A Change of Spark
Chapter 1: Choosing Sides

'Interesting,' Starscream thought as he watched the Autobots and Megatron quarrel.

The Seeker still had the yellow youngling in his grasp. And, for the moment, he was trying to take advantage of the jet-former's distraction to escape and help his teammates.

Starscream didn't understand it.

He didn't understand a lot of things at present.

The only being to ever defeat him in hand to hand, or any type of combat for that matter, had always been Megatron. That had been true until several months ago. Somehow, this Prime and his group of Autobot misfits, had not only kept him from getting his claws on the All Spark, but had also blown him sky high.

Then they managed to beat both Lugnut and Blitzwing. Starscream wouldn't say this to them, but the two were decent enough warriors. However, together, they were almost unbeatable…When they stopped arguing and actually worked together.

And now, even with the odds turned greatly against them, Prime and his teammates continued to fight.

He didn't understand why they didn't just surrender.

Then again, why didn't he, Starscream, give into Megatron?

The yellow mech's struggling brought Starscream's thoughts back to the present, and before he knew what he was saying, the words slipped out. "Cloud, would stop struggling so much? I'm trying to think."

The Autobot froze and looked at Starscream with a raised optic ridge. "What was your energon spiked with?" he asked.

Starscream growled and mentally slapped himself. How, in Primus' name, had he confused this annoying brat with his…

His spark froze as memories of his old life came to his processor. He pushed those wonderful, yet painful memories to the back of his mind.

"Shut up Autobot!" he spat at the youngling.

The mech didn't know it, but Starscream was actually keeping him safe by keeping up there. If he let him fight Megatron, the youngster would be turned into scrap metal. The part of Starscream's spark that was still fond of sparklings and younglings refused to let that happen.

He looked back to the battle, Prime was losing and two of his Autobots were down for the count.

"What to do, what to do?" the Seeker inquired aloud.

He smirked; he would admit to himself that there was still a piece of his spark that wanted nothing more to do with this war. However, the Decepticon part was larger and more dominant in him now. He juggled the Autobot, greatly enjoying his yelp of surprise and his yelling at the Seeker to stop.

"Do I help you Autobots take Megatron down?" He stopped juggling the Autobot and grabbed him by the neck and held him over the edge of Sumdac Tower and sneered. "Or severe Megatron until a better opportunity to destroy him presents itself?"

The Autobot looked down at the ground then back at Starscream. The Seeker could see the fear in the youngling's optics easily. It made him want to attempt to calm the youngling. To reassure him. But, yet again, he pushed those accursed feelings back down.

"Decisions, decisions."

He wasn't really going to drop the Autobot; he wasn't that cruel to end a child's life.

But he was at a loss as to what to do.

He brought the youngling from over the edge and stared down at the battle again.

Megatron had Prime on his back, his sword in servo and a murderous look in his optics. The Prime would be killed and Megatron would win. He'd eventually find the All Spark and become all powerful. The Autobots as a whole would fall.

All his instincts as a Decepticon told him to side with Megatron. However, another sense told him not to. Whether it was his self preservation instinct or what was left of his conscience or both, he wasn't sure.

But when he saw Prime's face; fearful but defiant, for the first time in several vorns, Starscream listened.

The Seeker set the youngling Autobot down. The young mech looked up at him dumbfounded. Starscream pointed to the structure they were standing on and stated one command, "Stay."

He fired up his thrusters then flew towards Megatron at top speed. The last thing Optimus saw before passing out, was Starscream ramming into Megatron and sending the larger mech tumbling forward.

The Seeker smirked as he landed in front of the Prime and crossed his arms over his cockpit. Megatron got up and glared bloody murder at his second as the other two Decepticons stared at him with shock.

"Starscream! How dare you betray me!"

The Seeker shook his helm and chuckled. "You can drop the act Megatron. You and I both know it was me who nearly off-lined you."

Megatron looked shocked…for half a nano-second, before smirking and chuckling. "My little ruse didn't fool you then?"

"Please Megatron. It doesn't take a genius to figure out you attacked me on the tower. And you didn't make me your second-in-command for nothing."

Megatron sneered. "Quite true. Quite true. But that doesn't explain why you're helping this pathetic excuse for an Autobot."

The Seeker chuckled again. "Have you never heard the saying, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'?"

He shifted his weight from one ped to the other and saw Megatron's optics watch the way hips moved, lingering on his legs and pelvic armor. 'Perverted slagger.'

He uncrossed his arms and pointed a null-ray behind himself. "Blitzwing, put your cannons back up," he stated without looking away from Megatron whose optics widened in shock.

Starscream smiled coyly and explained, "I saw you move your servo."

Megatron had been making signs for the other two Decepticons to attack Starscream. The Seeker heard a click that signified his command had been obyed.

He pointed his null-ray from Blitzwing to Megatron, his gaze hardening.

"This is between you and me."

