A/N: Okay so this was a random idea of mine that popped up in my strange mind. Sooo I hope you guys like it, and there shall be many more chapters after this. Oh and if any of you have seen the movie Moulin Rouge, I'm NOT completely following the story line. In this story the two characters from the movie did exsist, so they might be mention...maybe, maybe not. BUT ANYWHO! please enjoy the first chapter. Bye loves3 ^_^

Chapter One: Find Another Love

The life of Usami Akihiko was a depressing one. His unrequited love for Takahiro had now been confirmed. He would have absolutely no chance. His long time friend/crush had recently announced that he would be married, and now Akihiko sat on the big couch of his large and expensive penthouse sulking; he was on his twelfth cigarette. I knew he would never love me back, but…now I have to share him…with someone he actually loves back. He put his face in his hands holding back his tears. He would never cry. Never. It was too weak. He had more pride than that. "DAMN IT!" he yelled in anger as he kicked the coffee table.

At that moment, the door bell rang obnoxiously five times in a row. Grunting in annoyance he got up and walked towards the door. "I'm coming! Gosh!". When he opened the door he was greeted by his childhood and still best friend Kamijou Hiroki. He stood at the door with his usual frown. "I came to pick up that book you barrowed a week ago" Hiroki stated.

"Yeah whatever, it's on my desk in my office. You can get it" Akihiko said blandly as he stepped aside to let his friend inside.

Any idiot could tell something was wrong with Akihiko. His usual arrogant aura was replaced with that of a depressing one, and his head hung low so that his silvery blonde hair covered his rare amethyst eyes. As Hiroki walked in, he noticed the ash tray was filled with at least ten recently smoked cigarettes. Completely forgetting about the book he was to retrieve, Hiroki turned back to face Akihiko in his strange state. "Okay, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Akihiko answered with no emotion.

"But you're acting strange and-"

"I said it was nothing." he stated, cutting Hiroki off.

"WHAT THE FUCK! SOMETHING IS OBVIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU! WHY AREN'T YOU ACTING LIKE THE TEASING ARROGANT ASSHOLE YOU USUALLY ARE!" He huffed out, getting quite annoyed that there were no books in reach to throw.

Akihiko looked up at his best friend with the saddest look that ever graced his handsome features. "Hiroki…" he said depressingly "…n-not now, please, not now." Hiroki's eyes widened at this. He had never seen this full-of-himself-author in such a state, and to be honest it was starting to scare him. "A-Akihiko…tell me what's wrong. I want to help." He said already calmed down.

There was a moment of silence before Akihiko spoke "Takahiro's getting married."

"I'm sorry…but you even said yourself, you knew he would never love you" Hiroki said in the nicest way possible.

"I know, it's just that now I've completely lost him." Akihiko's voice trembled in realization as he spoke.

"Look Akihiko, you're my best friend and I want to help you get through this…" Hiroki paused before continuing "m-maybe you could find a new love. I mean there's so many other people in this world, you're bound to find another person to belong in your heart"

"How do you expect me to fall in love with someone else? I'm still recovering from a broken heart. I can't love someone else now."

Hah! He feels just like I did after that incident between us…so I understand how he feels…but I found Nowaki right after that happened, so if I could find someone else so the fuck can Akihiko! Hiroki thought to himself. "Yes you can! And I'm going to help you no matter what!" he stood up and declared.


"No! You're going to fall in love with someone else whether you freaking like it or not, Bakahiko!"

Sighing Akihiko spoke unenthusiastically "And how do you plan on pulling this through, hm?"

"I'm still thinking of a plan…" At this moment as Hiroki spoke the front door was slammed open, revealing a pissed off looking women with red hair and an unnecessary amount of makeup on.


Akihiko sighed in annoyance. "There is no manuscript Akaiwa…"

"WHAT DO MEAN 'THERE'S NO MANUSCRIPT'? ITS BEEN DUE FOR OVER A WEEK ALREADY YOU PIECE OF SHIT WRITER!" Akaiwa practically screamed her head off as tears began to form in her crazy editor eyes.

"It means I haven't written anything. I have no inspiration." Akihiko said casually.

"Listen here you asshole! The publishing company is going to have my neck because of you! So if you could please just finish the fucking manuscript I might not have to MURDER YOU!" Her eyes turned into red orbs at that moment. She really is the devil, isn't she? Akihiko thought to himself.

"I told you already, I have no inspiration. I can't write with no inspiration or else it will come out horrible. And I absolutely refuse to write an atrocity and label it with my honorable name."

"Um, Akaiwa-san," Hiroki said, speaking up for the first time since the demon woman busted through the door "Akihiko is having a crisis at the moment, so writing probably isn't the best thing for him to do right now."

"Huh?" Akaiwa asked actually looking concerned. "What kind of crisis?" And so Hiroki explained everything about Takahiro, and how he was trying to find someone else for Akihiko to love.

"Ahhh!" Akaiwa squealed. "I want to help you find a new guy! This might actually be good, Usami-Sensei. You can write a whole new story about your quest to find new love, and after you do find him…you can write a whole new season of BL novels with this new man in them!" she rambled excitedly. "This is going to be great!"

"Is she always like this?" Hiroki whispered to Akihiko.

"Unfortunately, yes." He responded sighing while leaning his face on one hand. "Well, Akaiwa, how the hell do you suppose we find someone else? It's going to be hard. I don't like many people. Actually, I'm surprised I ever fell in love in the first place."

"That's a very good question….hmmm" There was a long moment of silence which Akihiko and Hiroki could only dame as Akaiwa thinking up a plan. Seconds. No, minutes passed, and eventually it had been an entire hour of sitting and waiting for Akaiwa to think of something. Akihiko was starting to get annoyed. "Okay! We've been here long enough, obviously there's no way I can-"

"MOULIN ROUGE!" Akaiwa yelled, standing up and pointing into the sky as if to say 'urika'.

"What?" Akihiko and Hiroki asked simultaneously.

"Moulin Rouge. It's this theatrical club in Paris, but I heard there's some of the most beautiful men there that are sure to steal anyone's heart, especially one man in particular. I forgot his name, but I hear he's the sexiest man in that joint." She said with a sly smile.

"How the hell are we going to get all the way to Paris?" Hiroki exclaimed.

"We can take my private jet. It'll only take us about eight hours to get to Paris." Akihiko answered casually. "You two can go home and pack your things. Be here tomorrow at 8:00 am."

"Damn you and your rich self, Bakahiko" Hiroki mumbled.

"Well, sounds like a plan to me. Tomorrow we leave for Paris to find Usami-Sensei a hot new L-O-V-E-R! Kyaaaa!" Akaiwa squealed again while walking out of the penthouse with a huge fangirl aura . Hiroki followed suit after he retrieved his book and said his good-byes, leaving Akihiko alone with his thoughts.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day…