelief at what happened, the question that everyone shared was, 'How did Naruto get so strong?'

"Soul residence, a jutsu that causes the spirit and the wielder's power to reach their highest point then act as an amplifier for each other. In affect both me and chi are ten times stronger then put together." Everyone gaped at what Naruto said.

'I must get that power for Sasuke, so I'll order the demon to give it to him." Thought Kakashi, which Naruto heard.

'It matters not as he is fated to be a failer, he'll still be deafeated by Inukuza-san and even if fate decideds to favor him, he'll be fated to lose to anyone entering the finals.' You have three guesses as to who this is and the first two don't count.

'ten times stronger plus someone else being ten time stronger as well. Damn it Naruto why must you be so troublesome' if you don't know who this is you need to watch the show.

'Naruto-kun is so amazing'

'Holly shit, that's one hell of blood line.'-Anko

'A bloodline that gives great power and amazing weapons I wonder if I can seduce him?'-Tenten

'Is this the true power of the Uzumaki clan?'-Hokage

'What amazing…FLAMES OF YOUTH!' screamed two mind simoteniously. Naruto would have sweat-dropped at the twin minds but he was busy getting ready for his finishing move for this match. As the Inu-Kiba stood it showed the one head hit had broken fangs Naruto grinned before he suddenly vanished, only to reappear under Inu-Kiba in a hand stand with his legs tucked in. Naruto then shot upwards while latching a kick to kiba's chest that set him into the air Naruto then began to spin as he kept sending kicks into Kiba's chest until they reached the ceiling then smashed thought it."

"MY TOWER!" screemed Anko in outrage. Naruto sent a few more spinning kicks into Kiba before grabbing the beast's neck and throwing it back down to the arena and as he followed it back to the ground he began to spin faster and faster to deliver a highly momentum power backhand to Kiba. When Kiba hit the ground he bounced and as he began to go up he was hit with the back hand into the ground one again but kicked up so much dirt it blocked all sight of what happened. When the dust settled Nauto stood over a out cold Kiba and dog both with broken ribs and blood coming out of their moths. The Proctor looked over both the downed one to check if the were ok. After confirming they were going to live he nodded and brought his hand down in chop like manner.

"Winner Naruto Uzumaki" there was no appaile of cheering for Naruto's victory only stunned silence. Naruto walked back up to the stands. Hinata offered him her medicine and Naruto happy took it without question. Everyone else remained silent deciding they would talk to the overly powerful boy after the plimeraries were over. They all watched with baited breath to see who would fight next as the board began to spin the names.

Neji Hyuuga vs Hinata Hyuuga

This match really had everyone tense and on edge as Hyuuga's Hinata and Neji faced off against each other, and before the fight even begun Neji tried to psychologically tear Hinata down due to some old hatred that grew within the famous clan. She took his words to heart and almost quit before looking up at Naruto, as violet met blue an entire conversation passed between them. When Hinata refocused her gaze on her opponent many people were surprised to see a burning fire of determination in her eyes, the moment the fight began both Hyuugas activated their Byakugans and fell into the clan's Juken Ryuu(Gentle Fist Style) and attacked with a graceful fury that left many breathless. Back and forth the two Byakugan users battled in an effort to overwhelm the other with lethal strikes to the body, after a very heated fight in which Hinata pushed her cousin back he revealed that the tenketsu in her arm were closed since the beginning of the match.

More words were exchanged between the two Hyuuga, resulting in Neji trying once more to dissuade her from continuing against destiny. When she refused to back down, the match resumed with the same intensity as before only now Hinata's strikes lost most of their effectiveness but, still she battled to prove her cousin's words false. What happened next not only annoyed Naruto but, down right pissed him off although he hid it well.

"Hmph, proctor she's finished you can call the match now." Neji sneered at his cousin's prone form as he turned his back and began to walk away.

'Shousha Hyuuga Nej-" Hayate began until he saw what was thought to be sure, Hinata was putting all her effort into getting to her feet again despite the pain she was in.

Neji turned back when he realized that his win wasn't being announced, only to see his cousin standing wearily on her feet with blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. However the fire in her eyes wasn't diminished in the slightest, if any thing it was burning even brighter.

