Chapter 11: Stupid Blondie!


How is everybody doing? Finally I got some free time since school is closed for Christmas. Again I want to apologize for taking months to update my story but you know the reasons :) THANKS FOR BEING PATIENT!

So, in this chapter, there is a bit of drama but I hope you like it! And of course, REVIEW!

Any questions you have, I will reply to you as soon as possible!

About my next update, I am not sure but you could give me some of your ideas of what you would like to happen next :D

Thanks a lot to my beta -JCCx- for editing this chapter. YOU ARE AMAZING!


Your girl, Rosie xoxo


I couldn't sleep all night! I just couldn't help myself from grinning the whole time and jumping up and down on the bed. I was so happy. This was the best date of my life! Last night, Dimitri left me outside the door. I didn't want him to think that I'm like any other girl on this campus or –more correctly – in this neighborhood. He should feel lucky that I even kissed him.

I grinned more widely while I was changing my clothes. I got home soaked last night, and unfortunately I caught a cold. The sea water was warm, but the breeze was so fucking cold after we got out and all night I was sneezing. I don't know if Dimitri also got sick but I was living a nightmare here. I chose to wear some tight, black jeans with a simple, yellow, loose shirt. I wanted to look cute today so I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun and a pink headband. I put some mascara and pink lip gloss when I suddenly sneezed in front of the mirror.

"Oh, come on" I murmured to myself.

It would be really ridiculous if I roamed around the university with a jacket on when it was still September and the cold weather wasn't here yet. So I just ignored my sickness and finished getting ready before I headed out of the room. I went to the cafeteria as usual, grabbed my milkshake from Starbucks and sat on my usual table, waiting for Lissa. But she wasn't here yet and I had already waited twenty minutes. I started to wonder where she was. Don't tell me she's with Christian again!

I groaned loudly when I noticed that I only had ten minutes before my lesson started, so I got up and started heading to my class. While I was walking in the hallway, someone grabbed me and pushed me inside an empty classroom. Instinctively, I quickly turned to punch whoever pushed me before I noticed who it was.


"Well hello to you too."

He stank of cigarettes, as always but that didn't bother me now. I felt so guilty. I hadn't seen him in four days -since the party. He cleared his throat.

"So, how are you? How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Adrian." I sighed. "I'm sorry I haven't called you or something but I …was busy."

He chuckled. "You don't need to hide it, Rose." I looked up at him. "I know you stayed over at Dimitri's."

"No, not in that way-"

"I know,I know" he laughed.

"How did you -"

"I had Victoria on the phone,squealing about you spending the night there. You know what she's like. I'm not going to trust a word she says about you two." he smiled.

"Don't listen to her, it's not what you think-"

"I know." he interrupted again. "You don't owe me any explanation, Rose. It's not like you're my girl." He smiled sadly.

The guilt came rushing back then tenfold. He didn't deserve this.

"I know you are kind of mad with me because I hadn't contact you or anything but please forgive me. It's just that the Belikov family won't leave me alone."

"Rose, it's me who should apologize. I didn't take care of you at the party and you went through all that mess. I am really sorry."

"No reason to apologize. It was my fault I didn't take care of myself."

"But still. It was my responsibility-"

"Hey, I am a grown woman you know. I don't need you to take care of me. Thank you very much." I chuckled.

He chuckled too. "You're right." Then his eyes went serious. "But you are in trouble now."

"What do you mean?"

"Somebody caught you and Dimitri in his car yesterday going somewhere. And…he or she told everyone."

"Caught me? But nobody was there."

"Rose, you're on campus. Someone will always be around."

"And I'm sure it's one of his girlfriends." I snapped.

"You never know. It might be a guy."

"A guy? Who would do that?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. But you have to be more careful."

"Why? I haven't done anything wrong."

"You might end up with no hair the next time they find you."

"Adrian, I'm not going to hide just because someone spread rumors about me. If they want a fight, bring it! I'm not afraid."

