DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Vocaloids or anything related to them save for this piece of fanfiction.

Updated 6/21/11: Found a few typos and spacing errors and fixed 'em.

Title: The Hangover

Summary: Luka wakes up in her bed with a skull-splitting headache and it's all downhill from there...

The first thing Luka was aware of upon waking up was that she had a skull-splitting headache. She groaned, one hand slapping over her forehead, and sourly hoping that whatever death metal band had used her head in their concert last night, she hoped they'd enjoyed it. The sunlight that warmly trickled its way in through the curtains was entirely too bright, and unfortunately, there had yet to be invented a remote control that she could click to lower the brightness of the sun. Luka covered her face, futilely trying to hide from the morning (well, she hoped it was morning) light. It never worked, of course, but there was no harm in trying...

Slowly, she sat up. Beneath her was the familiar comfort of her bed in the house shared by the Vocaloids, the covers over her body in a warm, comfy way that she would have appreciated if her head were not feeling as if it were a veteran of several Euro league soccer (Football, she had the presence of mind to correct herself) matches. Luka began to suspect that she was hung over. Why was she hung over though? She tried to recall the events of last night, but could not get a coherent memory at all. Luka vaguely recalled drinking, at least. She usually wasn't one for alcohol, though having some wine or champagne with a nice dinner was certainly not something she was ever opposed to. Besides, some things in life, good or bad, called for indulging in a glass of wine every so often.


Oh God, Luka thought, cringing. The sake. Lily and Meiko had brought back sake, of all things. There was a reason why sake was kept scarce in the Vocaloid household. Aside from the fact they had several minors, they had Meiko and Lily in the house, and frankly, neither of those two could be trusted once they were hammered... which Luka knew was going to be inevitable once that bottle had been opened. And after Haku had been invited to drink with them after timidly asking if she could have some, Luka knew the night would not end well.

The last time a similar occurrence had happened, it had been nothing less than a disaster. Luka, who had indulged in a few cups, had felt her very pleasant buzz go away in under three seconds. Rin and Len had both been slipped some by Lily and had tried to drunkenly drive their roadroller (and thank God they had ended up stumbling over each other before they could go anywhere; she did not want to imagine what catastrophe they would have wrought had they been able to get the thing started), Haku, sad drunk that she was, had ended up drunkenly sobbing out enough angst to fill up several albums' worth of emo songs (Luka vaguely wondered if she had ever considered going into that genre), and Meiko and Lily had engaged in multiple drinking contests that had cleaned out all the alcohol in the house, including the rest of the sake (and Haku had ended up crying about that too). Long before the end of the night, the living room and kitchen had ended up looking like a war zone, thanks to their increasingly inane contests.

Each contest ended indecisively, with the two idiots barreling for the bathroom, and the sounds of retching to be heard from within.

The bathroom had reeked of vomit. For a week. A. Whole. Freaking. Week.

Seeing how allowing disaster to unfold before her eyes once more had not been an option, Luka had decided to be the human sacrifice and taken it upon herself to snatch the large bottle from Lily's hand and drink that damn thing dry.

And for her selflessness, she had been rewarded with perhaps the worst hangover she had ever experienced.

Note to self: Next time you have the urge to do something heroic, don't.

She swallowed, feeling her throat uncomfortably dry and scratchy, as if she had been talking a lot. Actually, come to think of it, Luka vaguely remembered speaking at great length, but she wasn't quite sure what the topic was. She also didn't remember who her audience was, but she was sure it had to be those two other idiots and Haku, maybe Gakupo as well. She remembered him wandering by while she'd been drinking. She'd been drinking straight out of the bottle like some damn drunkard too... Even Haku, who had been eying the bottle wistfully the whole time, didn't do that, despite being the resident alcoholic.

Ugh... She was at least glad that her liver was strong enough to handle the abuse, but she definitely would not be doing that again anytime soon, if ever.

Luka winced as her head throbbed again painfully. "Aspirin," she muttered quietly.

"Yeah, might be a good idea," a voice mumbled softly.

"Mm-hmm," Luka agreed.


Wait, what?

