I don't own anything from the Legend of Zelda.
Or Nintendo. Which sucks.
Anyway, it's a short one today.
I haven't written a fan fiction in months.
Tell me what you think, whatever it may be.
The day was just as bright as any other. The Hyrulian sun shone down over all of Hyrule, gracing all of the land with beams of warm, brilliant light. Link, walking out of Kokori forest, had just finished visiting Saria. As he mounted Epona and began his journey back to Hyrule Castle, memories of him and Zelda emerged inside his head.
Link's P.O.V. :
I remember it so well. From the gleam in her eye, the comfort of her smile, the warmth of her embrace. When we rode through Hyrule, just me and her. The sunset was forever engraved into my heart. Everything felt so perfect..
Zelda's P.O.V. :
Every day, it's the same thing. I don't know why I do it anymore. Everyday, I strive from the same thing… Perfection. I've never known what it was, or what it meant. Why am I searching for something so obviously unattainable? What's the point in wasting my time?
As the sun began to hide behind the mountains, Hyrule Castle drew nearer. Finally reaching the drawbridge and crossing it, Link walked along the shops and attractions that were located in Castle Town.
Link's P.O.V. :
I can't help, but recall our first date.. The only one I've ever had, the best I'll ever have.. The sound of her laugh and the endearing way she speaks, the elegance that she is.. The joy she emanates is contagious.. No one's ever been so perfect..
Zelda's P.O.V. :
Perfection. That's what I'm expected to be, yet I'm still unaware of it's true meaning. This character I become for the sake of everyone else is not genuine.. Therefore it's not perfection.. I no longer laugh, I never have. None of my actions or emotions are sincere. I can no longer give what people want of me. I have never been perfect.
The moon now in the sky, the star's light accompanied Link as he reached the Zelda's Castle.
Link's P.O.V. :
I want nothing more than to be with her. The ultimate figure of beauty, grace and wisdom. She's like no other, she is incomparable. Zelda is the only person worth loving, she is the meaning perfection.
Zelda's P.O.V. :
I don't love anyone. I don't enjoy anything. I seems as if I'm an empty shell, nothing more. It's as if I was put here to serve the purpose of others; to be absolutely flawless. I tearing apart, I'm useless now. If I can't be perfect.. Why be?
Link's footsteps could be heard down the castle's corridor. Reaching the floor where Zelda's bedroom was, he smiled to himself. As he opened the door to her boudoir, he suddenly becomes numb. Anticipating the sight of his beloved, he instead got the sight of his perfect Zelda, hanging from the ceiling of her room with a noose around her neck. A beautiful empty shell, that will never be perfect.