"Yes but the professors will come-"

"You are talking to Miss Rose Hathaway. Nobody stands in her way." I turned on my heels and walked out the door, before he could say anything else. I was so pissed off! This place was full of jealous girls – and boys! How can they do that? Is not like I kissed him – not in public at least– and they are behaving like I fucked him in front of everyone. I inhaled deeply and decided I would skip class. I was so excited this morning but Adrian came and turned my mood upside down. It wasn't his fault; I wasn't blaming him but… I wish he had told me later, after seeing Dimitri. I wasn't in the mood to see anyone.

So, I headed back in the direction of campus. I pushed open the door that lead to the green common and was stopped by her. Oh fuck, now my mood was even worst!

There she was;the stupid blonde I had a fight with before classes began. It was a mess. We pulled hair and slapped each other but didn't finish the fight. She still had that stupid slutty look of hers, wearing tight pink shorts and a tank top saying "I Love Me", which you could see her red bra through. Such a bitch!

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow while another two girls appeared next to her, mimicking her arrogant position. "Well, well, well. Here is the girl who is sucking my boy's dick."

"Even if that was true, I bet I'm sucking it better than you do."

People started throwing glances at us, interested in the drama, especially considering past incidents. She tried laughing but it was clearly fake. "Oh, you wish my dear. Please tell me, did you give him a blow job in his car too?"

"What if I was? Do you wish it were you?" I smirked. I knew I sounded like a total bitch but I was already at the edge of anger.

Three boys stopped walking and whistled their "oooh" when they heard what I said. "I've done stuff in that car you wouldn't dream of."

I glared at her, trying to put the thing she just said to the back of my mind. Trying to stop imagining how many girls he had had sex with in his car –especially her. When I didn't say anything, she laughed at me. "You know Rosie, Dimka only wants me. We've been together since high school and it won't change... back off."

"Really? Then why did he ask for a date? Because I'm sure he never suggested a proper date to you."

She glared back at me. "Dimitri doesn't take girls on dates. He finds it all very boring; he'd rather skip to the fun stuff. And I agree."

This time, it was me who laughed. "Okay, now this is just hilarious. I'm sure that you always wanted a date with 'Dimka' but as you said, maybe they are just boring... with you."

Another series of 'oooh's whispered around us as people listened in, watching the drama unfold. Some even had their phones out filming us.

I could see on her face that she was furious with me but I continued. "Really, sometimes I feel sorry for you. I mean, you know that even though you think you're his girlfriend you let him sleep around with the entire school. And still, it's like you don't care. It's like you don't mind him cheating on you. You call that being a girlfriend?"

She smiled evilly and she said her next words slowly. "If that's so, then why are you going out with him?"

I stayed speechless, she got me. She was right. But, what was I supposed to say?

Because he finds me special?

Because he REALLY likes me?

Because I'm different to him?

I would sound like an idiot if I said something like that. "I'm going out with him, because I know he hadn't spoken to you like, what…a week? He's clearly not interested in you."

She glared at me again. "You are such a fool. Of course he talks to me. We spoke last night. He told me how much he missed me and that he can't go on with this act anymore."

I shook my head. "You are a horrible liar."

"You have nothing that will catch his attention so why wasting your time. You are just a stupid bitch!"

Another series of ooooh's came from the crowd. Will they ever shut up?

"Excuse me?"

"You heard right. He doesn't want you, face it! Maybe you are another chick that he wanted to get into his bed but nothing else. I am the one he really wants."

Before I thought about it, I scooted forward and whispered in her face. "Even if it was true, you wouldn't mind if I was in his bed, right? You're such a slut."

And with that, she slapped me. Hard. I could feel the blood pooling in my right cheek, it hurt like a bitch! I couldn't take it anymore so I slapped her back. Harder. And then we started fighting like last time. People were cheering around us, the cameras still drawn, watching our scuffle. I was sure it would get uploaded to YouTube but I didn't give a fuck. We pulled each other's hair, slapped at each other and all the while she screamed like an idiot.

