A/N: This is when Renesmee is 6 years old but is physically and mentally 15.

Chapter 1: My Best Friend…I think.

I woke up in the morning to another cloudy day in forks. It was the summer so it wasn't that cold but as always it was cloudy.

I looked across the room at my calendar. It was the 4th of July. On the forth of July we always had a barbeque and shot up some huge illegal fireworks Uncle Emmett would buy every year.

I was so excited to see Jacob, but I was not excited to see his girlfriend Alexis. Mom said I was Jelouse but, how could I possibly be jelouse if Jake was my best friend? I just want whats best for him and Alexis was deffinatley not it.

I went downstairs to see my grandma Esme in the kitchen. She gave me a warm hug and smiled.

"what do you want for breakfeast darling?"
"I'm not that hungry today so I think ill just go with cereal,but thanks."

I made myself cereal and looked around. " Hey where is everybody?"

"They're all out getting things for the barabeque. They should be back by two when it starts."

I finished my cereal and went upstairs to my room to get changed. I looked at the clock. It was already noon. I jumped in the shower the warm water felt good but I couldn't take as long as I usually would. I got out and wraped my hair and body in two towels. I went to my room and picked out a pair of skinny jeans,a flowy pink top ,and some cute wedges. I put it on and combed out my loose natural curls.

I heard the doorbell so I went downstairs knowing that guests would be arriving. I opened the door to see Jacob and Alexis holding hands. "Hey Jake come in. The barbeque is out back."

"Hi Alexis." I said awkwardly.

"Umm… hi."

She took jake and pulled him outback. Just great. She was gonna be like this all day. Uncle Jasper was making Stakes outside on the grill. Uncle Emmett Walked in carrying five huge boxes.

"Whats all that?"

"Just the fireworks for tonight. Don't worry theres a lot more in the car." He gave me a meschivious grin.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he was gonna go all out and I know he had some tricks up his sleeve.

"Renesmee you might wanna go sit down theyre gonna serve the stakes soon."Jacob said surprising me.

"Oh… okay." I started walking outside but he stopped me.

"Look im sorry about Alexis. Why don't you come sit at our table."

"I don't know…-

"No really. The rest of the pack is gonna sit there too anyway."

I smiled. I really did miss the pack. "Okay."

Jake smiled and lead me to their table. Alexis did not look happy to see me.

"Hey ness! Its good to see you." Seth said standing up and giving me a hug.

I looked up at seth. "You too. Man you've grown a lot since I last visited."

Alexis rolled her eyes. "Of course hes grown he got the wolf gene remember."

Everyone grew quiet. Paul leaned over to Jacob and whispered "Man jake that girls got a serious issue with nessie." I laughed. I knew Alexis probably hadn't heard it.

We all ate stakes. The boys ate about three a piece, which was not a surprise.

We all talked about how we were doing and whats new and stuff. Time seemed to fly by and before we knew it it was time for fireworks.

"Who wants roman candels!" Uncle Emmett said excited.

We all agreed that we were getting one. Jacob turned to Alexis "Hey do wanna go get one?"

She shook her head. "No way am I playing with fireworks. You can go, ill stay here."

We all went to Emmett and he handed each of us a roman candel. We pointed them up towards the sky and watched them shoot colors in the air. It was so fun.

Then we all sat down and watched the huge fireworks which by the way were better and more spectacular than last year. It was almost time for the gran finale but first Uncle Emm passed out more roman candels.

Jacobs stoped shooting sparks really early for some reason. Alexis ran up to him and kissed him. He pulled away. "Wait I have to check if its done." He said. She threw it on the floor. "Its fine Jacob."She said annoyed.

Before I knew it one last spark shot out of the stick and hit me right in the foot. I fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Jacob ran over to me. "Nessie!" He lifted me up in his arms and carried me inside, Carlisle followed after. He laid me on the couch. "Nessie does it hurt?"

I let out another yelp. "It hurts a lot Jacob."

Alexis leaned in to kiss him again. He pulled away. "Alexis I don't think this is the time" Jacob whispered whispered in her ear.

"I need to show her that just because she hurt her foot doesn't mean she gets a free undevided attention from Jacob." She said out loud.

"That has nothing to with anything."

She pulled him closer. "But Jakey."

"I think you should leave."

She looked at him confused. "Fine but, your not gonna get anything unless you apologize later." She said seductively. I think im gonna be sick. She walked out the door.


"Jacob I'd rather wed not talk about that."

Carlise looked at me and smiled. "don't worry your foot will recover quickly but for now get some rest. Jacob would you mind?"

Jacob picked me up in his arms and laid me on my bed. He sat at the edge looking at me. "Im so sorry."

"Don't be. You should go get some rest."

"No ill be here till you fall asleep."

I smiled. "Okay."

Jacob made me feel safe. I didn't understand this feeling that I felt for him but I think that I like it. I quickly fell asleep.