Luka whirled toward the source of the voice, turning a wild look on the lump lying beside her in bed underneath the covers. Her eyes stared dumbly as the lump shifted, the covers spilling off of the person they had previously concealed, sleepily rubbing her eyes before she stretched and yawned. It was a long while before her brain was able to connect the image with a name: Hatsune Miku.

Oh... My... God...

Miku turned a sleepily hooded gaze toward her, but the playful glint in her teal eyes was unmistakable. "Good morning, Luka~ Mm, so this is what the 'morning after' feeling is like?" she asked coyly, her voice pitched in a soft purr. "Feels nice~"

Words failed her. Luka stared dumbly at her, her mouth opening and closing several times in a convulsive fashion without any sound coming forth. "Wh-What...?" she managed to choke out. "H-Hatsune... san... wh-what are you..."

"You really don't remember?" Miku asked in a mock pout. "But you were so good last night~"

"Wh-Wh-What?" Luka exclaimed, the color draining from her face as she backed away. "B-B-But I... I-I-I- KYAA!"

Luka had retreated so much that she ended up gracelessly tumbling off the bed, the back of her head smacking painfully against the thankfully carpeted floor of her room. She was vaguely aware of three wincing Mikus peering down at her, their images spinning around in a manner that really wasn't helping her dizziness.

"Wow, that really looked like it hurt," the Mikus commented unhelpfully. Strangely, they all spoke with one voice and sounded like one person. "You okay, Luka?"

In reply, Luka groaned weakly, "Stop the room, I wanna get off..."

"Eee... Want me to get you the aspirin?"

Luka did not answer, still dazed from the impact. The Mikus slowly settled into one coherent image of Miku looking down at her, still wincing but also gazing at her with concern. Luka took in the image of the girl with her teal hair down from her trademark twintails and...

"Hatsune-san...?" Luka began slowly, her left eye beginning to twitch. "Why... are you wearing my shirt...?"

Miku looked down at the baggy white night shirt she was wearing, a blue cartoon of a tuna over the chest. Returning her gaze to Luka, she explained, "Well, you were in a really bad state last night, so after I took you to bed, I stayed to make sure nothing bad happened to you. And I didn't really wanna go to my room and then back, and I didn't wanna go to sleep in my regular clothes, so I figured I'd change into one of yours." Miku smiled happily as she looked back down at the shirt. "It's really comfy! I should wear these to bed instead of pajamas all the time! It's really baggy around the chest though..." She frowned as she cupped her chest through the shirt.

Reddening, Luka looked away, not needing to see Miku fondling herself while wearing her clothes. "H-Hatsune-san, please have a sense of shame! W-We may both be girls, but that is not something you should be doing in front of someone else!"

"Eh? Well, I don't mind if it's you, Luka~" Miku purred.

And just what is that supposed to mean! Luka's brain demanded.

Well, then again... it wasn't like she'd ever admit to it out loud, but she wasn't entirely complaining... Indeed, her own gaze might have lingered on Miku for longer than appropriate at times... but still! And seeing how she still had a headache, this was definitely not something she needed to deal with!

"And besides," the teal-haired girl pointed out. "You're not exactly in a position to be talking about a sense of shame."

The older Vocaloid had looked up in confusion when she noticed how pointedly Miku was staring at her. Or at least... several inches below her face. Blinking, Luka looked down at herself. Her eyes widened as she gasped with horror. She was clad in the clothes she wore last night, her usual clothing except the buttons of her top had fallen dangerously undone to the point that only her pink lace bra was keeping her from giving Miku an eyeful of her goodies, and the tumble had also made her skirt ride up almost to her waist.

"Wow," Miku breathed, clearly in awe. "Those really are natural, aren't they?"

With a scream of red-faced embarrassment, Luka curled into a ball, her arms folded protectively over her chest. "Don't look at me!" she screeched in a voice that her fans would never have been able to recognize as hers.

"Why not?" Miku asked, genuinely confused. "You're pretty to look at. Well, more like sexy actually. Ooh, wow, I can see your panties from here. They're a lot cuter than I thought they'd be; I always figured you'd wear sexy string underwear and stuff. Not that I'm complaining~"

The perverted leer in the younger girl's voice was just too much for her. "Don't talk like that!" Luka screamed, her face flushing an even deeper red than before. "And don't smile like that, you depraved little girl!"