Starscream assessed the situation. The only ones who could help him were down. Megatron had the better weapons and the key. Starscream knew if they tyrant hit him with that, he'd be unconscious like the Autobots…

Or worse…

Maybe he could use that new fighting technique he was learning?

Without warning, Megatron attacked, bringing Starscream out of his thoughts. The Seeker ignited his thrusters and dodged the sword that came mere inches from cutting him in two. A cry of pain escaped his vocalizer when Megatron left a huge gash in his unprotected side. Starscream ignored the pain and moved with speed unmatched by any ground-bound mech.

Megatron yelped in shock when the Seeker was inside his reach. Starscream grabbed his arm and wrenched it until the mech dropped his sword. The Seeker used his free arm to fire several null-ray shots at the larger mech's abdomen.

Megatron yowled in both pain and surprise. Starscream had always kept his distance when fighting him. He always relied on his speed, agility, and his flying capabilities. He never got, literally, up in his face.

'Son of a fragging glitch!' the warlord swore as he tried and failed to get a hold on Starscream, who constantly ducked and weaved out of his grasp. 'Have to get him away! Have to get him away!'

Starscream used Megatron's larger size against him as he remained inside his reach and continuously shot at, punched, kicked, or clawed pressure points he was aware of in the mech's body.

Megatron tried to grab him again, only to have him duck and strike him in the throat with the brunt of his arm. Megatron grabbed his neck and coughed and was caught off guard as his opponent took the opportunity to hit him in his badly scorched abdomen.

Megatron yelled and lurched forward.

'What in Primus' name! Where did he learn to do that?'

However, the position gave him the opportunity he needed. Starscream had backed away so he wouldn't be knocked over. As the Seeker was about to deliver another kick, Megatron recovered enough to grab his ped and fling him toward the nearest building.

Starscream yelped, then screamed as he was flung into a structure.

Megatron remained where he was and started firing his fusion canon at the spot. He heard several pained screams for a few nano-klicks, then they died down. When he stopped firing, he cautiously made his way toward where the jet-former now lay.

He found Starscream on his back, optics off-lined and scorch marks all over his armor.

Megatron ran a quick scan over him and found the Seeker was still alive, but out cold. He stared at him in awe. The Seeker had never caused much damage to him before. Yet he actually managed to mangle Megatron a bit this time around.

Thankfully, he had equally mangled the jet.

"Do we finish them Lord Megatron?" Blitzwing inquired in icy mode.

Megatron looked at his other unconscious foes, then shook his head. "Leave them. The All Spark takes precedence over a few insignificant Autobots and a traitor. Besides, I have something much more productive in mind for Starscream than being killed in his recharge."

"…Like what my Lord?" Lugnut asked.

Megatron chuckled evilly. "Making him mine, completely."

He would let Lugnut and Blitzwing interpret that as they would. But for now, they had more important things to worry about.

Megatron raised his fist that held the key and shouted, "Decepticons; transform and rise up!" A light shined from the key in the direction of the All Spark. Blitzwing and Lugnut transformed, then Megatron followed.

He led the way with Sari's key toward the All Spark.


Little did Megatron know, there was another mech that had been watching the battle.

The Cybertronian walked towards the unconscious Seeker, a piece of cloth wrapped tightly around several different Cybertronian herbs.

The mech was an older Seeker. His armor was dark misty grey with splashes of All Spark blue on his arm guards, peds, and the stripe and tips of his wings. His optics were an icy blue and his finger tips were clawed like Starscream's. He had lines on his face, like Ratchet that indicated his elderly age. But, while old, he was still quite handsome and capable of defending himself.

The jet took the Transformers equivalent of a lighter from his subspace and lit the cloth. He allowed it to burn for a few nano-klicks before blowing it out and kneeling beside the younger Seeker. He held it near Starscream's olfactory sensors and waited for the smoke to take effect.

"Gah!" Starscream exclaimed as he on-lined and smacked the other Seeker's hand away, gagging at the foul smelling smoke.

"What in Primus' name is that?" he spat on-lining his optics. He froze when he saw the elderly Seeker.

"It's an herbal remedy meant to awaken those who are unconscious," the older of the two answered.

Starscream looked away, the appearance of shame coming to his features. "Weren't as prepared as you thought you were, eh Starscream?"

"It could've ended worse."

"True, you could be dead. Now let's take care of your friends. You'll need to hurry if you're going to stop that tyrant."

"They're not my friends."

"But they are the only allies you have now."

The Seeker left the younger and went to each of the three Autobots; holding the cloth to their olfactory sensors until they awoke from their forced recharge.

When Optimus on-lined his optics, he stared at the older Cybertronian in confusion. "Who are you?"

"My name is Auron. Myself and my apprentice are here to help you."

Optimus blinked several times before sitting up. He looked the old Seeker over; finding him no threat, he looked at each member of his team.

When his optics rested on Starscream, he reacted.

"Starscream!" He made to grab his ax, only to have Auron grab his wrist.

"Peace young one. He's my apprentice. If it weren't for him, you'd be dead right now."