"Oh my god, ROSE?" I recognized Lisa's voice. Perfect timing Lissa! She tried to push me off her but I was much stronger than her. I kept talking to the girl I was fighting with.

"You stupid blonde! You think you are someone but you are just a piece of shit! Heard that? A piece of shit!" I screamed at her when another pair of hands wrapped around me and tried to pull me away. Others were trying to pull her from my reach. "Who's talking! The new girl trying to be somebody here, slut!" she screamed back.

I was about to tell her where to stick it when the principal of the school – and yes, that means Dimitri father – interrupted our fight. People around us stopped talking and hid their phones. Everyone stared at the principal anticipating his reaction. Even Mia shut the fuck up. And that only meant one thing: we were in trouble.

"Can somebody tell me what is going here?" he asked with a serious tone.

Suddenly I sneezed loudly, in the middle of the stony silence. Damn you stupid cold! Blondie made a look of disgust before she spoke. "Mr. Belikov, I was just walking with my friends and she jumped me! She started screaming about leaving her boyfriend alone – she thinks Dimitri is her boyfriend!"

I stared at her in shock! How dare she? Mr. Belikov didn't know me very well but my reputation was intact. Now he would know me as the troublemaker wanting to date his son! She had ruined everything! I wanted to scream at her but I couldn't - she was smirking at me.

"That's not true Mr. Belikov. It's exactly the opposite." I told him with pleading eyes.

The people around should have stood up for me and told the truth! However because they're so dumb and afraid that they just kept quiet. Even Lissa! I turned around to look at her and gave her a look that said "Duhh! Say Something!" But she just stood there looking scared and it made me even more frustrated. She was meant to be my best friend, she should be defending me! I guess I had to fix this on my own…

"So let me get this straight. You two are fighting over Dimitri?"

We both kept quite as he was right. As I stood there awkwardly I realized I was acting like an idiot. Thinking about it, I had only known Dimitri for about a month and he made me believe that I was special. I was wrong. How could a person change so suddenly just for just one girl? Especially for one like me; why would he pick one when he could be in a different girl's bed every night? And I was fighting over him like a stupid girl, completely naïve and utterly humiliated. I had made such an idiot of myself in front of the school. The only difference between me and any of his other girl's is that I'm a foreigner.

After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again. "What's your name?"

"I am Mia Rinaldi. Dimitri's girlfriend!" she said proudly.

His face turned into confusion. "He has a girlfriend?"

Everybody started laughing quietly and Mica – whatever her name is – flushed with anger and embarrassment.

"Yes, sir. He didn't tell you?"

"Uhh, no.."

Lissa laughed behind me and I turned to glare at her. When she saw me she stopped and gave me a confused look.

"Well, it's true. And she's trying to break us up."

"Oh will you shut it?" I shouted at her.

"Oh come on, Rosie, admit it!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Enough! You two need to calm down! And everybody, turn your cameras off... NOW!" Instantly, everybody turned off their cameras and mobiles and put them in their pockets and bags.

I turned back to the principal and said "I am sorry for all the mess we caused, sir. If I am excused, I will leave now."

"It's not her fault!" Somebody shouted from the crowd. We all turned and there was a guy standing among the mob with red hair, tall and good looking. But his expression was kind of hard to read. "Mia started all this!" He shouted. What the fuck? Who is it? And why he's supporting me?

"Excuse me? And who are you?" Mia asked.

He just ignored her and carried on talking to the principal. "Everybody was here when this whole thing started and we all know that is Mia's fault!"

"And who are you, young man?" Belikov said.

"Uhh…"He blushed. "I am M- Mason." He looked at me for a few seconds before he refocused his attention on Mr. Belikov. Weird!