"Little girl, am I?" Miku said in a syrupy sweet voice. Luka turned her gaze up to her to see Miku fixing her with a gaze that matched her suddenly silky voice perfectly. "You didn't seem to think I was a little girl last night, Lu-ka-san~"

Luka paled. Had she...? No, there was no way. ...Could she? Part of the reason why she hated getting drunk was because she knew she tended to get a tad on the frisky side... If Lily and Meiko could be believed. And in this case, she desperately hoped they were wrong.

"It felt really good~" Miku purred, a corner of her mouth pulled into a seductive smirk.

The older woman stared at her, her face as white as a sheet, images of being charged with assaulting a minor and statutory rape filling her head. Seeing this, the younger girl backed down, smiling apologetically as she waved her hands in front of herself.

"I'm just kidding, Luka! Relax! You just started touching me a little, that's all."

"Touching you... how...?" Luka asked, dreading how long a prison sentence she would serve for contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile.

Miku shrugged. "Nothing too bad. Just rubbing my thighs and arms and stuff, that's all."

"Oh... okay." Luka breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness... It looked like those two idiotic alcoholics were just messing with her when they would joke about her "horny drunk" tendencies...

"I was hoping you'd go further though," Miku said, folding her arms over her chest with a pout.

A furious red flush stained the older woman's cheeks. "L-Let's not think about that..."

"Yeah, you're right. There's always next time, after all!"

Luka's eye twitched. "N-Next time...?" she asked weakly.

"You're probably hungry, huh?" Miku asked, oblivious to the dread in her voice. She hopped off the bed, practically skipping out the door as she called over her shoulder, "I'll fix some breakfast for you!"

Before Luka could get a single word in, the girl had already gone out the door. She sighed, shaking her head. "Geez..."

A shower would probably have to wait and besides, a quick sniff of herself confirmed that she didn't smell too bad. Well, aside from the fact she'd been dragged into bed sleeping in the clothes she wore last night, which smelled as if they had been dunked in sake. That would have to be taken care of. Within a few minutes, Luka had changed into a pair of pink boy shorts with a white tank top, deciding that she wasn't really intending to go out anywhere today. Besides, with the hangover that she was currently under, just the idea of going out somewhere made her feel queasy.

She headed downstairs and to the kitchen, where Miku was already busy cooking up what looked like pancakes. She had to admit it smelled good too, but she had a headache to take care of first. Luka glanced at the table to see that the younger girl had already thoughtfully set out a glass of water and two aspirin for her. She gratefully took them, gulping down the whole glass and going for a refill. Sighing with relief that the aspirin already seemed to be at work, she went to set her glass on the table. At that time, Len began walking in.

"Good morning, Len," she greeted him warmly.

Ordinarily, he would greet her back with a smile, occasionally blushing lightly as he did, seeing how he had a mild crush on her. Today, he turned a deer-in-the-headlights look on her, his face turning fire-truck red.

"G-G-Good morning, Luka-onee-sama!" he exclaimed, his voice overly loud and addressing a point at least a foot over Luka's head.

Onee-sama? Luka raised an eyebrow. Normally, he referred to her as "Luka-nee" or "Luka-nee-chan," but...

Her thoughts trailed off as Rin skipped into the kitchen, singing the word "orange" to herself repeatedly as she did. Her humming came to an abrupt halt as she caught sight of Luka, and her reaction completely mirrored Len's.

"G-G-Good morning, Luka-onee-sama!" she exclaimed, her voice overly loud and addressing a point at least a foot over Luka's head.

Luka stared at the Kagamine twins, her eyes shifting between them as they continued to avoid her gaze, carrying on their business with visible discomfort. Was it something she'd said...?

She felt a sinking feeling start in her stomach... Come to think of it, she did feel like she had spoken at great length about something...

When the twins had left, Luka turned to Miku, who had been humming to herself the whole time while cooking. Slowly, she said, "Hatsune-san...?"

"Hm?" came the absent reply.

"Did... I talk about anything last night...?"

Flinch. "Uhhhhhhhhhh..." The hesitant way that she dragged out the syllable did not bode well. "Well, um..."

