Ichigo walked down the darkened alleyways of kakura town, his body blending in with the scenery. No one could see, hear, or smell him; for whom he was. All was covered, from head to toe, in black. Earth was coated over his body, making him smell like something….other than human. Every step the orangette took, wasn't heard in any timing. It was ichigo.

Otherwise, shirosaki.

His cover name. You know, like those serial killers that own names like jack the ripper or something? Well, he was shirosaki. But he wasn't a killer.

Oh, no.

He was worse.

He was an assassin.

Yes. Kurosaki ichigo was an assassin. A bloody, killing, murdering, assassin. One of the best damn one's in japan, too. Actually, THE best. One feared by all of japan, and the one and only that was broadcasted over the news. Sometimes broadcasters say stuff like "as mysterious as this killer is, shirosaki remains unknown to view. No clues indicating who, or what, this….person is." Person, huh? Hardly. He wasn't a person. He was a bloody, cold, evil Killer. He was a monster. Yeah, a monster. Bread by the night, trained to kill in any way possible. It was his soul purpose – to kill.

Ya see, young kurosaki worked for a special under-ground organization. One not known to man, animal, or human. One so un-known, that people didn't even blink an eye at an underground subway. It led to nothing - as many people say. Oh, no. it led to something. It led to his organization, Shinigami Inc. no one knew of this organization but those who worked in it, who swear on their lives to never speak a word of this indication. Many assassins carry out missions, which are basically people who they are assigned to kill.

And today was a mission he couldn't fail. Not like he failed any one before. But this one was needed in order to keep their secrecy in check.

Kill the governor.

Yeah, you heard right. Kill the governor. It may seem that this person found out too much about their underground incorporation, and he needed to be dead. Now, this wouldn't be easy. Considering all the guards around his so called 'palace'. Palace. Mmhm.

That's why he had the one and only hichigo with him. Hichigo was his underling, in training if you will. He was cocky, blunt, ignorant, and annoying. But caring in his own…way. Usually, the albino acts as if he didn't give a fuck, but if you look closely, you could see the faint worry in his eyes. Ichigo couldn't place it, but something about hichigo…irked him. confused him. baffled him. made him have to think a bit, having to stare off into space.

He didn't know what, either. And it pissed him off. It got in the way of their work.

Currently, he and hichigo were on their way to the governor's house, unnoticed. It was dark black out, maybe two o' clock in the morning. So it was black. Pitch black. Therefore, no words were said, considering they needed to stay that way: unnoticed.

Again, the faint sound of wind was the only thing that disturbed the silence. It was chilly, but both twin teens couldn't care less. All they wanted to do was stain their faces in blood, laugh heatedly, and get a chase out of the killing. Then go home. See, they were animals. Bread by the night, wild and free. No cages holding them back from insanity, unbound and unrestricted to so whatever they pleased. They were allowed to kill anything they thought was a threat to them, no restrictions. And every one person in that incorporation loved to kill. Including them.

Oh, the good life.

Hichigo glanced at his higher up, noticing the crazed look on his face. Ichigos eyes were wild; containing the sweet sense of killing wildness. He was grinning. Hell, they both were. They were about to kill something else, why wouldn't they be grinning?

After a few minutes of passed silence, they found their way to the governor's home. It was huge and white, lit up by lights beyond imagination. Guards stood outside, unnoticed of their appearance yet. Yet.

Sharing the same evil look, hichigo and his higher up took off.

Screams and shouts were let out in the night, polluting the calmness of the wind. Within seconds, all twenty guards were lying down, dead. Blood was everywhere. On the ground, on their faces, smeared all over. Everything was red, red as can be. But it didn't stop there. Oh, no. the governor was their goal. Not these flimsy little people who think they can fight badass. Huh. Those bitches couldn't even last a second against the albino. Fuckers.

Slipping past the iron gates, cameras already broken, hichigo and ichigo made their way up the long, twisty path that led to the house. A snicker or two was heard throughout the two of them, and they couldn't care less. Killing was the thing they were focused on tonight.

In this way, they were similar. They were crazed in blood, always chasing insanity. That's why the two work so well together. Given a few (more like a thousand) times they fought, which was more like bickering old ladies then anything. It was more of a bickering fight, rarely getting heated. But hell, hichigo loved to get the red-head fired up – as long as they weren't working. There he's all business. Serious.

