Tainted Light
Tenshi 'Gome
Harry grinned, eyes sparkling. He was here, here at the quidditch world cup! His friends laughed too. For though Ron was born into a wizard community, he never had enough money to go to things like the quidditch world cup. Hermione, though less excited, couldn't conceal her broad grin. Best of all, they were sitting in the Top Box.
"Enjoying the life of riches, Potter, Weasley, Mudblood." Draco Malfoy sneered. The trio stood up in a fighting stance, growling at Malfoy. Malfoy was going to say something else when a voice stopped him.
"Draco, stop."
The owner of that voice was a petite young girl, about their age. With long shiny ebony hair, deep soulful chocolate brown eyes and red lips, she was beautiful. However, that woman was Asian, so she couldn't be a Malfoy. She also looked like a muggle, or not a true blooded witch, since she didn't have anything that was remotely 'witchy' on her. What was Malfoy doing with someone like her?
"Heard of her, Hermione?" Ron asked.
Hermione just stared at the girl with a strange expression.
"I said KNOW OF HER, HERMIONE?" Ron yelled loudly.
Hermione looked up, "Why is she here? Must tell Dumbledore." She muttered to herself.
Harry and Ron looked at each other in confusion, what was going on?
"See you, oh golden trio" Draco said sarcastically. He walked with what little pride he had left after being stopped by a girl, but the girl didn't catch up. She turned to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"I'm Kagome, pleased to meet you. However on a serious note, Harry Potter, these are dark times, very dark times. Something horrible will happen. Just be careful." Kagome said.
"Enjoy the cup."
Through all that kindness the golden trio could've sworn they saw a flicker of a smile, but not a good one. The one Malfoy wore, the one that made people know they're untrustworthy.
"Don't trust her." Hermione warned as they walked back to the tent.
"Bloody hell. You're not telling us why though." Ron burst out annoyed.
"I can't, I have to tell Dumbledore." Hermione practically cried.
"Hermione, come on…"Ron wailed.
"Okay, but don't tell anyone."
"We won't." promised the boys.
"I once read a book in the restricted area. In one of those books there was a girl. She fought demons. She killed demons as her life. Her friends were very…different. However, when they defeated their enemy. There was a price to pay and the girl lost everything. The bodies of her friends scattered around her all bloodied. She wanted to bring them back, but when she found the solution something so horrible happened. Her friends were alive, but dead. Zombies. They terrorised the villages and soon villages were in hiding, the girl had no choice but to kill them. The girl, once pure, split her soul in half and-"
Ron interrupted, "Split her soul?"
Hermione continued, "Basically split personalities. You can do it if your heart is in chaos. Like a lot of chaos. You can't imagine how the girl would feel now. So the girl was now half tainted half pure. Then he came. Salazer Slytherin. He taught her the ways of evil and she let him taint her even more. She was like a broken puppet, but strangely she loved Salazer. However, Godric Griffindor brought her to the ways of good. She started to love both men and when she couldn't choose she didn't want to live, she had nothing left. However the gods wouldn't let her, she was a protecter of a jewel and she couldn't just abandon the position. So she was stuck on earth, fighting between good and evil forever."
"Wow…"Ron gaped.
"Don't tell me!" Harry gasped.
Hermione nodded, "The girl time travelled 500 years back in time, before she couldn't go back home and had to stay in the feudal era. She is immortal and when you-know-who was alive he needed someone this powerful and that is probably why she is stuck with the Malfoys, because she's a death eater. She is the one who has split personalities. Kagome Higurashi."
I thought you guys might like this story, except I probably won't update this story very quickly like my others. Go on my profile to vote on my poll for who you want Kagome paired with. If the poll doesn't work or you want a different pairing, PM me. XD
Should I keep going on with this story? Please review.
Tenshi 'Gome