Optimus stared at Starscream, whom was busy tending to his wounded side. "Why did you help us?" he inquired.

Starscream smirked and chuckled evilly. "Please Autobot. I'm helping myself."

Auron sighed. "Please excuse my apprentice's rude behavior. But I'm afraid there is no time to waste."

At that moment, Professor Sumdac came running toward them. He looked at each of the recovering Autobots then the two Seekers before stating, "This is all my fault."

"You had nothing to do with this Professor," Optimus tried to reassure.

"Actually, he did," Starscream interjected flatly.

"Starscream, silence." Auron did not shout, but the tone in which he spoke made the younger Seeker obey.

"No, he's right," the professor admitted, "I rebuilt Megatron." That's when he began his story of how he found Megatron's head, and how he reversed engineered him to create his robotic empire.

Starscream chuckled bitterly, earning him a glare from his teacher. "You humans," he began, "Always meddling in things you have no business meddling with. And now, because of you, the worst mech alive is back."

"Starscream, enough," Auron warned his apprentice.

Sumdac shook his head. "But he's right."

Auron looked down at the human and stated, "We all make mistakes my brother. It's what we do after the mistake is made that determines who we are. My apprentice still has much to learn. And I am deeply sorry if he offended you."

Professor Sumdac looked at the Seeker with awe. "You are very wise, Mr…."

"Auron. But none of this matters now."

"He's right," Optimus agreed, "We need to stop Megatron from getting the All Spark."

"How?" Bulkhead asked dismally, "I'm so banged up I can't even transform into a trash bin."

Starscream ignited his thrusters and hovered while attempting to transform into his harrier jet mode. "Gah! The Autobot has a point, I'm afraid. I don't have the power to transform either."

"Do my audios deceive me?" Auron asked, looking at the Autobots and Decepticon traitor. "Did I just hear you lot give up?"

"Master Auron, without meaning disrespect," Starscream began, "Megatron has the child's key. With it he could kill us without a second thought."

Auron shook his head. "You managed to weaken him Starscream. He won't be at full strength."

"But what about the other two?" Prowl asked.

Auron answered, "What about them? All they have is a key. We can beat them if we think and combine our skill."

"Sari's key!" Sumdac exclaimed. "There may still be some residual energy in my lab equipment."

Auron stroked his chin. "If I can harness that energy, I may be able to heal you all."

Optimus quirked an optic ridge, "You can do that?"

Auron nodded. "It should be quite simple with someone of my training."

"Okay." Optimus looked at Starscream hesitantly before asking, "Could you, uh….." he pointed to the roof of Sumdac tower. "…Get Bumblebee?"

"The youngling? Easily. Be back in a klick." Starscream zoomed upward to fetch the youngster.

"Do you have someone watching the All Spark?" Auron questioned.

Optimus nodded. "Our medic, Ratchet."

"I hope he can hold off Megatron long enough for me to complete my task."


Everyone watched in amazement as Auron summoned and held what little All Spark energy was left in the machines in the palm of his hand. The energy moved as smoothly as water and pulsed in time with the elderly Seeker's spark.

He divided the power equally among the mechs in the room, then sat down, breathing heavily.

"Auron," Starscream began, walking toward the other Seeker, slightly concerned for his well being. "Are you…"

"I'm fine Starscream. It's just been a while since I've handled any type of All Spark energy."

"It's not exactly battle grade," Optimus stated, checking his systems over, "But it's enough to get us back on our stabilizing servos."

Starscream sneered at the Autobot. "It's more than enough Autobot."

"Starscream, temper."

The younger Seeker growled. He may have respected Auron enough to call him master and take his orders. But he still found it difficult to comply at times.

Auron looked at each Autobot and stated, "You still doubt."

"We aren't exactly academy material," Prowl began.

Bulkhead's shoulders sagged slightly and his optics were locked on the ground. "We're just repair bots."

Bumblebee huffed, "Don't forget undisciplined, insubordinate, malfunctions."

The older Seeker glanced at Optimus who looked a bit crest fallen. Starscream chuckled evilly, "Ouch. And I thought I was cold and harsh."

Auron glared at his apprentice. But the young leader surprised them both.

"I was out of line when I said that. And I'm sorry…Maybe you maintenance bots can teach this academy bot how to repair a few friendships?"

Auron smiled and stood up, finding his strength again. "It takes a person of good characters to admit when they're wrong and to apologize for their actions." Optimus looked at him. "You have much potential Prime. Maybe you could even tech me and my apprentice a few things."

Starscream laughed bitterly. "As if. I'd rather refuel on acid."

Auron raised his hand and slapped Starscream on the back of his helm. "Ouch!" The claws on Auron's servos added an extra sting to the blow.

"You still have much to learn Starscream," he stated plainly.

"Uh…If you don't mind my asking…" Optimus began, "What are you doing on Earth? And how is Starscream…"

"My apprentice?"

Optimus nodded.