"Hichigo. Take the other side of that top window, and start climbing. Ill take the other side." Ichigo hissed, bending low as he moved like a snake slithering in the night. He kept his eyes straightforward, still hearing the leaves rustle from hichigos own running. Good, he's following.

"Why?" hichigos own voice hissed out, carrying lowly on the wind. He was doing the same as his captain; bending low as he ran. It gained speed, and it was less loud.

"The governor's bedroom, dumbass. It's where he sleeps. And be aware, more guards are in there" the orangette said, before taking off. Hichigo followed him from behind.

"I aint no damn dumbass. And k" hichigo grinned manically, splitting away from the scowling teen to follow his orders. Now, he doesn't do this often, but he always, and he repeats always, follows ichigos orders on a mission. Considering he was still ichigos underling and he knew ichigo as right in those cases.

But back to the point.

Hichigo watched as orange hair made its way to the other side of the window, while hichigo took his side. Wind blew, things were silent, and much was needed to satisfy the teens tonight. Ichigo looked up to the window three stories up, and grinned. Just the rush he needs. Killing the governor was no easy task, but they were up to the fight. And he knew hichigo was ready for it too.

With a nod, both teens started to climb the walls. Don't ask them how they did it, because even they don't know. They just did. It was a freak of nature thing, being able to climb straight up and down walls without falling or breaking a sweat. It's a bit freaky, eh? Not for them.

Step, by step, by step. Pause. Then step again. Climb, tug, and pull. Pause. Step again.

They repeated this action til they reached the third story in the pale building. Another glance was shared, as a clarification to go.

Without hesitation, the team slowly picked the lock on the window while they stood at the edge. Ichigo, who was handling the lock, bent over in concentration. A governor at this age still has a lock pick? Not a combination or something more in the technology state? Sheesh. Call them cheap. And you wonder where all the tax money goes all over the place.

A few seconds of silence were in, right before they heard a loud click. The lock was done, so hichigo and ichigo both shared a knowing glance. It was a glance they shared every mission. One that said were gonna get somethin good out of this, and were gonna bathe in blood afterward. Crazy, they knew. But weren't they already? Of course they were.

"let's go" ichigo whispered, while pulling up the non-squeaky window sill. They jumped in without a sound, landing softly on soft, white carpet. A carpet that would be stained in blood not soon later. Ah, just thinking about it got ichigo riled up. Then there's watching hichigo get stained in blood, slowly dripping down his chiseled chest…. Oh god, get back to the mission.

Grinning, the teens spotted a large, king sized bed that lay in the middle of the huge room. There, lay the governor, sleeping in all his bloody glory. Ichigo smirked while tossing his hair to the side. His brown orbs lit up expectantly, which almost made hichigo suck in a breath. The albino loved when ichigo was all un-controlled, it was just a plain turn-on. But defiantly not needed now; when they're about to fight and kill someone.

"im gonna love this" hichigo said, before stepping into a patch of moonlight. His skin glittered off the moon, his paleness showing massively. The albino was grinning, yellow eyes piercing his target of the night. In his hand, was a long knife, along with his old katana. His body shown danger all around him. that's what made hichigo loved himself. He knew he was sexy when he killed, it just spilled off in his own radiance. Confidence. Something that he noticed was lacking in his partner lately. It was like ichigo was wavering slightly.

"better. It's our treat for the week." Ichigo snorted, taking himself to the side of the albino. They shared another knowing glance, one they knew all too well. Their captain usually gives them little dinky jobs on some days, but once a week they got a treat to kill someone big. No one else worked like this, other assassins got little, safe jobs. Hichigo and ichigo got the tough ones. Like, as an example, the governor. Next week would be the president, they never knew.

They stalked up to the white bed of the gov, one on each side. Ichigo took the left, while hichigo took the right. A pale hand was shot up, followed by a tanned one. One knife was in both hands each, taking in the smell of richness. Stupid, rich, snobby people. They were so…..stuck up, thinking they were better than everyone else. Well, news for them, THEYRE NOT. just like anyone else, they are.

Ichigo lowered his knife to the governors neck, grazing the skin lightly. Blood only gently strode out, covering the edge of the knife. The governor didn't even awake, which was to boths surprise. Usually someone would wake if they felt a knife glaze against his skin. Just what kind of human is this? A masochist?