It was at this moment that Gakupo came in. He grinned at Luka, raising his hand in casual greeting. "Yo, good to see you're up. You feeling okay? Never knew you could knock back so much at once! Or that you could talk that much either!"

She turned toward him, her expression full of dread though she remained silent. Her vocal chords had decided to completely fail her at the moment.

"But man," he said, scratching his cheek awkwardly as he flushed a light shade of pink. "I um... I didn't know you knew so much about..." He trailed off before averting his eyes and murmuring, "Um... never mind."

"What...?" Luka said weakly after his back as he turned and walked out a little bit faster than his usual leisurely gait.

She turned a traumatized look toward Kaito as he walked in, the look on his face saying that he was hungry for some ice cream. Gumi was walking in at the same time, waving energetically and calling out, "Yo, Miku-chan! Glad to see you're-"

Both newcomers spotted Luka at the same time, their relaxed expressions quickly shifting into solemn masks of utmost respect. As one, Kaito and Gumi bowed deeply toward her and shouted, "Thank you very much, Megurine-sensei!"

"Megurine... sensei...?" Luka's normally rich and sensual voice was now just a pathetically weak shell of its former self.

Straightening into a position that would have put a British royal guard to shame, Gumi shouted, "I have learned much from your lessons last night, Megurine-sensei!"

"Yes!" Kaito agreed enthusiastically, straightening into a similar position. "Thank you very much for your teachings, Megurine-sensei! We will remember your lessons for as long as we live!"

"W-Wait..." Luka continued weakly. "What... What did I say last night...?"

Miku piped up, "Well..." but just as quickly fell silent, turning a fierce red. She pretended instead to be very busy with making sure the pancakes she was making for Luka were just right.

Luka felt like crawling into a corner and whimpering. Just what had she said last night...?

Her traumatized expression suddenly melted to give way to a much darker look, mostly concealed as she lowered her head, her bangs covering her eyes in shadow.

Someone was to blame for this...

"Ne." Her voice was back to its usual tones, but with a definite undertone of menace. "Where are Meiko and Lily?"

Miku finished loading the pancakes onto a plate, still not looking at Luka as she kept her attention on her task. "Mm, probably crashed out on the sofa in the living room still. Why?"

"No reason," Luka replied in the same voice.

Behind her, Miku heard the refrigerator door open, the sound of something being removed, and then the door closing.

"I... have some business to take care of..." Luka said. "I'll be right back..."

The first thing that occurred to Lily was that her neck hurt. She winced, rubbing the offending spot with her fingers. A sofa, in retrospect, really was not the greatest of places to fall asleep on, but then, when drunk and tired, there really wasn't much choice on where one crashed out. There was a warm weight on top of her, and she looked down blearily to see that Meiko had fallen asleep on top of her. She sighed. This wasn't going to be good, considering Meiko could sleep like the dead after getting wasted. It wasn't like it was that bad though. Thanks to Luka crashing their fun and chugging down the sake herself, they'd needed to settle for the lager that was in the fridge. Still... it was pretty funny to see Luka get herself completely and utterly trashed.

She grinned, remembering what she could of the events of last night. Luka had gotten completely wasted and had become extremely chatty and openly happy. In addition to her crackpot drunk tendencies, her horny drunk tendencies had come out in full force too, which Miku, who had been eying the older woman for some time, took full advantage of (and had earned herself a few thumbs up signs from the others). The pink-haired woman had spent most of the evening with an opportunistic Miku draped over her lap, fondling the girl as she slurred out various rather comedic tirades. Even Meiko and Lily, who had been sulking over the loss of the sake, came to enjoy themselves, and Luka's drunken antics soon attracted the rest of their household.

The younger members had taken full advantage of Luka's inebriation to ask her all sorts of things that she would never have answered if she were sober, and the Kagamine twins had been particularly intrigued by some of the ideas that Luka had spewed as additions for their roadroller ("Spinning rims? Why didn't we think of that?" they had asked each other.). Then Gumi, pervert that she was, had asked Luka to speak in detail about the ah... "ecchi things", as she had phrased it, that could happen in a bedroom. Luka had started off by correcting her in that they did not necessarily need to take place in a bedroom, and then had swung into a full on lecture where her speech went from hopelessly slurred to perfectly enunciated phrases, her voice a tone of utmost seriousness.