"Well, I suppose explanations are in order. I'm a Neutral, and I used to live on the outer-rim territories for quite some time. I'm a skilled enough warrior and took Starscream under my wing about fifty stellar-cycles ago. He came to my home wounded. So I allowed him to stay and nursed him back to health. When I learned he was going after the All Spark, I made him a deal. I would teach him my style of fighting if he took me with him to find it."


"There will be time for that part of the story later. Right now, we need to get to your ship before Megatron does."

At that moment, Optimus' com link buzzed to life. "Prime, Ratchet. Three Decepticons on our tail."

"Do not engage," Optimus ordered, "Repeat, do not engage. We need to lead the 'Cons off planet first and keep Earth out of the crossfire."

"Copy that Prime. Over and out."

"That isn't going to work," Starscream stated knowingly. Optimus glared at him and asked, "And how do you know that?"

"Because I know Megatron. He's wounded and will become desperate to get what he wants. He will even sink to threatening this world and its inhabitants."

Auron nodded. "He's correct. Megatron wouldn't hesitate to murder ever last being of this world to get the All Spark."

"It's the only plan we've got."

Starscream groaned. "Suddenly I wish I sided with Megatron."

As they prepared to depart, Professor Sumdac spoke up, "Let me come with you."

"No Professor," Optimus tried to discourage, "It's too dangerous."

"But…I insist. I'm the one responsible for releasing Megatron in the first place. There must be something I can do."

"I'm not carrying him in my cockpit," Starscream stated flatly, igniting his thrusters and hovering outside, waiting for the others.

Auron shook his head and sighed, "Youth is wasted on the young."

The he glanced at Optimus. "Let the human come. He may be of help."

Optimus shook his helm, "Megatron'll crush him."

"That tyrant will be too occupied with us to bother with him."

"Can he even be trusted?" Prowl asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes Prowl. He made a mistake and was deceived. Nothing more."

"Uh, Autobots, Auron?"

"What about Sari?" Bumblebee asked.

"Autobots! Auron!"

"What is it Starscream?" Auron asked, looking at his apprentice.

Starscream pointed behind them with an annoyed look. They turned and saw their ship hovering above them and Sari standing before them with her hands on her waist. "What about me?" she asked.

The Autobots smiled at the sight of the young human and she continued, "If you gear-heads think I'm letting you out of my sight, you're nuts. And no the ones that come with bolts."

Optimus then noticed Ratchet standing at the entrance of the ship with his good magnet aimed at Starscream.

The Autobot leader attempted to explain to his medic Starscream's current change of spark. "Lower your weapon Ratchet. Starscream's on our side."

Ratchet didn't obey immediately. "How do we know he won't double cross us to save his own protoform?"

Starscream crossed his arms, "You don't."

At that moment, Megatron and his Decepticons appeared and opened fire. Starscream yelped and ducked as a fusion blast zoomed past.

"No time to argue!" Auron snapped, "Load up!"

He picked up the adult human while Optimus got Sari, then they all got on the ship.

When everyone was safely aboard, the vessel took off and Ratchet attempted to get them out of Earth's orbit. The Decepticons following right behind them.

"Hold on tight!" Ratchet shouted, activating the boosters.

Starscream and Auron dug their claws into the wall to stay on their peds. The Autobots had a little more trouble. Optimus crashed against the wall, dropping Sari. Before Starscream knew what came over him, he reached out and caught her before she could hit the cold, hard, metallic floor.

"Let go! Let go of me Decepticon creep!" she demanded, banging on his fist as he held her.

Starscream snarled. "Don't tempt me youngling."

"Oh dear, this is all my fault," the professor exclaimed holding onto Auron's claws.

"What is Dad? And who are you?" she asked, pointing at Auron.

"Explain later," Bumblebee answered, staying on the ground.

Starscream smirked as he answered Sari's first question. "Your father dearest rebuild Megatron in his lab."

"You built Megatron in your lab?"

"On the bright side," Ratchet began, "I don't feel so bad about losing your key."

Starscream chuckled. He found he liked Ratchet a little more than he thought. Not that he'd ever tell him that.

Auron on the other servo shook his head. "This is one of the reasons I'm a Neutral."

At that moment the ship shook and they all fell to the ground. Optimus crawled up to Ratchet and pulled himself up with the control panel. "What happened?"

"We've been hit!" Ratchet exclaimed.

"Worse," Starscream corrected, "We're going down!"

The whole ship shook and anyone who attempted to get up, fell back down.

"This isn't good!" Bumblebee exclaimed, clinging to the ground.

"I told you that "lead them of planet" strategy wouldn't work!" Starscream spat.

"How about we not play the blame game and think of another strategy!" Auron suggested coldly.

Just as the ship was about to crash, Ratchet managed to pull up and fly toward an island. They landed ungracefully in the side of a mountain.

"Damn," Starscream swore, pushing himself up to his knees.

"Everyone in one piece?" Optimus asked.