Ichigo looked up to see hichigo watching him intently, eyes concentrated. He noticed the crazed look I the albinos features. If only that gaze was directed to ichigo, not the blood.

"wanna taste?" ichigo held up his own knife up to hichigos face, licking his lips genuinely. Blood droplets fell off the knife, which only grazed the albinos hunger greatly. Why can't that be the orangette? Maybe ichigo should just cut himself. It would get hichigo riled up for him….wouldn't it? Wait. Ichigo kurosaki was thinking about an intimate relationship with his partner….? On a mission, no less? BAD ICHIGO!

"damn right" the albino took the knife, licking the contents off slowly. When the tangy taste of blood reached his tongue, he let out a shiver. Oh, how he loved the taste of blood. So rich, so sour, so sweet. Sometimes he wondered what ichigos blood would taste like…tangy…or sweet, like those orbs that he always got lost in? he wondered.

Hichigo gave ichigo his un-used knife, which ichigo held above the governors head. Brown, tinseled hair was messy under the sheets , switching as the governor turned so he lay on his back. Hichigo had to admit, for an forty year old governor, he looked no older than twenty.

"his names' aizen, righ', ichi?" hichigo suddenly said, looking down at the form in the bed. Ichigo felt a pang of jealousy when he saw his partner look the brunette up and down. Why couldn't hichigo look at him like that?

"yes. That names gonna be on the news tomorrow, so ya better get used to it" ichigo grinned fake-ly.. The knife he was holding came down suddenly, piercing the skin and the skull of the governor. Blood spurted everywhere, covering both hichigo and ichigo with the sweet, thick liquid. They're eyes went immediately to the blood continuously blotting out, falling to the sides of Aizen's face. It was almost…..too easy.

Eyes shot wide vastly, before closing almost immediately. Ichigo watched, along with hichigo, as the governor breathed a few lasting breaths. Then all was silent. Again. As ichigo was saying, it was too easy. He wanted more of a thrill of that catch, as did hichigo. Ah, well. you can't ask for too much, can you? No.

"next time I call the killin'. Ill make 'im suffer more" hichigo muttered, stepping back while blooding his fingers. Without a thought, he brought his hands into his mouth, sucking of the red liquid on his fingers. Mmmm…. The sweet taste of blood….

"yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that. Now let's go." Ichigo scoffed, silently watching pale fingers covered in blood slowly making their way in and out of the albinos mouth. Before he got caught, however, he turned his head. Shit. It's a wonder how ichigo is never caught staring…..

The orangette made his way to the window, followed by his under.

"hmph" hichigo glared at his cold boss. Seriously, he needs to loosen up a little! Well, more than a little. More like a lot. He's a total prick, in more ways than one. Maybe not in bed, though…wait, wah? Hichigos face screwed up a bit at the thought. but then again…what would ichigo be like in bed? Screamy? Moany? Slutty?

Deprived of a second glance, hichigo and his boss made their way out of the window. Ichigo went first, jumping out quickly while landing on his feet. The orangette had been doing that thing since he was at least seven, so yeah; he knew how to jump out of windows without falling. He didn't think hichigo knew, though. Which he was prepared to laugh for that.

'damn….is that graceful…' hichigo thought, stepping out of the windowsill also. He jumped too, only to fall precisely and tumble into the bushes. Hichigos eyes widened as he fell, almost wishing he didn't even attempt it. Now ichigo would probably think he was an idiot! Wha – SHIT! A loud yell was let out from the albino, along with a scrambling of trees and twigs. Now THAT fucking hurt, man.

"h-hichigo!" ichigo gasped, moving forward to help the teen who recently fell. He didn't exactly expect that. When he got to hichigo, he was standing with branches and cuts aligning his body. Brown mixed with white, making the albino look…dirty…..

Ichigo couldn't hold back a laugh as he saw hichigo stand, holding his rear end and groaning. So, without thinking, he shook his head. Oh, shit. That was just too funny.

"well…you need to work on your landings… that's for sure…" ichigo murmured, while stepping forward. hichigo froze, due to the close proximity of the two teens. He could almost feel ichigo breath on him, coming off in low, shallow breaths. Ichigo looked a bit…lusty? Hichigo couldn't tell.

