

Jin had grown up in the care of his Grandmother, Irene, on Castanet, and had known most of his neighbors since he was very small. One girl in particular, Anissa, he'd had a crush on since he'd started elementary school. He remembered drawing a picture of a flower for her, and blushing when she beamed and told him she loved it. It was his first real crush, and while it never really took him anywhere, he regarded that point in his life as an important milestone.

But crushes were for children; so why on Earth did Jin find no other word to describe how he felt about the new farmer on Castanet? Her name was Molly, and in all honesty, he hadn't liked her at first. Too loud and never careful of her own health. But after seeing her transform the Island so drastically, he couldn't help but admire her dedication. And that was when it happened, that's when Jin realized he'd had a crush on Molly.

And to tell you the truth, it wasn't an unpleasant thing.