"Miss Hathaway? Is what he's saying true?" he asked. Well, he looked kind of concerned about me.

Blondie's face turned into surprise. "How come you know her and not me? I mean, I live here. She just got here." She turned and looked at me, saying her next words slowly. "She doesn't belong here."

And with that anger rocked through me. I wanted to kill her but I definitely couldn't do it in front of Mr. Belikov. I had caused enough damage.

"Apologize for that Miss Rinaldi. Now!"

"Forget it" I said. "It's not worth it. Just... believe whatever you like."

I turned and ran away as fast as possible. My eyes were burning with tears which made it difficult to see where I was going. I quickly ran to the girl's bathroom and slammed the door so loudly that I'm sure the whole building heard it. I remove the stupid pink headband I had on my head and threw it on the floor, full of anger and sadness. Nobody would like me if stupid stuff like that kept happening. I'd just be another of Dimitri's conquests, another hopeful girl that fell for it. Congratulations Dimitri, you did it! You made me believe that you were someone, I guess I was wrong. You're just a troublemaker. TROUBLE! I'd already had enough of this crap. Things hadn't worked the way I wanted and I don't have time for all this drama. Thinking about it, it was so stupid of me to kiss him last night. I sighed loudly. Whatever happened, it happened. The door creped opened again and Lissa appeared.

"Get out" I whispered throwing water all over my face.

"Rose, are you alright?"

"Just leave me alone, okay?"

"Rose, please don't be angry with me. I want to know if you are okay, I care about you." I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Yeah, right." I sniffed. "You proved that ten minutes ago..."

"It's not like that."

"Then just go away! I need some privacy..,"

"Look…I am sorry I didn't say anyt-"

"No, you listen Lissa!" I turned around to face her and shouted. "I know this isn't your fault but you could have said something! I am not asking much. I looked like a fool in front of the principal and that stupid blonde. I'm new here and the only thing I am causing is trouble! And where were you!" I stopped to breathe in deeply. "Sorry doesn't fix everything" I whispered.

She stared at me blankly. I didn't want to talk to her anymore so I just left the bathroom and ran upstairs to my apartment. I got inside my room and threw myself on the bed crying until my tears went dry and I felt exhausted. I just needed sometime to think.


When I walk on by, girls be looking like damn he fly

I pay to the beat, walking on the street in my new la freak, yeah

This is how I roll, animal print, pants out control,

It's real fool with the big afro

They like bruce lee rock at the club

I'm sexy and I know it

I tried to open my eyes and find the goddamn mobile which was ringing but I end up falling on the floor and hitting my head.

"OUCH!" I shouted and hit my fists against the floor. I found my mobile at the far end of my bed and grabbed it. I pressed the green button without looking at who was calling and answered sleepily.


"Rose?" I opened my eyes and to my surprise the screen reads, CALLING: PLAYERBOY.


I shouldn't have answered it! I totally forgot that this ring tone was for him which is stupid, it totally suits him!

"Hello, brunette?"

I coughed quietly to clear my throat before I spoke. "Don't call me that."

"I always call you like that. You don't like it?" He chuckled.

Chuckled? So he doesn't know about what happened a couple of hours ago.

"What do you want?"

"Uhh, are you okay? You sound a bit… I don't know, angry? Have I done something wrong again?"

I sighed. "I'm hanging up."

"Wait, wait, wait! Please! Gosh, why are you like this? Look I want to talk to you. Actually Jacob also wants to talk to you which is strange by the way. Did anything happen? Are you in trouble?"

"What? You didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Look Dimitri, I am not in the mood. For your information your cute little girlfriend just won. I don't want to be involved in the situation anymore. So, bye!"

"No, no wait! What are you talking about?"

"You really don't know?"

"I have no idea ...wait a sec, WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I pulled away the mobile from my ear as he shouted to someone. I could hear a female voice in the background. Oh this should be good.