"Why do you continue to fight against your destiny Hinata-sama? You are powerless, scared and confused so why not just give up you don't belong here and you'll just end up dead if you remain, my eyes can see that." Neji said as he looked at his cousin with disdain.

"You're wrong Neji-nii-san, I can see the truth. You're more broken and confused than I about the dissection of the Main and Branch House." Hinata replied through shallow breaths as she grasped her side in pain but still unwilling to give up the match.

This of course sent Neji into a rage as he charged full tilt at the Hyuuga heiress intending to end her life, Hayate and many of the Konoha jounins were about to move however Naruto proved faster than any of them. Just an inch away from striking Hinata, Naruto put his body square between her and the enraged Neji who found himself hoisted off the ground and gasping for air as he looked directly into unmerciful, yet dead eyes. When the jounin came over to run damage control, try as they might they couldn't make Naruto drop Neji.

"That's enough Naruto, don't do anything you'll regret." Kakashi said as he tried to intimidate his student into letting the Hyuuga boy go although he was ignored.

"Your sensei is right Uzumaki, if you continue like you'll be disqualified before you even had a chance to fight!"Hayate also tried as they continued to try with no luck to get Neji free from Naruto who let up the pressure just enough that the Hyuuga could breath properly but couldn't get free.

After what seemed like a lifetime, Naruto spoke up and what he said made everyone feel as though pure ice was dropped in their stomachs.

"...If you take another step towards her, I can assure you that I will pluck those eyes of yours from you head. That way you can watch as the ravens feast on your flesh, after I'm through doing to you what you just did to Hinata." Naruto said with such a dead pan expression that may flinched at the vision at what the blonde said, even Orochimaru who was in a disguise flinched at the ruthlessness that the jinchuriki just displayed.

Without sparing another glance at the boy, Naruto threw him to Gai's feet causing him to hit the ground in a heap. Neji sat up and tried to burn a hole in the back of the blonde-nin, who paid no mind as he walked over to a coughing Hinata.

Kurinai then yelled out, "she's gone into cardiac arrest." The medics came running and ran a quick check only to looked distressed.

"She's too far gone there's nothing we can do to save her." Everyone looked shocked except Neji who grinned.

"Nothing you can do but not me." Said Naruto as he shoved they out of way. "Secert jutsu: gift of the beast" called Naruto as he slamed his hand into Hinata and a flash of light happened leaving a confused group. After it died down everyone saw a steady breathing Hinata. The medics quickly ran a quick diniasics to find Hinata was not only in perfect health but her body was stronger than before. Her muscles were leaner and stronger her chakra coils were thicker and her vital organs were not only fixed but reinforced with more sturdy tissue.

"She's alright, all the damage is gone." Announced the medic amazed he got to witness a merical first hand. Many leaf ninja were grateful that Naruto somehow saved hinata. The only one displeased by it was Neji as he believed his vengeance was stolen by this peisent. The medics quickly took Hinata to the medical wing. Kurinai turned to Naruto to ask the question all were wondering but before she could Naruto decided to answer.

"Gift of the beast jutsu, is when I take one the spirits contained in my body and seal it into another, this heals everything but exhaustion it also make a person stronger but without the bloodline of my family it can only be done once per person and afterwards its impossible to remove the spirit. I seal Chi into her as Chi is the only one who can bring out her real power." Neji remembering that Naruto summoned the thing from his body decided to show Naruto she would always be a failer.

"It doesn't matter she will never be allowed to use it as summoning is not a Hyuuga technique. She will be banished from the clan if she ever does." Said Neji with a smirk showing this nobody he has wasted a very powerful weapon. But Naruto returned the smirk with one of his own.

"Hyuuga charter paragraph 6 line thirteen, any Hyuuga may use summoning if necessary. Thought this rule was made so the Hyuugas could use storage scrolls but because it says summoning it give a loophole as the wording means that a Hyuuga can use the summoning jutsu and since it's part of the village's charter it can not be rewritten without an unamaniss vote from both consoles the Hokage and the futul lord" everyone stood in shock that Naruto knew the laws so well. Neji cleanched his fist in outrage, Hinata had gained a power beyond anything he had ever seen and she was allowed to use it.