As Starscream rubbed the back of his aching helm, Auron answered, "We are all functioning Prime."

The ship was hit by another blast. Starscream braced his free servo on the floor to stay up as the ship shook, then stated, "Not for long. Even with the damage I caused, Megatron still has enough power to keep coming."

Auron sat Sumdac down and Starscream did the same with Sari. Both Seekers stood up. Auron looked at Optimus and stated, "Come. We must stop Megatron here. Or all is lost."

Optimus nodded and ran toward the exit. The Autobot leader looked down at the humans and stated, "Stay with the ship. We'll hold them off as long as we can."

"And then what?" Sari inquired.

The Autobots, Neutral, and traitor left without giving an answer.

As they left the ship, Optimus stated, "If we go down, we go down fighting. Together. And I can't think of a better group I'd rather stand alongside with."

"I got a better idea, Prime," Starscream suggested, hovering above the Autobots with the other Seeker. "Let's not go down at all. I didn't side with you just to die."

Auron smirked, "Don't worry Starscream. There are many more battles in our future."

"Autobots and…Seekers, we must protect the All Spark at all costs." The Prime slide his battle mask into place and the Autobots stood in defensive and attack positions, while the Seekers got into their aerial attack poses.

At that moment, Lugnut zoomed down. Bulkhead leaped up and grabbed onto the large Decepticon, forcing him to crash land several yards away.

Auron looked at Starscream and stated, "I will help Bulkhead with the brute. You stay and help them." Starscream nodded as Auron flew to Bulkhead's aid.

The Seeker watched as Blitzwing came to swoop in, then he looked down at the Autobots. Ratchet had his good magnet ready and Bumblebee had his stingers out.

"Kid, electromagnetic pulse."

The two combined their electrical attacks and sent it at the triple changer.

Starscream landed behind and between the two and asked, "How about a little null-ray power?"

He powered up his null-rays and channeled them into a beam as he fired and combined it with the electrical energy, making it even more powerful.

The attack not only took out Blitzwing's electrical systems, but also damaged him as he fell. Starscream smirked at the triple-changer's scream of pain and panic as he fell.


Meanwhile, Bulkhead and Auron had their servos full with Lugnut.

"What a brute," the Seeker commented to Bulkhead.

"Yeah, he's huge. And with those mods, he's stronger than me."

Auron chuckled. "Oh my, my, my. Bulkhead, bigger and stronger doesn't mean he's better. It simply means it's easier to use his abilities and size against him."


"Watch and learn my young friend."

As Auron ran toward Lugnut, the Decepticon exclaimed, "Fool! No one can stand before the mighty Megatron!"

Auron laughed as he side flipped a punch and, like Starscream did with Megatron, got within Lugnut's reach.

"A piece of advice, large one…"

Auron aimed at unprotected gaps in Lugnut's armor and transformer seams and struck them with his claws. Lugnut attempted to grab him, but his bulk slowed him down. Auron continued to make quick slashing motions with his claws, damaging to soft protoform flesh beneath Lugnut's armor and causing the large mech to bleed.

All in all, the damage was minimal. But it hurt like the Pit and made it harder for Lugnut to move.

Bulkhead watched the Seeker in amazement. He was quicker and more skilled than any Autobot he had ever seen. Auron flipped over Lugnut's head as he lunged forward in an attempt to grab him with both arms.

Once the jet was behind him, he flicked his wrist and a blade slide from his arm. He slashed into a transformer seam in Lugnut's back and pushed the blade into it, causing the mech to howl in misery. When Auron removed the blade, the colossal mech fell over.

The Seeker walked in front of the fallen Decepticon before finishing his previous sentence. "Get a new idol."

He then turned to Bulkhead, a slight smirk on his face. The Autobot blinked several times then asked, "How'd you do that?"

"My wrist blades were dipped with a toxin that sedates my opponents. This should be enough to keep him under for a while."

"Auron watch out!" Bulkhead made his servo into a wrecking ball and flung it forward.

The older Cybertronian ducked and heard a loud clang, then a grunt/moan of pain, and he felt the ground shake again as Lugnut once again hit the earth.

He looked at the unconscious giant before stating, "Than again, maybe not." He looked at Bulkhead and continued, "Thank you, my brother."

Bulkhead smiled, "It was nothing."


Starscream and Optimus dodged fusion blasts while Bumblebee and the other two Autobots went after Blitzwing.

"Starscream! I'll make you suffer for this treachery!" Megatron exclaimed as he fired at the jet once again.

Starscream knew Megatron still had the better weapon, but he wasn't moving as quickly as before and his actions were becoming more predictable. It appeared he hurt him worse than either he or the silver mech originally thought.

But he didn't let his ego get the best of him. Too many times in the past, that had been his downfall. Not this time.

"Prime," he began, landing beside the Autobot, "I trust you have a plan?"

"I'm working on it."

Megatron aimed and fired the most powerful fusion blast he could manage. The Seeker and mech didn't move fast enough to dodge it and flew several yards from where they stood before landing painfully on the hard ground.

