J: Ahha, soooo...Yay for an update? Ah ha ha...Yes, I know, it's been forever since I updated and not only this but my Babysitter readers have been waiting FOREVER for Beth's introduction. I won't give you an explanation (unless you want one) and just reassure you that Beth is almost ready to be posted.

Mina's version is under LynxbyLynx titled 'Transfan Mania: The Rewrite'

Alex' version is under my profile titled 'Bridge to No Where'

Love goes to Khalthar for editing!

Disclaimer: Hasbro owns Transformers (more or less)

'Who are you? Why did you pull me out of recharge?' It was a voice that he'd never heard before. Yet he knew it was a voice he'd known from the beginning of his memories, he just couldn't put a face or name to the owner.

"My name is Alex. Who are you?"

'Alex? Never heard of that kind of designation before. Well whatever, what are you doing dragging me out of recharge? I was dreaming of my sweet femme.' Alex didn't miss that this strange familiar voice didn't answer his question of who they were, and knowing he wasn't going to get an answer by repeating the question Alex went with cooperation. He was getting worried about Mina and Jenna. They were just on the edge of his senses but not firmly in place. It was as if they were right there next to him but someone or something was standing between them.

"Sorry about that, it wasn't intentional. Pit, I don't even know why I'm here. Last thing I remember is stopping my spark sister from messing with the All-Spark slivers then…then they burned into my hands…Ratchet…Ratchet showed up and gave me something to knock me out, so…that makes this a dream." Alex was grateful the voice didn't interrupt, saying all this helped organize his last memories.

'Ratchet the Hatchet is still functional? Wait…How long have I been in recharge? You said the All-Spark slivers? What happened that it isn't a cube anymore? Talk to me Alex.' The voice was beginning to sound confused and very distressed. The space that Alex was in was shifting along with the changing voice. It had all been black, which was fitting since it was a dream, but now images were flashing through the darkness. They were dim and unfocused, the only things he was able to make out being Cybertronians. Three of them, two of them were green though one was shorter than the other, the third was a shade of purple. As the voice was familiar so was the images flashing by, the more Alex tried to focus on how he knew the voice and images the more a searing pain burned throughout his arms straight to his skull.

"There's too much to tell…I think I'm waking up, maybe we'll talk more in another dream. Tell me, who are you?" Alex was positive he was beginning to wake up, the darkness was turning grey as light broke through, as it got brighter the images vanished.

'Primus says you'll figure it out for yourself, we'll be talking again. Under different circumstances I'd be against this idea of his, but if it means my sisters are fine and well then I'll let things play out as he sees fit. Take care of them Alex, I wasn't able to keep them safe myself. I'm depending on you.' The light penetrated the darkness entirely causing the voice to fade entirely after this last message that carried such a heavy feeling right to his heart. As confusing as it was Alex wouldn't let the voice down, he would protect his spark sisters until the very end of his existence.

The first thing Alex was aware of was the burning sensation in his arms, as his sight cleared up Alex moved his hands to touch the spot where it hurt most. His hand passed over his face causing him to stop and stare, there was a small patch of skin that was pink and raw. He checked his other hand and saw the same thing, his dream floated through his mind as a fresh memory, bringing with it the revelation he'd made about what had happened. Sitting up faster than his body would have liked Alex looked around for Mina and Jenna, his heart rate slowed when he found them laying on the beds next to him. He was still concerned, he couldn't feel them completely when he'd been dreaming and still couldn't feel them as much as he should have been able to. "Alex how do you feel?"

Taking his eyes and question of why from his spark sisters Alex focused on Ratchet sitting at his massive desk on the other side of the room. Ratchet was either very bad at hiding emotions or he wasn't aware that his face plats were contorted in rage. Moving back just a bit Alex replied in a dry voice, "My arms feel like they're on fire, besides that and a dry throat I feel fine." The only reason for Ratchet's anger seemed to be their messing with the All-Spark figuring this Alex tried to clear his throat, failing to moisten it any he continued anyways, "I'm really sorry about what happened to the All-Spark sliver, it was an accident. If you're going to throw anyone in the brig it should be me."

This removed the glare off Ratchet's face plates, "No one is getting thrown in the brig. After everything you three have proven I'm willing to trust you that it was an accident."

Alex exhaled a loud sigh of relief. He didn't think being put in the brig would look too good to Arcee. His eyes looking to Mina and Jenna once more he noticed their eyebrows were furrowed, they were sleeping restlessly. "Ratchet how are they?"

"You can't tell?" Ratchet rose from his seat to stand next to Alex' bed. It wasn't unheard of for a bond to be closed or blocked between siblings if one wanted to keep something from another.

His voice quiet Alex changed his gaze back and forth between the two girls watching for any sign that they were waking up. "Vaguely, something is muffling the bond. Ratchet…is it possible for Primus to make contact with humans?"