Garra vs Rock Lee

When the board showed that Sabaku no Gaara and Rock Lee would be facing off, many thought that it would end rather quickly in Gaara's favor. They were all completely surprised by the amount of skill and power Rock Lee possessed none more so than Kanakuro who decided to move over to where Naruto was, as he watched as Lee removed his leg weights and actually powered through Gaara's Suna no Tate(Shield of Sand) and gave him an up close look at the Omote Renge(Secondary Lotus) after opening the Kaimon(Initial Gate) of the Hachimontonkou(Eight Celestial Gates). Gaara proved his skill at using the sand in his gourd when he performed Kawarami with a Suna Bunshin(Sand Clone) to avoid most of the damage, however many weren't prepared for the bloodlust that seemed to radiate off of Gaara in waves as it was revealed that he was also using a technique called Suna no Yoroi(Armour of Sand) when the match really heated up. As the fight went on Rock Lee proved his mettle and skill as a Taijutsu specialist ash forged ahead with the battle despite the damage he was receiving himself from Gaara as sand, Sesshomaru had arrived back by this point in the match to see Rock Lee go on the offensive.

Gaara directed his sand to attack Rock Lee who recovered some energy and movement to dodge all the attacks, having decided to end the match while on his last legs set himself up for a trump card. Rock Lee showed the true extent of his power when he opened the Seimon(Life Gate) and chakra began to pour off him in waves as his body in waves while his skin became red, just before setting up for his attack Lee's chakra spiked even further as he opened Shoumon(Harm Gate). Everyone was in for a major shock Gaara included when Lee moved in a burst of speed that tore up the entire arena up and dust flew everywhere as Gaara was hit with a rising kick with so much power behind it that Gaara's sand armor was cracked everywhere and his shield couldn't keep up with the speed Lee was moving at to protect its user. Lee then began a juggernaut run that would never be forgotten by anyone watching, as he pin balled Gaara all over the place with powerful hits that left the sand wielding nin in pain.

With the last of his waning strength, Rock Lee knocked Gaara into the air with a jaw shattering kick and appeared above him with a punch that attached a bandage to Gaara's sash, which Lee pulled back towards him as he pulled off the Ura Renge(Primary Lotus) that sent Gaara crashing to the floor in an impressive wave of power. When the huge cloud of dust settled, many were surprised by the fact that Gaara's gourd could become pure sand which acted as a cushion to help avoid a fatal blow, Rock Lee on his very knees tried to crawl away only Gaara wasn't satisfied as he used his Sabaku Kyuu(Desert Coffin). However because Gaara's power was running low as well he only managed to catch Lee's left leg and arm which he crushed under the power of Sabaku SouSou(Desert Graveyard) causing the taijutsu using Lee to pass out from the overload of pain,Gaara directed his sand to move in and finish the job only to be completely stopped by Gai who stepped in to protect his student. Hayate was about to call the match in Gaara's favor when he along with everyone else was shocked at what they were witnessing: Lee even in his broken unconscious state was still willing to battle on till the end. Medics were called and Lee was rushed off to the hospital as Gaara was declared the overall winner.

That is where everyone found themselves as they were looking at the match picking screen for the next fight, when it should the next two combatants.

Dousu vs Chouji Akamichi

(im skipping this match as it was rather lack luster, so same as canon)

"Now would everyone gather down here." The Hokage requested. Everyone did as requested, "Good now would everyone please draw a lot." Again his instructions were followed. "Now called out your number."

"Six" –Shino


"That suits you Neji as you are number two in more ways then one." Said Naruto, even the jonins had trouble holding their laughter in. Neji was so outraged he actually snarled at Naruto.


"Nine" Dousu

"How poedic, One"-Naruto said showing the ball between his two fingers


"Troulbesome seven"-do I really need to say who

"eight"- Temari

Ibiki scribbled it all down as the genin spoke.

"And Sasuke will be number three." Said the Hokage. Before Ibiki showed the genin the paper he was writing on.

"Match one will be Naruto vs Neji" many looked at Neji and prayed he servived Naruto's wrath. "Match two will be Sasuke vs Garra" Garra grinned and his siblings felt pity for the last Uchiha. "Match three will be Shino vs Kankour, Match four Shikamaru vs Temari and match five is winner of match four vs Dousu."

"The finals of the chunin exam will comance in one month."

Chapter 4 end.