My breath catches. They had already put me on internet? Are they crazy? I quickly checked the clock and it was already 4 pm. I only had ten minutes until my class so I quickly hung up and change into some simple clothes and brushed my hair down. I check myself in the mirror to be sure that my face was ok, luckily I didn't look like I'd been crying for hours.

I ran to class and pushed the door open with force only to find out that half of the students were hanging around something. The professor was trying to get their attention so they could start the lesson. I was late but something was distracting them and they didn't notice me. Then I noticed Dimitri was there with them and panic went through me. They are watching the video on YouTube. Of course!

Before I could do anything else, they noticed me and all turned to stare. I just stood there speechless and waiting for the ground to open up and swallow me. A girl came closer to me with a confused look.

"Are you the one on the video? Wow. You really rocked it! You already have 563 views within three hours!" she said.

I didn't know what to say. I tried to open my mouth but nothing came out. Everybody just stared at me until the professor said "You are late. Let's forget about this whole thing and begin! Today, every person will write their own script for a scene of their imagination. You will all hand me a completed copy. You only have twenty minutes so begin!"

After a few second of silence, they started moving to their desks while the professor gave out the hand-outs. I slowly went to my own seat and stared at the blank paper. I couldn't think straight. Especially when I noticed that they were all staring at me, they weren't being discrete either. I sighed loudly and threw them a look that said 'What are you looking at' and they focused their attention to their papers. Only one pair of eyes didn't. Dimitri was looking at me on the other side of the room with a sad expression. I didn't want that.

I started writing a script about a girl who just got in a new school and all the boys were after her. And of course, all the girls were jealous and she tries to teach them a lesson. Yeah, that's a good one. After fifteen minutes cracking my brain, I finally wrote my script and gave it to the professor. While I was going to return to my desk he called me.

"Rose, is everything okay?" he whispered.

I looked at him surprised. "Yeah, I'm fine, sir. Why?"

"I don't know. Your mood today is... different. Just know that when a person is troubling you, just ignore them. They aren't worth it." he smiled.

I smiled back and said "Thanks".

He allowed me to leave the class first as the other hadn't finished. I went to the library. Nobody was there, only the girl keeping an eye on the place. I sat far away in the corner and leaned my head on the desk, closing my eyes and tried to relax. It was peaceful and quiet until the cologne of Dimitri filled the room. How come he could always find me? I kept my head down trying to hide but I felt the chair beside me move. He smelt amazing!

"Rose, what exactly happened?"

"You saw everything. No need to explain." I murmured.

"It's all because of me, right?"


He sighed. "Look, whatever Mia said- it's all a lie. I haven't spoken to her since we started hanging out. I'm sorry if she upset you."

I turned and looked at him. Gosh, I had missed his face. "Dimitri… I think we should just cut it out."

"What? What are you talking about? Just because of her?"

"You don't understand, do you? I came here to study and graduate. I came here to begin a whole new life, not to fight over a guy."

"I know Rose and I'm sorry for everything. I should have been there."

"You can't be around all the time. We shouldn't even do whatever it is we've been doing. I don't want any other problems with that stupid Mia and your other jealous girls."

He stared at me. "You don't trust me". I just sat there looking at him while he did the same. It's like I could see right to his soul through eyes. Something was telling me that he was really upset with this. I turned and looked away, avoiding his penetrating gaze. I didn't know if I trust him or not.

His fingers touched my chin and forced me to look at him back. "What happened yesterday didn't mean anything to you?"

"Dimitri, I..." I closed my eyes. "I don't want to be like any other girl on your list. I am nothing like them. How do I know you didn't say and do the same to them?"

"What I did for you and said, I never did it to any other woman. Never. Rose, I want to change. For you." I opened my eyes and our faces were a mere three inches apart. He spoke again. "I don't want you to feel like you are nothing to me. Because you'd be wrong, you are so special to me. I'venever experienced anything like it before. And I mean it."

