Hiccup was tossed from Toothless` back as the dragon slammed into Dreganaught. The two slashed at each other with their claws. Toothless drove his talons into Dreganaught's back, who bit the Night Fury in the ribcage and ripped off a chunk of flesh from the dragons side the two fought like demons inflicting horrifying injuries on each other. Dreganaught punched the dragon in the gut, knocking the wind out of him as the creature ripped his chest armor to ribbons. Dreganaught grabbed Toothless by the neck and threw him across the glacier. The dragon flew through the air and shot three fire blasts at the automaton who deflected two of the shots but the third hit him in the face and left a large scorch mark. The Vikings and Atlantians had stopped fighting and watched in suspense as the two fought to the bitter end. Toothless jumped at the automaton and punched him in the face with all his strength as the machine stabbed him in the shoulder with one of his arm blades. Toothless snarled grabbed the blade pulled it out of his shoulder with his talons and snapped it in two. Dreganaught cursed as the night fury began to gain the upper hand.
The dragon smacked the automaton with his tail and then drove his claws into the machines leg tearing out vital oil lines. Dreganaught curb stomped the dragon and shot him in the side with his energy cannon. The Night Fury stumbled and resumed his attack, using his jaws to rip off one of the automatons wings and then smacked the machine in the face with it. Dreganaught shot the Dragon several more times with his energy cannon but he might as well of been pinching the dragon. Then Triton attempted to stop the fight.
"Both of you enough, Black Death is our real enemy!" He shouted.
Toothless backed off, but Dreganaught merely snarled.
"Worthless flesh bag, I knew you would not have the stomach to finish this war" He growled.
"We should really rethink this Dreganaught, Stand down." Triton instructed.
But the automaton snarled and devoured the upper half of the Atlantian prince`s body.
"Now we finish this, Dragon." The automaton growled.
The two began to battle once again.
Toothless jumped at the automaton and delivered a stunning superman punch to the face.
Dreganaught slashed and clawed at the dragon as he began to pin him to the ground.
Then Toothless reached in to Dreganaught's jaws grabbed and with a furious roar ripped the automatons head in two, then ripped his chest open and shot the crystal that powered the automaton to pieces with a single fire blast. Oil splurged from the stump that was Dreganaught`s neck, the mechanical gore is indescribable. Toothless kicked the limp corpse and growled at it, and then he rolled it to the edge of the glacier and pushed it into the sea. The dragon had hundreds of bruises and ugly scratches, then he limped over to Zoe`s corpse. The female automaton was clinging to life, her eyes were flickering and a pool of oil was gathering where her legs should have been.
"Toothless, is that you?" She asked.
The dragon nodded.
"I`m in pretty bad shape aren't I?" She asked.
Toothless shook his head, but it still looked as if he were trying to convince himself.
"Liar." she said weakly, then reached out and touched Toothless` face with her claws.
"These last few days have been…amazing, thanks to you I had a purpose again." She told the dragon.
Then she winced and Toothless nuzzled her in the face with worry.
"Just let me go Toothless, everything will be ok." She assured him.
The Night Fury shook his head; tears were welling up in his big green eyes.
Zoe`s eyes were beginning to close.
"I love you" She whispered then her hand went slack.
Toothless shut his eyes tightly, Hiccup shook his head, and Camicazi gulped down a sob.
Astrid walked up to Hiccup; she had survived her battle at sea and slain Vorsarax. Who`s head was hanging by a rope from her belt.
The Atlantian army was mourning their prince.
The war had been a complete waste and both sides knew it, a senseless loss of human life.
Hiccup hugged Astrid tightly as they watched Toothless mourn the loss of a friend.
Then the Vikings began to board their ships and left for home.
When our heroes' arrived at Berk once again, their homecoming was bittersweet.
95% of the Vikings that had gone to battle were now dead; the rest would be haunted for the rest of their lives.
Toothless hadn't slept for 3 days, he stared angrily at the sky as if blaming the gods for Zoe`s death. He sat on the seaside, his tail and head hanging off the cliff that dropped into the sea. Hiccup and Astrid were cuddling under a tree behind him.
Then a lightning bolt struck the night Fury directly in the head, and Toothless understood everything he saw who was responsible for this madness and he knew that they would pay with their lives this is what he saw:
15349W238939039SR71234782348927568 5645845616786469746764646373 46949763402740E
13626026490234T5104602447947 40936034060246R2346046026402640246037172464 65062460245027001
KT6286926926203602361310361263 3649603640H5604036195340456402364062046 2046026445924E0
J923Ω3510351034629362240502459032 0450SEV4604573733734629046239130452 935323RIANS
Fenir was coming to Berk; it wasn't a question of if it was a question of when. Toothless turned to look at his friends who gasped at the Night Fury`s eyes, which were now electric blue.
The End