This question seeming to come out of no where but Alex' concern Ratchet answered honestly, "Primus is to us what God is to humans. Where he places his will can be upon any he so chooses. I wouldn't worry Alex, the readings I'm getting from Mina and Jenna are…normal at least. While we wait for them to come around, why don't you tell me exactly what happened."

Figuring it would be better for their case for the facts to be told Alex tore his eyes from the girls, his end of the bond was constantly pressing against the invisible force keeping him from knowing what was going on with them.

Mina knew two things for fact, the first being that she must be unconscious or something like that, and two being that she needed to get her shiny back when she woke up. 'I told them I wasn't going to do anything but look at it, but do they trust their little sister? Nope.'

'Who's making all the noise?' A disembodied voice abruptly talking to her was not anticipated, neither was the sense of being watched from every angle.

From her spot in the blackness that she was sitting on (she thought she was sitting anyways) Mina did her best to look around. 'The only one making noise is you, this is my personal head space thanks. Mind telling me what you're doing?' If the voice told her it was her conscience she would just laugh, she knew what her conscience sounded like and it wasn't this voice. But this disembodied voice sounded familiar from somewhere else, it was like that annoying itch you couldn't scratch in the middle of your back. Whoever it was sat just far enough out of reach for her to recall the owner.

'Right, I'm inside someone else's processor. Sorry other voice, but I'm not Soundwave, I don't know what goes on in other bot's minds.' The more the voice talked the more that itch of information burned on Mina's back, she needed a name for this voice and she needed it immediately or she wouldn't be able to settle. At the mention of Soundwave and the terms Cybertronians use Mina began to pick out a tall slender outline made of haze.

Doing her best to focus only on the hazy outline Mina tried to get the voice to talk more, 'You knew Soundwave? I like Soundwave, he's the coolest of all the Decepticons. Megatron comes up right behind him.' This triggered a different reaction, instead of the haze becoming more solid and defined blurry images appeared on either side of the unclear body. If she squinted in a certain way Mina was sure she saw Soundwave holding a smaller slimmer bot that was likely a femme against his chest plates. The femme didn't have clear face plates and in another image there seemed to be a smaller version of her sitting on the armrest of Megatron's throne, wherever Megatron keeps his throne.

'I'll give you points for good taste, what's your designation?'

'Mina, what about you?'

'It's - What?…You're kidding…WHAT? An organic?…Starscream? Of all the miserable mechs, it was Starscream? This I will not accept. Mina, are you listening still?' Mina was most definitely listening, with much interest. All at once the images had vanished along with the hazy body, hearing the voice talking to either itself or another voice Mina was beginning to wonder if she was developing schizophrenia, Ratchet would have a field day with that.

'I'm still here, this is my brain you're holding a three way convo in after all.' She figured a little reminder wouldn't cause any harm.

'Apparently. When you wake up, because you're dreaming if you didn't know that, I want you to go find Starscream then shove something through his spark chamber. Preferably something that will destroy his pathetic back stabbing life source. Oh, and a few dents put into Skywarp and Thundercracker wouldn't be too bad.'

Even though the hazy outline of the body had vanished Mina still made a face where it had once had been, 'Yea I will get right on that…Notice the sarcasm? That's me not promising anything until you tell me what the frag is going on in my head!'

'Don't go yelling at me for answers. Ask Primus, he's the one messing with us…Alright, not messing…meddling. Now wake up and do what I said.'

Mina woke up cursing, sitting up she put her hands to the back of her neck where it felt like the sharpest knife was digging in right in the middle. "Son of bitch! Someone get me a set of tweezers, there's a pain in my neck and it's not staying!"

"Whoa Mina, easy. Tweezers aren't going to get that sliver of the All-Spark out of your neck. Here drink some water." Alex grabbed Mina's hands to keep her from clawing at the skin on her neck. When he offered a glass of water, she gladly accepted and chugged it down in four gulps.

"Ugggh, did you say a sliver of the All-Spark is in my neck?…My shiny is in my body? I can't see my shiny if it's under my skin. Why don't you take it out? Hatchet, I'm looking at you for answers here." More distressing than knowing that the All-Spark sliver was in her neck was the knowledge that she wouldn't be able to admire its amazing glimmer in just the right lighting.

"I attempted to remove the All-Spark slivers more than once while you three were unconscious. The All-Spark refused to be removed and managed to use enough radiation to rust my tools, even the human medical staff had the same issue. And it was with Alex that we tried, his All-Spark slivers are in a safer operation location than both yours and Jenna's." Ratchet reached back to the desk and grabbed the mentioned tools to show that they had indeed been rusted from tip to handle wherever there was metal.

