So, yeah. This is the end! It's been such an amazing journey writing this and I want to thank everyone who reviewed, followed, was alerted to this story! Your support and feedback has made me a better writer! It take over a year, but I hope the end is worth it to you all!

As always, I don't own DW. Please read and review!

Chapter Twenty

It's time to begin, isn't it?
I get a little bit bigger, but then I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
That I'm never changing who I am

It is one of the best nights John Smith has had in a long time. It starts with basic questions –

"How long have you known John?"

"When did you meet?"

"Where did you grow up?"

"What do you do for a living?"

They already know the answers but to hear it from the source is better. After that the stories begin. Matt and Amy start off with their adventures in Utah, with Amy helpfully guiding Matt when he gets off topic. Rose tells some of her own, always with John coming out the hero, and Rory and Matt insist that she doesn't have to lie. Food is eaten in between John and Matt arguing over who has the better comebacks with Amy as the judge and referee. Rose and Rory talk amongst themselves, discussing Rory's schooling. Since Rose quit being a TA, she is considering becoming a nurse and quizzes Rory about the subject. They stay there talking and laughing and bonding until Amy grows tired and Matt takes her home. Both John and Matt know that after tonight, there will be no separating Amy and Rose. Rory takes off as well and John and Rose follow. Walking to the car with Rose snuggling against him, John presses a kiss to her temple. "Did you have fun, love?" She looks up with a soft smile. "Yeah." Pressing another soft kiss to her forehead, he smiles. "Good."


Gwen Harkness must have had the easiest pregnancy in the world. Not because she didn't suffer from morning sickness.

Because she did.

Not because she didn't have the weirdest cravings at the worst moments.

Because she did.

And not because she didn't suffer from hormonal attacks.

Because she did.

What made all those things bearable was her husband. Jack did everything in his power to make Gwen's pregnancy run as smooth as possible. He held back her hair and made sure she never missed the toilet. No matter the time of day or night, he went out and purchased whatever she was craving even if he got several looks. He never missed a single appointment or parenting class and went shopping for baby things with her without complaining much. He recruited John and Rory to help put the nursery together, under the guidance of Gwen, Donna and Rose. All in all, the next nine months went very smoothly and soon it was time to welcome the newest Harkness into the world.


Donna Noble often looks at her life with a big smile and a feeling of happiness. She has a fantastic brother, terrific best friends, and a wonderful family. However, with Baby Harkness on the way and John thoroughly entrenched in the world of Rose, she begins to feel like she is missing something in her life, a sort of…loneliness. As time goes by, and Gwen begins to show, and John and Rose play house like they'd been doing it their whole lives, Donna realizes what it is that she wants; a family of her own- a husband and child (through there isn't any rush for the latter). She just doesn't know how to go about finding that husband.

And then Baby Harkness arrives.


Gwen winces as pain shoots down her back for the millionth time that day. She shifts and decides maybe a cuppa would help settle her. She gets up, careful not wake Jack, and makes her way down the hall towards the kitchen. Half-way there, it feels like a waterfall has appear between her thighs and Gwen realizes at half-past ten in the evening that the baby is coming.

"Jack!" she calls, deciding to stay where she is and he comes rushing into the room, hair mussed with sleep and bare-chested. "Jack, it's time." Jack nods with a smile, even if he is freaking out on the inside. He helps Gwen get everything ready before getting himself clothed and grabs the bag and they're off to the hospital.


John is helping Rory study for an up-coming test via Skype when Rose comes into the room, pulling on her jacket with her shoes on. "Going somewhere love?" John questions, looking at his watch. "Jack just sent me a text. It's go-time!" She says excitedly, tossing him his own jacket. With a hasty good-bye and good luck to Rory, the couple rush to lock up the flat and hit the road.


Jack and Gwen are already situated when John, Rose and Donna come crushing through the door, shouting questions, trying to talk over each other. Jack immediately calls for silence, letting out a loud sharp whistle. He tells them everything is going good, that since Gwen's been having contractions all day she's five inches dilated and that it looks like it's going to be a quick labor. They pile around the bed, starting a poker game with a deck of cards one of the nurses gave them. They play through the night, with everyone taking turns keeping Gwen company and setting up a cat nap rotation. After fifteen hours, it's time for Gwen to push. She kicks everyone out after John goes pale and says, but before long a healthy, very loud, baby girl is born.