"Now there's nothing to stop me from reaching the All Spark." As Megatron turned toward the ship, Optimus activated and fired his grapple. The gadget wrapped around Megatron's tail-boom and the tyrant dragged the Autobot along in the air.

"Nothing, except me!"

Starscream shook his head. After clearing the spots from his vision, he flew after them. He latched onto the Decepticon leader from underneath. "And me."

The combined weight forced Megatron to slow and weighed him down slightly. But it wasn't enough to stop him.

"Prime, we need that plan now!" the Seeker exclaimed.

The younger mech shouted the first thing that came to processor. "Shoot him!"

"Why didn't I think of that?"

While Starscream fired a null-ray at point blank range, Optimus threw his ax. Starscream released his grip and moved before the ax hit him. The combined assault on his already wounded chassis made Megatron yowl in pain and caused him to crash land.

Before Optimus could crash with him, Starscream reached out and grabbed his wrist. He tossed the mech up then caught him in his arms.

Optimus looked at the Seeker dumbly, thankful that his mask was up. He would hate to be seen blushing because of this.

"Think we got him?" Optimus inquired, trying to get his mind off how well muscled the protoform in Starscream's arms were.

"Hardly," the Seeker answered coldly, "Megatron never goes down that easily."

"That was easy?"

Before he could get an answer, Megatron reappeared in bipedal-mode with a roar of rage. He glowered at the Seeker and Autobot. His optics alone promised a painful and bloody demise for them both.

"You'll both pay for that."

A moment later, they all heard a loud crash. Followed by another. Starscream and Optimus looked in the direction the noise came from along with Megatron.

Starscream performed a long range scan and smiled when the results appeared before his optics. The Decepticon frequencies he pulled up were low, meaning they were off-lined. But the Autobots' and Auron's were still going strong.

He laughed before looking at Megatron. "It appears those "insignificant" Autobots just took out your "unbeatable" Decepticons."

Megatron snarled at his former second. "Starscream, I swear to Primus, you will regret this day."

Starscream only smirked.

Megatron lunged forward, but the Seeker dodged and went to the ground. He dropped the Autobot off before stating, "Go protect the All Spark. I'll hold off Megatron." Optimus obeyed without question and ran toward his ship while Starscream stood his ground.

Megatron landed several yards away, he had learned his lesson a while ago. No way was he going to risk the jet-former getting too close again.

"Starscream," the tyrant began, "Before I tear you apart, tell me why. Why are you betraying me?"

Starscream chuckled quietly and shook his head. "I'm not sure myself. At first I thought I attempted to take your life because I wanted the All Spark for myself and to lead the Decepticons in your place. But, I guess only time will tell my true intentions in all this."

Starscream lunged forward, attempting to get within Megatron's reach. However, the mech expected this. He raised his fusion cannon and blasted the Seeker in the cockpit.

Starscream tried to ignore the pain as the protective glass shattered, but failed. He howled in agony. The glass might have only been armor, but it still protected his spark and the fusion blast managed to get to it.

Megatron lunged and rammed into the Seeker. He activated his flight systems and used the traitor as a battering ram to get through the walls of the Autobots' ship and get into the hanger bay. Where the All Spark, Optimus, and Sari were.

The Autobot and human gapped at the Decepticon leader in fear as he took Starscream by the throat and tossed the half conscious Seeker to side. He landed on his back and was breathing heavily from the combined pain in his slightly damaged spark chamber and in his back, wing joints, and wings.

Megatron smirked, enjoying the sound of the Seeker's rapidly pulsing spark. "I'll deal with you later Starscream." Then he turned to his quarry, only to be met with Optimus coming at him.

The Autobot managed to ram the larger mech into a well, which only caused Megatron to laugh. "Our struggle end where it began Autobot. Aboard this ship."

He kicked the smaller mech away. Optimus aimed both his grapplers and fired, only for Megatron to grab them and tie him up with them. "Only this time, the All Spark is mine." He tossed the mech aside, causing him to land beside Starscream.

The Seeker moaned in pain as he got up and rubbed his aching helm. "Do we have a plan C, Prime?"

Megatron laughed again. "No plan will save you Starscream." He bent down and, after pushing Sari out of the way, opened the All Spark's casing and took the artifact out.

"At last, after four million stellar-cycles, the All Spark is mine."

"Oh slag," Starscream swore as he attempted to get up and only fell over again.

"And after I lay waste to this miserable planet, I will destroy the Autobot race and reclaim Cybertron for Decepticons."

"Do you ever shut up?" Starscream inquired acidly, while aiming a null-ray and firing. Megatron merely side stepped the weak attack before opening his chest plates and placing the All Spark beside his spark.

"This isn't good." The Seeker used his claws to slash through the grapple and freed Optimus. "We're in deep slag."

Megatron chuckled, "For once, you're right Starscream."