"Oh, shut it…" hichigo found himself scowling, turning his head to the side. Hmph. Not everyone is Mr. Perfect. Geeze.

"mmm…" ichigo murmured, before lifting his hand to brush the dirt away from the albinos face. Next he took his hand and laid it on top of hichigos head, slowly working out the twigs that entangled in his hair from the fall.

"w-what the fuck are you d-doing?" hichigo asked, subconsciously pleasured by the feeling of ichigos hands rub through his hair. He shivered a bit, and ichigo noticed this almost immediately. Ichigo was always to perspective. It sometimes ticked him off that the orangette knew exactly what he was thinking, without him having to express it.

Stupid boss.

"im getting the stuff off you…see?" ichigo held up a twig in front of hichigos face, a playful smirk crawling on his own. If hichigo acted like this more often, he should start harassing the albino. Seriously.

"hmph" was the only thing the albino said, before stepping out of his higher up's grasp. Stupid playful bastard. "we should go" he said, before turning away from the gaze that held him.

Aw, was poor hichigo pissed from being picked on? Hmmmm?

"yeah" ichigo agreed, while jumping up into the night. Hichigo soon followed, consumed by an uncomfortable silence.

That left both teens to their own thoughts. Hichigos heart was beating rapidly, going thump-thump over and over. What the fuck had just happened? Ichigo was just so….close. like, really close. And that look too, almost glazed over in pleasure. So, whats up with that? Now, don't get him wrong. He liked it alright. More than he'd like to. But he did like it. But the albino just didn't know why. Did he like ichigo more than he thought he did? More than a partner? A friend? Was he…something else? Wait, why is a fucking assassin thinking this anyway? He's supposed to be a killing machine, not an emotional bastard. Shit.

Ichigos own mind was rummaging. What had gotten into him? is he stupid? You can't have sexual preferences with your partner! Even though that was never really determined….but still! It's not like he liked hichigo, right? Right? …right?

Sometimes ichigo hated when he doubted himself.

The wind whipped violently from side to side, trees following the distinguished breeze. The darkness was consuming to no end, but as ichigo and hichigo had said, they liked it that way. As they whisked throughout the night, their minds were racing drastically. From thoughts about assignations, to thoughts about what happened not long ago. A series of emotions passed between the two's faces. Anger, perplexing, confusion, dazzled, even baffled snuck its way in there.

After a while of running, they made it back to the abandoned subway. They made their way down in silence, not letting anyone else in the night see them. Neither of them didn't need their hideout found, did they? No. which is why they had to go in unnoticed, and out, unnoticed.

"ah, I see your back, hichigo, ichigo" their friend rangeku said, tilting her head as they made their way past the lasting steps. Ichigo mentally groaned. He didn't want to put p with the slut now….

"yeah." Ichigo stated solemnly, turning away from his friend. Usually he'd at least acknowledge her, but he didn't feel like it today. He was too worn out from what happened not long ago. Which pissed him off more than anything, with his emotions getting in the way and everything. The orangette hated to admit it, but he was very emotional. Some things just came off of him in waves…..

"is something wrong with ichigo?" rangeku whispered in the albinos ear, making hichigo quirk up an eyebrow. Yeah, something was wrong. The asshole. Mr. Albino sighed. Yeah, something was wrong. Which he didn't know what exactly. Did ichigo despise himself for doing such a thing? Somehow he thought that was it, but to be honest, he wasn't sure. Why was ichigo so…iffy?

"yeah, but don't go into it" hichigo stated, glaring at his friend. He didn't want rangeku into their personal business, let alone in any of their business. Sometimes the energetic slut would just piss the two off. Like now, they were pissed off.

Rangeku stiffened a bit at the serious gaze that held her, but soon enough she sighed. Something happened between the two, but she couldn't put her finger on it. What exactly was it….? "ok. You can go back to your dorm with your partner now." She stated, while turning to look at ichigo.

Hichigo nodded, taking another look at the orangette. He was looking away, completely oblivious to the stare he was getting. Mmm….

"ichigo. It's time to go" hichigo said, while taking a step forward to meet ichigos gaze.