John can't take his eyes off his fiancée cradling Baby Girl Harkness. She looks so natural, holding the baby without any guidance, cooing and rocking her. God he can't wait to have kids with her. Donna's voice cuts through his thoughts and he zones back into the conversation just in time to hear her teasing statement. "Alright, Rose, you're next." Rose laughs, looking at John who grins. "Let's get married first, Donna." He says, holding out his arms so Rose can hand him the baby. He coos down at the little one and yep, he cannot wait to have one of his own. "So, what did you end up naming her, Jack?" Rose asks. Gwen watches the scene with a tired smile, not really participating in the conversation.

"Anwen. Anwen Calleigh Harkness." Jack says proudly. "Big name for such a little one." John comments. "She'll grow into it. And speaking of big names, John I want you to be Anwen's godfather." John looks so honored and misty-eyed. He accepts with a choked voice, and Donna follows him when Jack names her godmother. "Hopefully she'll take after her mum and not her dad." Donna says and John snorts. "Yeah funny." Jack says taking his daughter back. Gwen falls asleep and the group troops out, talking amongst themselves.

They're nearing the lift when Donna accidently knocks into a guy exiting a room, the cup of coffee he's holding slips from his hand. Donna gasps and they both begin to apologize, talking over one another. Donna notices he's got a stutter and tells him to stop apologizing since it was her fault. They look at each other for a long moment, both feeling a spark and the sense they've met before. Donna breaks the silence and offers her hand. "Donna Noble." He takes it in his larger, warmer hand and the shot of electricity cannot be denied. "Lee McAvoy." She offers to buy him a new cup of coffee and he accepts, leaving John and Rose by the lift, watching Donna and Lee. The four enter the life and soon they spilt into groups; Donna and Lee head for the cafeteria and John and Rose leave the hospital.


Soon after Anwen Harkness is born, Baby Smith decides it's time enter the world. Amy's pregnancy didn't run as smoothly as Gwen's but it helped having three (well, two really) grown men, one of who happened to be on his way to becoming a nurse, watching over her. Amy couldn't deny the relief she felt when her water finally breaks. Though you'd hear a different story from Rory, who happened to be with Amy on said day and at said time.

"God, I am so ready for this baby to be born already." Amy moans, staring at Rory, who is sitting across from her, an open textbook in front of him. "Are you ever not studying?" She questions and Rory smirks. "As a matter of fact, the chapter I'm reading in on child birth." Amy perks up and leans forward. "Anything about being overdue?" "Yeah. It says whining to your best mate whilst he is trying to study won't make the baby come any faster. "

She levels a glare at him so fierce he's sure all of London feels chastised. "Sorry." She sits back in her chair, wincing when a sharp pain cuts through her lower back. Rory narrows his eyes. "You've been doing that since we got here." He states. "Yep." She says, shifting around in an attempt to lessen the pain. "How long have you had these pains?" Amy freezes when she hears his "nurse" voice and studies the table. "Uh….since I woke up this morning?" She answers sheepishly. Rory groans and starts packing up his things. "Ring Matt and tell him to meet us at the hospital."


Easier said than done. Getting Matt to answer his mobile was like getting a child to stand still for a photo. So after no answer, Amy tries John, in the hopes that he will answer his mobile since he's never not picked up when he sees her name on the caller id. No answer. Really? Where were they? In a last ditch effort, Amy rings Rose. And finally gets an answer.

"Hello? Hey no! That's not allowed! Hello, Amy?"

"Hey Rose! Sounds like you're in the middle of something."

"Haha, yeah, kind of. Oi! No that's cheating! I'm the referee so I say that's cheating! So, what's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you know where Matt is? He's not answer his mobile."

"Matt! Where's your mobile! Amy's been ringing you!"

Amy frowns, looking at Rory in confusion. "Wait you're with Matt?"

"Yeah, he came over earlier to hang out with John since you were having lunch with Rory. He and John are playing advance laser tag and I'm supervising them."

"Okay, um, well see the thing is I'm actually at the hospital with Rory right now."

"What?! The hospital? Is everything okay with the baby? Boys, game over! Amy's at the hospital!"