The silver giant walked toward the two wounded Cybertronians, then he suddenly lurched forward and yelped in surprise as an electric shock surrounded his being. He looked down and saw Professor Sumdac.

"I spent fifty years reverse engineering your robotic technology. I know how to disrupt your equilibrium sensors. Your 'Achilles heel' if you will."

Starscream stood and helped Prime up while Megatron was momentarily distracted. The Decepticon didn't notice that he had dropped Sari's key and that the girl had picked it up.

He growled at the human adult. He had had his fill of lesser beings thrashing him around for one day.

"While clever human, your work is far too superficial." The colossal mech stood up to his full height and looked down at Sumdac before continuing on, "Armor plating and servo mechanics? You know nothing of the spark at the core of all Cybertronians." Megatron sneered down at the human, "Let's see how you like being crushed under this 'Achilles heel'."

As he raised his ped to stomp the human, Optimus and Starscream attacked. They collided with the larger Cybertronian, keeping him away from Sumdac.

However, Starscream saw Megatron powering up the All Spark.

"Prime! MOVE!"

The Seeker yanked the Autobot out of the way and screamed in pain as Megatron blasted him in his exposed spark chamber with pure All Spark energy. Starscream fell to the ground, his spark barely clinging to life, before Megatron turned his attention to the stunned Prime.

He channeled the All Spark's power again and fired it at the Prime. But this attack wasn't as powerful as the first. It was meant to maim and torture, not kill. The ray of energy sent him flying and pinned him to a wall.

Megatron laughed. "You and your lot appoint yourselves 'protectors of the All Spark', yet you have no concept of its true power." Megatron walked closer to the Prime with every word, steadily increasing the power until he hovered over the Autobot.

Sari clutched her key and exclaimed, "Optimus!" before throwing it to the Autobot.

He caught it, then glared at Megatron before stating, "You want power?" He punched the ancient Cybertronian artifact that now rested in the Decepticon warlord's chest with the key and shouted, "Have your fill!"

The All Spark shattered and Megatron howled in pain and absolute agony. The All Spark energy surrounded him and was rapidly overloading his systems.

Optimus was dropped and the moment his peds touched the ground, he pushed the large mech away, causing him to fall on his hands and knees.

Optimus went to the wounded Seeker and grabbed him by his wrists. He pulled him away from Megatron, Sari following close behind.

The girl opened the hanger doors and Optimus, like he had done nearly fifty stellar-cycles prior, shoved Megatron out. The tyrant screamed as the All Spark's energy and power consumed him, then exploded.

Optimus and Sari retreated inside the ship and shielded themselves from the explosion. When they returned to the hanger doors, Megatron was nowhere in sight.

"What in the Well of All Sparks happened?"

Optimus and Sari looked down to see Auron flying up to them.

The elder Seeker forgot his question when he saw his apprentice and his quickly fading spark. "Starscream!" He flew around the Autobot and landed beside the younger flyer. He kneeled and took Starscream's clawed servo in both of his.

Starscream's breathing was labored for several moments before he chuckled weakly. "Figures," he stated in a hoarse whisper as Optimus and Sari came to his other side. "I do the right thing…and I still die."

With that, his spark faded away and extinguished. The Seeker's optics off-lined and the color in his armor turned gunmetal grey. As all his systems shut down, Optimus looked at Sari and asked, "You said your key brought me back?"

The human nodded.

Auron looked up and asked, "You're going to save him?"

"He saved my life and helped my team. It's the least I can do."

Optimus held Sari's key over Starscream's spark chamber. He willed the artifact to work. As if it could read his mind, the key glowed brightly and created a new spark.

The spark was grey and unloving at first. Then it started pulsing and began to glow a bright and beautiful violet. The key didn't stop there, and also created a new cockpit and healed the Seeker's wounds.

The glass slid into place as Starscream gasped and on-lined his optics. "What the frag!"

Auron chuckled. "Welcome back to the land of the living Starscream."

The younger Seeker sat up and rubbed the back of his helm before looking at Optimus curiously. "You…saved me?...Why?"

Optimus smiled nervously. "I'm an Autobot Starscream. My kind will never just stand by and allow another being to die if we can stop it."

The Seeker's optics dimmed slightly before he mumbled, "If only that were true."

Before Optimus could inquire to Starscream's meaning, Auron asked, "What happened to the All Spark?"

Both Sari and Optimus looked a little hesitant about answering. "I think Optimus destroyed it," the girl explained.

Auron shook his head. "No. He didn't destroy it. It feels more like he dispersed it."

"Dispersed it?...Wait a klick," Optimus looked at Auron with a perplexed look in his optics, "How do you know that?"

Starscream looked at his master and stated, "You did promise to explain to me how you knew so much about the All Spark. Now's as good a time as any."

Auron nodded once. "I did promise. And I guess, since you're all involved now, you deserve to know."

He gazed at the small group with his old optics. They could all see the wisdom in them. This Seeker was old. Older than Ultra Magnus himself. Although his appearance didn't show it.