The orangettes head snapped up instantly. He looked at hichigo, who had a mild look of concern laced on his features. Oh well. It looked like both of them didn't want to talk about what happened til at least they got somewhere alone, and quite frankly, ichigo was okay with that. Actually he was okay with not mentioning it at all. But he knew that wasn't going to happen. Hichigo was too straightforward for that; he learned a long time ago.

"ok" he said, emotion nowhere near laced in his voice. It was a sober sound, sort of like a whisper. Really, what had gotten into him? he usually didn't let his emotions leak out when people were around him, it was only when ichigo was alone. Why did it just…pile out now?

Without another word, both teens made their way down the curling steps, going far beyond the subway grounds. It was a secret passage; one that was known to no one but the people belonging to shinigami inc. as usual.

As ichigo followed the albino behind, he couldn't get hichigo out of his head. The way his crazed face was when he killed, the look on him when he wanted blood. The look when he was nice, mean, angry, fascinated, it all confused ichigo. Something back there set him off, but he didn't know what. The knife that ichigo gave hichigo to lick? The way hichigo stared into his back as they moved to kill the governor? It was just so confusing.

After about fifteen minutes of trying to sort out his emotions, ichigo and his partner made it to his dorm. There was a gothic 'zero' stationed on the front, signaling where they were to be staying. You see, that's how everyone knows where they stay. Numbers. Most felt like they were in a jail cell like this, but no one could really bring themselves to care. They were hidden, and that was all that was needed. Safe, and hidden.

Hichigo eyed the orangette for quite a while, and when they reached their dorm, he couldn't take it anymore. Swiftly he turned, which caught the orangette by surprise. He stopped, staring into the albinos yellow orbs quizzically.

"w-what?" ichigo asked. The albino looked deep in thought, which almost…what? Scared the orangette? Ichigo didn't get scared. Was he out of his mind? He was a fucking badass assassin! Assassins didn't get fucking scared! Let alone ichigo – fucking – kurosaki.

"what the fucks going on with you?" hichigo said bluntly, crossing his arms across his chest while looking at ichigo squarely. He saw the orangette freeze, which only made the albino more curious. What was he, scared? He, shirosaki hichigo, could make an assassin SCARED? Since when?

"what has you thinking that there's something wrong with me?" ichigo snapped back, flinching at his own harshness. Damn, he's snippy. Ichigos just needed to get away from the albino, that's it! Get away, and then he's good. Like, leave somewhere. But he knew that wouldn't happen. They were partners, after all. Shittttttt….

Ichigo tried to bolt around hichigo to grab the apartment knob, but only brushed his finger-tips against it, because hichigo stuck out his arm to prevent him from going further. The arm dug heavily into his lower chest, almost choking him. never go at full speed again, damn. Ichigo choked.

"where, exactly do you think you're going?" hichigo whispered into the others ear, causing ichigo to shiver despite the closeness.

"inside." Ichigo muttered, trying to squirm away from the albino. But no avail - the albino had a frickin steel grip. Just his luck, like a guy who's the same strength as him. Way to go ichigo, you're the best. Not.

"no yer not" hichigo said sullenly, sighing as he pulled ichigo back to stand in front of him. somehow this ichigo was so different from the killing ichigo. So…riled up? Or just hyper? Or…nervous? More that he thought about it, ichigo did look a bit nervous. Well, more than a bit. He was actually off the charts of nervousness – if that's what it was.

"hichigo, let me in" ichigo growled. He was losing his patience. Fast. And no one, no one, liked pissed off ichigo. More than one person would be killed, he was sure.

"no" hichigo pressed on, glaring at ichigo with the same fierceness he was receiving. Oh, he wouldn't give a fuck, though. He knew what was wrong with ichigo now – it just clicked. Ichigo liked him, and not like as a was like, like. Like liking as a boyfriend, or something. And he just realized this? After how long? five years? Was he fucking STUPID? That look that ichigo always had from killing was still there, but some of it was probably being able to kill next to the albino. Why hadn't he realized it….sooner?

"it makes sense now…" hichigo murmured.

"w-what makes sense?" ichigo sputtered out, looking at hichigo. That light that he saw in the albinos eyes weren't from nowhere, how did that happen? Did he realize something? Judging from the look on his face, he did. But…what did he know?