"I- I don't know. I am really confused right now."

"Okay". He smiled slightly. I stroked his soft cheek, he was a bit surprised by my sudden move but he kept still.

"And please, keep your chicks off my back." I said.

He chuckled. "They are not my chicks."

"Just saying" I chuckled back.

He looked me in the eyes with-lust?-and started leaning towards me. Should I do this? I didn't know what to do anymore. Before I was blaming him for everything but yet here I am with him, not having the strength to turn him down. I just closed my eyes and felt his lips touch against mine gently. The library was quiet and I am sure the librarian was busy, so it's like we were on our own.

I kissed him back gently but something inside me needed more from him. It was like a magnet pulling me towards him and I wasn't sure if that was normal. I felt his hands on my waist pulling me up and guiding me onto his lap. The kiss was getting deeper and I pulled lightly on his hair as he moaned quietly. That sent goose bumps through my body and lightly bit his bottom lip, wanting more. Just the feeling of his body against mine was electrical, but it wasn't enough.

Stop it, Rose! Remember what you thought before!

I pulled back and he looked kind of disappointed but you never know when somebody is looking and I didn't want any other rumors sweeping the campus. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, inhaling his sweet scent. "Are you feeling okay now?" he asked.

I nodded and rest my head on his shoulder while he was rubbing my back with his soft hands.

"What's with Mia anyway? Why does she insist on calling you her boyfriend?"

He stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Actually… we dated when we were back in high school for months. We broke up with a long time ago but she won't leave me alone. Sometimes I just hang out with her so she won't cause any trouble or at least stop annoying me, but she's still the same."

"What, are you her puppet now?"

"Of course not. I'm just trying to get away from her but she's always around me… I hate it."

"Hmm… and you never took her on a date before?"

He snorted. "No. I never actually thought of it. I saw her every day, I said I liked her and we became a couple, simple."

"Uhh, how romantic."

He laughed. "I know, very funny."

"By the way, who was with you when we talked over the phone before?"

"Uhh, Victoria…"

I raised my head and looked at him. "Dimitri, why do you hate her?"

"What makes you think that?"

"It's just…The way you look at her, it's like you hate her or you don't want her to be around. I mean, she's a good girl."

He sighed. "I don't hate her..." He grabbed my hands and started playing with my fingers, staring at them as he played.

"Then why you are rude to her?"

"It's a long story..."

"Would you tell me sometime?"


I pinched his arm. "Oww! What was that for?"

"You will tell me… if you want me to be your official girlfriend."

He bit his lips and said "Only if you promise me that you will be my girlfriend as soon as possible."

"Hmm… we'll see."

He raised his eyebrow and I laughed. "You will also tell me about your father."


"Shhh! Take it or leave it." I didn't want to force him but I was really curious about what is going on with his family and if he really wanted me, I needed to know some information about his life. "I told you about my family."

He thought about it for a few seconds before he spoke again. "Okay, I will tell you soon."

"Good. Can't wait"

"By the way, he wants to talk to you."

I groaned and after I second I sneezed loudly. I saw the woman behind a bookshelf looking at me and shaking her head. What's your problem, girl?

Dimitri laughed. "You catch a cold too?"

"Kind of. You?"

"Yep. So that means I don't need to worry about kissing you." he said leaning towards me again.

"You only have to worry about me pinching you again." I whispered.

He laughed again and when he was about to kiss me, I pinched him on his leg this time. Hard.


"Would you kids keep it down?" the woman across the library whispers angrily. "Go somewhere else and cuddle if you want, this isn't the place."

I laughed hard and Dimitri was staring at me with amusement. "You really are something."

"That's why you like me" I grinned.

"Hmm, it's one of the many reasons I like you." he whispered, kissing my cheek.

I guess I will give a chance. I hope it doesn't turn out badly.


( Suggest Ideas Please For Future Chapters! I always listen to you guys! )