Amy can hear Matt shouting in the background, asking if everything is okay and what's going and where are his shoes? "I'm okay, but I think I'm having contractions, so Rory took me so the doctor could look over me."

"Okay, we're coming right now."

Less than fifteen minutes pass when Matt comes crashing through the door demanding to know what's going on and wanting to see the doctor and to not worry about him looking over her chart, he's a doctor as well. Rory quickly gets him to focus just as the real doctor comes in. Amy is indeed having contractions however she's still got a while to go. Amy deflates at the news that the baby isn't going to make its appearance for a long while which means lying in a hospital bed until then.


John shakes his head with a smile as he and Rose ride the lift to Amy's floor. "What?" "Just wondering how many more times we're going to do this. Twice in three weeks." "True, but you know, one day, it'll be you and me and our baby." Rose tells him and he just has to kiss her.


Since there's nothing more to be done, Rory comes up with a rotation for the group. Each person will stay for three hours and then switch with the next person and go about their lives. Matt takes first shift and Rory and John and Rose go about their day. Each person did their best to keep Amy entertained and calm whenever she was ready to climb the walls, but when its hit hour twenty, nerves are frayed and tempers (Amy's really) were rising. Finally at hour twenty-two, it's go-time.

Matt just arrives to start his shift when Rory runs into him in the corridor and says that Amy's ready to start pushing. Trying to contain his freak out, Matt rushes into the room and allows one of the nurses to don him with the appropriate clothing and soon he's holding Amy's hand, listening to her curse him and his sperm in her thick Scottish accent. He nods and agrees and winces and hopes it's going to be over soon because he's lost feeling in his hand and then oh! A loud wail fills the room and Matt hears three words that change his life again.

"It's a boy!"


"Rory are you crying?"


"You sure?"

"It's allergies. The pollen count is high."

John nods, pressing his lips together to fight back the laughter. Rory glares at him and John clears his throat. "So where is the little bloke?" He asks, entering the room and beams at Matt and Amy. Matt is holding the newest addition to the world, grinning proudly.

"So what did you call him? Will I blush?" he asks, taking the baby from Matt. "No, we didn't call him Jonathan." Amy says and John bites back his pout. "No, I didn't think you would." "Then what is his name?" Rose asks. "Vincent. Vincent Kade Smith." Amy says proudly. John whistles at the name. "I like it!" Rose praises. "Good strong name."

The baby coos and John tilts his head to the side. "Yes, he likes that … Vincent. Though personally, he likes to be called Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All." John announces and Matt cheers. "See?" Amy narrows her eyes at John. "What?"

"That's his name."

Amy looks at Matt and then John. "And how do you know that?" She asks, wanting to know if Matt had discussed his idea of a good baby name with his best mate. "I speak baby." John says so matter of fact. "Of course you do!" Matt says, happy to have John's support in the matter.

"And you're done." Rose says, taking the baby from her fiancé and cuddling him. "He looks just like you, Amy." "Thank God for that." Matt jokes, hoping to get back into Amy's good graces. "Here's hoping he'll have your personality." Rory cautions, looking at Vincent over Rose's shoulder. "Yes, well, Rory it'll be your job to keep him in line if he does take after Matt."

"Why me?"

"Because you're his godfather." Rory looks shocked at the news, but Amy smiles reassuringly. "You'll be great Rory." "Plus you'll have help! Rose is the godmother!" Matt announces.

Rose looks stunned. She's knows these people maybe a month and they give her such an important role in their child's life. "I don't know what to say. Are you sure?" She asks, when Vincent coos. "Stormy thinks you should believe in yourself more." John says, giving her an innocent look. "Rose, if we weren't sure, we wouldn't have asked you." Matt says with a tender tone and she fights back tears. "Of course, yes. I'm honored."

"Great! Now that's done with, when are you and John gonna start popping out babies?"




"John." "Hmm." "What if I got pregnant before the wedding?" Rose asks casually as she and John walk to the car later that night. Matt has been the second person to ask and well, it's something she's been wondering about. John shrugs, "Wouldn't be the worst thing seeing as how I fancy having kids with you." He says with a smile, taking her hand. "Well, that's great news because…" Rose stops and John turns to face her. "Because…?" Rose gives him a brilliant smile.

"I'm pregnant."