"this" hichigo stated. Without a word he turned around, opening the door. It swung open with a loud creak, but hichigo either didn't notice, or didn't care. The albino turned swiftly, yanking ichigo in the door with him. the orangette almost fell into the albinos chest, but he caught the teen as he closed the door with his foot.

The next thing ichigo knew, was that he was on the couch with hichigo hovering him. ichigo gasped at the fast pace hichigo seemed to have, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Hichigo was on top of him. hichigo ogichi shirosaki was fucking on top f him, breathing so closely its hard to ignore him.

"h-hichigo?" ichigo queried, looking up at hichigo with wide eyes. His tanned hands were pushed up against the albinos chest, in a fake attempt to push the pale teen off of him. not working.

Hichigo narrowed his eyes greatly, scanning the other teens face. There was that shyness again – stronger now. So he was right, ichigo really liked him!

With warning hichigo leaned down, crushing the two's lips together. Ichigo froze in shock for a few moments, not really knowing what was going on. Hichigo was kissing him, pushing him against a couch….? But his lips were so soft….so…white….

Before he knew it, the orangette was kissing back fiercely. Their lips were locked, ichigos hands roaming the pale teens chest un-knowingly to him. it supplied a moan that broke the kiss, hichigo leaning onto ichigo for support. The orangette was panting while looking up at hichigo wide, questioning eyes, as if asking him what brought that on. Honestly, hichigo didn't know. He just did what felt right at the time. And that, that felt a hell of a lot more than right. It felt….completely…awesome.

Not seconds later hichigo brought this kiss back, his lips lunging hungrily into the orangettes soft, plump lips. When he hurt ichigo whimper he grinned into the kiss, letting his tongue pop out to run against ichigos lips. Without much hesitation ichigo opened, letting hichigo take control of the lip-lock. The albinos teal tongue peeped out, delving into ichigos warm heat. Holy shit, it was like….pure bliss. Ichigo was as soft as the albino thought, almost fragile in a sense. Other than in bed, he bet, ichigo was not fragile. Or was this something that only he got to see? He'd never know.

"a-ah…h-hichigo….dont…." ichigo murmured into the albinos lips, trying to weakly push him away. Though, no avail, because hichigo continued to ravish him.

"don't?" hichigo brought his gaze to the orangette, who was looking to the side. He didn't make eye-contact with the albino, which angered him. why couldn't ichigo look him in the eye? Was he ashamed? What, did ichigo alone not get to handle pleasures?

"its….it's not right…" ichigo murmured, still not making eye-contact with his partner. He gulped, closing his eyes. He was stupid! They were fucking partners, they shouldn't be doing something like this! What was wrong with him? since when did he subject to his own desires? Fuck. Something's really wrong here.

Hichigo growled. Why was it so bad? Ichigo seemed to like him, and damn, if he didn't like ichigo back. What was the problem? "its not right? How the fuck is it not right?"

The orangette suddenly turned to hichigo with a sharp look. Hidden desire was masked under his dark eyelashes, but otherwise, ichigos face was stone. "were partners. We kill people with eachother. A relationship is something that would just get in the way! Don't you realize that?" damn, ichigo. You need to calm down. Breathe, just breathe…..slowly…. aw, fuck. It aint working!

Hichigo stayed silent for the longest time, only staring at ichigo. Over and over, those words worked their way into his mind. A relationship is something that would just get in the way! Is that… what it was? Something that ichigo only saw as something that got in his way? Like a tick, a fly? Did it…even mean anything to ichigo? Guess not. fine. Fuck him. fuck ichigo. Fuck his self-absorbed, glutton, asshole of an attitude. Fuck everything.

Without saying a word, hichigo pushed himself off of ichigo. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a worried gaze cast his way, but fuck, he didn't care. Ichigo didn't seem to care about him. so what the fuck? He shouldn't care about ichigo.

"Wai-" ichigo said, standing up to catch the albinos arm. His fingers only grazed hichigos wrist, before it was pulled away.

"don't fucking touch me" hichigo snarled. A relationship is something that would just get in the way! Those words kept prodding ins his mind, shutting off any other emotions. Shock. Hurt. Hate. Those were things that were happening right about now, things that went through the albinos mind.

With that, hichigo turned, and raced off into his room. A loud 'slam!' was heard, only making ichigo flinch.

Just what had he done?