Rubbing at her eyes with the palm of her hands Mina grumbled low under her breathe, "First the shiny gets broken, then that voice tries to make me kill Starscream and now I can't look at the shiny again. What a day." The grit clear from her eyes she sent a slight tug for the need of a hug to Jenna, when it was met by an invisible blockade she paused in all her motions. 'Bro can you hear me?'

'Yea, but you can't get through to Jenna, neither can I. It was the same way before you woke up. You just said something about a voice, was it a voice you felt familiar hearing but you couldn't name the owner of?' Just as Alex had for the past two hours Mina kept her eyes focused on Jenna, being able to get a response from Alex was a minor relief. Yes they were spark siblings, but her bond with Jenna was much stronger than it was with Alex. Not getting the usual comfort and reassurance was unsettling for Mina.

'That's exactly what happened, I doubt your voice asked you to kill Starscream though. Do you think…'

'That Jenna is going through the same thing with a weird voice in her dream, I entirely believe that that is what's happening. Once she wakes up and gets over the initial pain shock that Ratchet is anticipating we'll talk more about the weird voices.' Alex put a hand on Mina's shoulder, their bond with each other wasn't at max level, but their concern for Jenna went beyond 100 percent.

"Stay calm Jenna, stay calm. You're not dead; if you were dead, you wouldn't be thinking or able to speak. You're still alive, just alone and in complete darkness and unable to feel Alex or Mina." Jenna had been petrified upon coming to her somewhat senses in the void she was facing. Her deepest fear of death had gripped her mind and tried to convince her into panicking; by speaking out loud she slowly stopped her brain from feeding her more fear.

"You're not dead, but you sure are annoying. You woke me up from a good recharge you know." The disembodied voice had Jenna attempting to turn this way and that to find the source; she wanted to see anything other than darkness to ease of the rest of her fear. As it stood the voice's one statement had settled her down more than her own mutterings.

"Who are you? Can you show yourself, please? I don't want to be alone here. Wherever here is." The darkness ate the sound of her voice and pulled more fear into her mind.

"I was going to tell you to show yourself first, I'm just as clueless as you are. Tell me your designation." The tone of demand sounded familiar, every fluctuation of the voice rang a bell in her memory that told her she knew the owner of the voice. There, just on the edge of her peripheral vision was a shimmering silver outline. The color green touched the lining on the inside.

"I'm Jenna, now will you tell me your name?" Jenna felt herself turn to look at the silver outline head on but it only moved her vision to stick in her peripheral. She was taking comfort from the voice but not being able to see the owner of the voice head on was edging up a bit of annoyance.

The silver outline acquired more green to fill the outline, it also seemed to grow in size to the point where Jenna could only see the outline of the foot. The foot was on her right side, on her left a second outline began to take shape. An outline of three shapes, unable to see either of these outlines head on rose her annoyance to frustration. In her thoughts, she felt herself trying to close her eyes to just try and stop hurting her eyes from attempting to look, however her eyelids didn't seem to exist in this reality of darkness and silver outlines.

'I would tell you…If Primus wasn't telling me to keep quiet and let you figure it out for yourself. I would also like to tell you to get lost and leave me alone to sulk after everything I've just heard, but it seems you're stuck with me and vise versa.'The bodiless voice carried a tone of frustration that matched hers right to a T. The news of being stuck with each other did not help emotional matters and only confused her already overloaded mind further. Hearing the involvement of Primus notched her knowledge to the point where her brain just wanted to stop working and let everything else go by in bliss. Sadly, none of this would happen.

Instead, what did happen was the darkness began to lift and her eyes began to burn with the light that was entering her kind of existing retinas. Lifting a hand to shade her eyes Jenna heard one more curse and a grumble about not enjoying the way life had played out in the end.

They felt the bond open before Jenna began to wake up, they got beside her just as she started moaning and whimpering while curling up into a ball. Yes Alex' hands still burned with each beat of his heart, and Mina could barely move her head without feeling a sting vibrate up and down her spine. But Jenna being far more sensitive to pain and having the sliver nestled nice and snug in the centre of her chest hurt just a little more than their pain since it was her lungs and heart that responded in irritation to the alien substance and radiation that had forced its way into the body. "Jenna just calm down and try taking a couple deep breathes." Alex kept his voice steady and soft making sure to reinforce his words through their bond. Mina had a hand on Jenna's head and moved it in a petting manner.

The first breath she took in sent her entire chest on fire, the second and third let her body adjust more to the pain. Uncurling was brutal, once she lay flat she felt much better. Opening her eyes in a bit of a glare Jenna grumbled, "Would it be fair to blame this on Primus? According to the annoying entity in my head he was the one who planned all this."

Mina and Alex exchanged a look of confirmation, just as they had expected Jenna had had an encounter with something or someone just as they had. Judging from Jenna's pained expression they would have to hold the conversation at another time when the three of them weren't ready to rip their bodies apart from moving. Which would be after Ratchet gave them some ibuprofen.