A/N: I apologize for the cliff I left yo on, I hope this chapter justifies it :) Ok so here it is, sorry for so much dialogue but it is necessary for this final installment! :D Please enjoy:

"You have to be quiet… I already put Hope to bed," she said as she led him into the quiet house. He nodded. Ariadne sighed as she went to her room. She went into the closet and pulled out the pajamas that she had accidentally packed the day she had left. They were his, and she had worn them from time to time while they were dating, but them being there was sort of a nice memory. Though she was embarrassed that it happened in the first place, she was sort of glad that she had always kept them.

"Are these…"

"Yours yes," she blushed a deep red as she gave them to him. He smiled and disappeared into the bathroom. Now was her chance to think. She got settled on the couch and tried to focus on the television. There was some special on about her favorite thing, architecture, but still she couldn't even begin to process what they were saying. What was she going to say? Where was she going to start? She had been able to avoid the question up until now. He deserved answers, and the truthful answers.

"How do I look?" he asked as he came out.

"Uh…" she couldn't even find words. Seeing him stand there in that grey tee shirt and blue pajama bottoms. It brought everything back to mind. Her old world colliding with her new one. He looked handsome as always.

"You don't have to answer," he said as he approached her. He took a seat beside her. It was more instinctive than deliberate. She moved herself closer to him. For the first time since she had left, she allowed him to wrap his arms around her.

"What happened to Gwen?" she said as she played with the tips of her hair.

"We broke up," he said quietly, "Thanks to you." He laughed.

"Why thanks to me?" she asked as innocently as she could manage.

"She made me realize how much I loved you, how much I love you." He said. "You know… it all makes sense. I understand now."

"You do?" she pushed away from him and looked at him square in the eyes. They were soft and gentle. He nodded solemnly.

"I guess it was obvious all along," she said.

"I just need to hear what you have to say. I need to know… everything," he said calmly. Ariadne nodded.

"Is she why you left me?" he asked.

"Yes," she whispered.

"You cheated on me?" he shook his head confused.

"No!" she shouted at the thought of that, how could you cheat on someone so flawless, so amazing? "No. Of course not." The accusation stung a little.

"Well then, it's obvious, isn't is? Is she mine? Am I Hope's father?"

"Yes…" Ariadne couldn't believe how fast she had answered. After all this time. It felt nice to say it aloud, to tell someone, "you… are the father of my daughter."

"Why would you keep something like that from me?" he asked. She could tell he was hurt. "I… I have a daughter. A little girl," he smiled at the thought, "I think I had a right to know she existed."

"Arthur…" she stopped. She had to compose herself. "I tried to tell you so many times… The letter, and… well all the nights I lay in bed… or the days I spent with her. I wanted to tell you but… I didn't know what you were going to say."

"Why couldn't you just tell me in the first place?" Ariadne sat back up, enabling her to look at him. She took his hand in hers. He waited calmly; patience was always a virtue of his.

"I thought that… well I thought if you didn't want kids well then… we would break up anyway. Then, even if you did want kids, you would insist on marrying me. I wouldn't want to marry you because we were having a daughter. I would want to get married because I loved you and you loved me. Then… the other day, you told me that you were going to ask me to marry you that night and… well I have never felt so horrible. I just… I…"

He broke her off with a kiss. "It doesn't matter anymore. I'm just glad to know that your feelings never changed."

"I never stopped loving you."

"Neither did I," he chuckled.

"I haven't felt this relieved in years." She said leaning against him. His arms wrapping around her.

"Will you please marry me?" he asked. She relaxed all her muscles, and closed her eyes.

"I would love to marry you," she choked on a laugh as tears of happiness formed in her eyes. He was obviously tearing up as well. He kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms tighter. She took everything in. He was amazing. He was everything. He was hers.

"What did you do... after I left?" she wondered aloud.

"Mainly alot of moping. Bianca and I moved in together. I didn't have a job for a year. Then I was running out of money so I went back into the business and I met Gwen on a failed extraction. We were friends and then she insisted we be more. I never felt anything though. Bianca knew, she could always tell that I still loved you but... I was so hurt. I hated to think about it... and not know."

"I'm so sorry... If I had been smart in the first place and just told you, this whole time. We could have been a family. You could have watched her grow up. She really is-

"Mommy?" The voice made her shiver. Hope walked into the room. Arthur tensed. Everything was different now, and she knew it. Ariadne sat up and wiped at her eyes. Hope looked between the two of them cautiously. Ariadne could see thought filling the brown eyes that she had inherited from both her parents. She was just as smart as he was.

"Come here baby," Ariadne held out her arms. Hope clenched her jaw before running to her mom. She climbed up onto her lap and looked at Arthur for a moment.

"Hi Hope," he shifted to let them both sit upright. Hope bit her lip and stared at her mother expectantly.

"Uh… Hope," she coughed to try and get back her normal voice. "I have something to tell you."

"About Arthur." She nodded.

"Sweetie… Arthur… Arthur is your daddy," she said taking her hand. Hope nodded and looked up to Arthur. Her small eyes glimmered. Ariadne could feel Arthur tremble as Hope looked over at him. This had to be hard. Realizing you have a daughter… after all this time.

"Daddy?" she repeated.

"Yes," he inhaled sharply. She pulled on her long curly hair and nodded, "I look like you."

They both chuckled softly as she beamed. It was true. Only a fool couldn't tell. Now that they were so close Ariadne could see how much they did look like each other. She was just as beautiful as he was, everything in her reminded her of him.

"Is that all right with you?" he wondered aloud.

"I've always wanted a daddy," she nodded acceptingly. He laughed as she wrapped her small arms around the part of him she could reach. He awkwardly but his arm around her as well. She was so tiny compared to him.

"I love you," she wasn't sure who said, it was such a low whisper. Though whoever did, it brought tears to her eyes again. Finally she was happy. Nothing could ruin this. She had gotten her happy ending. Though it had taken four years. At last they could be a family, she could marry the man she loved, and most importantly know that Hope was loved by him.

"Ariadne?" he asked as Hope hoped down and took off for her room.

"Mmm?" she traced patterns on his hand.

"Why did you name her Hope?" he asked with a frown. Ariadne smiled, "She looked like you… and… she was my hope that this day would come."

Author's Note: THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL MY LOVELY READERS AND REVIEWERS I seriously love you people, you don't know! Thank you to all authors and tumblrs who helped me spit this out so fast. I really appreciate all the feedback and encouragement, you are the peanut butter to my jelly :D I am really glad you all liked the story so much. Now onto Proposal which should be up pretty soon. I had to go through and reread the whole thing because, to be honest I forgot what I wrote. But stay tuned for that, and thank you so much for helping me with this story. This fandom is one of the best. Thank you all :D