The Seeker began his explanation, "I am the Guardian of the All Spark."

The two younger Cybertronians and the human girl stared at Auron with wide optics/eyes.

"Guardian of the All Spark?" Starscream couldn't believe his audios. "I thought you were a myth."

"You thought the All Spark was a myth too at one point my apprentice."

Optimus shook his head before asking, "Wait a klick; if you're the Guardian of the All Spark, then how did it cease to be in your possession? Ratchet said it was tossed into a space bridge."

Auron chuckled. "Your friend was correct. The All Spark was thrown into the space bridge. But it was I who threw it in. I was the one who decided the All Spark would be in no one's servos, rather than the wrong ones. I believed it was meant for everyone, not just one specific faction or person. But, seeing as my belief would never become reality, I convinced Ultra Magnus, my former apprentice and long time friend, to allow me to get rid of it."

Starscream mauled over Auron's words before saying, "You knew of this world before I did. You knew the All Spark was here before I did. How?"

Auron smiled. "As the Guardian of the All Spark, I am constantly aware of it presence. When I felt that it had stopped warping and had been found, I took the first opportunity I could to find it and bring it back to safety. Even now, I can still sense the All Spark…It's just…everywhere. And it's throwing me off."

"So…I was just a ride to you?" Starscream asked.

Auron clasped Starscream's shoulder and shook his head before answering, "No Starscream. It was time for me to leave my home and become a part of this war. And I sensed you needed me. I also saw that you had a greater purpose in all this. I saw the park of potential in you. You still have far to go, but you, by far are one of the most talented apprentices I have taken. You have passion, spirit, and, despite what you think, you have a big, kind, and compassionate spark…It just needs more time to heal."

Optimus looked from Auron to Sari's key. He sighed then stated, "If you're the guardian of the All Spark, then I guess this belongs to you."

He held out the key to Auron. The Seeker accepted the offering and held it in the palm of his servo.

He looked the trinket over thoughtfully before stating, "This has been charged with a great deal of the All Spark's power…I do believe you are in command here Optimus, you decide what is to be done with this."

Auron gave the key back to the Prime who looked at it thoughtfully.

"With the All Spark in its current state, this key is the most powerful Cybertronian artifact on this world and in existence."

He held it by its string before lowering it down to Sari and dropping it in her hands. "And far too valuable to be in the servos of mere Autobots."

He smiled at the girl before stating, "The All Spark gave you this gift. I must have had a good reason."

Auron chuckled before looking at the girl and cautioning, "Use its power wisely young one."

The guardian looked at the young Prime before continuing, "Seeing as how the All Spark is in pieces, my apprentice and I will be staying longer than anticipated. With your permission, we'd like to take refuge on the Earth's moon, and help with the coming search for the All Spark pieces."

Optimus laughed nervously. "It's a free planet Auron. And my Autobots and I wouldn't mind a few extra helping servos."


It didn't take Sari long to heal the Autobots and Seekers with her key. When she finished with Ratchet, she smiled and stated, "There. Good as new."

"I'm not picking up any Decepticon frequencies," Starscream began as his long range scans gave no signs of the enemy. "They must be long gone."

"Yeah," Optimus agreed, "But something tells me we haven't seen the last of them."


Optimus smiled as he looked at each member of his team and the Seekers. "You all fought like Autobots. Even you Seekers."

Auron bowed his head respectfully at the complement, while Starscream shivered in disgust. "Don't make me sick. I'll never be an Autobot."

Optimus shrugged before continuing, "I can't tell you how proud I am of each and every one of you."

Bumblebee grinned widely before encouraging, "Go on, tell us. We can take it."

Starscream only smiled…A true genuine smile.

Maybe this Auto…Bumblebee wasn't so different from…Cloud.

The Seeker turned his back on the Autobots and was about to take off and head to the remains of the Nemesis when Optimus stopped him.

"Hey, Starscream." The Decepticon traitor stopped and glanced over his shoulder at the still smiling Prime. "Thank you for your help."

Starscream snorted. "Don't get used to it Autobot."

With that he activated his thrusters, transformed and flew towards the moon. Auron only laughed and shook his head.

He glanced at Optimus and explained, "That's his way of saying "you're welcome"."

Bumblebee crossed his arms, frowning. "Huh. If that's how he says "you're welcome" then I don't want to know how he says "frag you"."

Auron chuckled. "Oh, he's not that bad once you get to know him. And once he's more used to you, he'll loosen up a bit. Besides, what he said shows what little he know of what's to come."

Optimus crossed his arms and smirked. "And I suppose you do?"

Auron returned the smirk. "Perhaps."

The younger Cybertronian quirked an optic ridge and was about to inquire to Auron's meaning when the Seeker transformed into a Cybertronian jet and stated, "Starscream and I will be in touch."

Then he followed his apprentice to the moon.

When the Seekers were gone, Sari looked around and asked, "Hey, has any one seen my dad?"