While it had initially been comical, Luka had been so absolutely, horrifically in detail that long before the end, the only one that did not have their face burning bright red with embarrassment had been Luka herself...

Hell, even I didn't know some of those things...

She vaguely wondered how that girl was doing right now. She certainly had to be experienced with hangovers, seeing how she often ended up hanging out with her and Meiko, but a whole bottle of sake that big in that span of time? That had to be something... It was funny, because now that she had thought about Luka, the air around her suddenly had started to smell like tuna...


A shadow fell over her, and Lily blearily looked up. The alcohol and sleep-induced haze over her cleared immediately as she saw the image of wrath itself in the form of a pink-haired woman, her shadowed eyes two pinpoints of blazing turquoise fire and the very air around her reeking of tuna and murderous intent.

"L-Luka..." Lily greeted, gulping nervously. She poked at Meiko's side, trying to get her to please wake the hell up. "Hehe... wh-what's up...?"

Luka did not answer. Instead, she began to slowly raise her hands over her head, wielding a very ominously large fish. Lily gulped again, poking Meiko a bit harder and a bit more frantically. It was probably safe to say that any hangover Luka may have had was currently overridden by an extremely powerful killing intent.

"N-Now, let's be reasonable..." Lily said in her most reasonable tones (which did not come out reasonable in the least, and just sounded more along the lines of a voice squeaking "Oh God, please don't kill me!"). Her finger was now jabbing very hard at Meiko's side, and the sleeping woman whirred out a response.

Luka's response to Lily's plea was to let out a bloodcurdling roar as the fish came crashing down onto them. With a desperate, fearful shriek, Lily managed to roll out of the way in time with Meiko, landing at the furious woman's feet. The impact luckily jarred the other woman out of her slumber, and the killing intent in the room was so powerful, it kicked Meiko's fight-or-flight instincts immediately into overdrive. The fish came crashing down on their heads again, each of them dodging in a different direction as it slammed into the floor, the impact sending a shockwave through the whole house. Meiko and Lily regrouped at a relatively safe distance from the enraged Luka, Meiko trying to figure out just what the hell was going on and having a sinking feeling she knew, Lily trying futilely to reason with her.

"Hehe... C-C'mon now, Luka..." She grinned in a stupid "please don't hurt me" kind of way. "I-It wasn't that bad!" The grin fell. "...Was it?"

Luka turned toward them, her head lowered as she snarled in a low, murderous tone of voice, "Hold still... and it will end soon..."

She lifted her head, her eyes blazing wrathfully as she roared, "HOLD STILL AND IT WILL END SOON!"

The two women shrieked as they barely ducked under the large tuna Luka was wielding as a makeshift flail. They fled screaming from the room, their hangovers cured courtesy of sheer terror.

"COME BACK HERE!" the voice of the pink-haired demon that had once been Megurine Luka boomed from behind them.

"Is it too late to say that we're sorry?" Lily cried. She figured this was a very, very, very bad time to point out to Luka that she had drank that entire sake bottle of her own volition and wisely did not bring it up.

Nevertheless, a wild swing that swiped through the trailing strands of her long blonde hair came as her response.

"Oh God!" Meiko screamed in panic. "I don't wanna die now! I've still got a headache and I'd be all cross and I wouldn't get to enjoy the afterlife!"



Rin stretched as she took in the sun's warm rays. It was a nice day out, she had reasoned, and frankly, after hearing what Luka-onee-sama had said last night, she didn't think she could look the older woman in the eye for a long while... Len was walking beside her as they made their way down the walkway away from the house. They shared a nervous glance, each thinking the same thing and knowing that they were doing this outing for the exact same reasons. Still, she supposed it wasn't so bad to be able to just spend some time together. After all, the Vocaloid house was not exactly a sprawling mansion, and there were quite a few occupants. In fact, she felt more relaxed already. Plus, with him around, there was no need for her to go outside alone.

It's nice to have a twin, she thought contentedly. She did not know that at the same time, Len was thinking the same thing.

The peaceful moment was shattered as the front door slammed open behind them. In shock, the Kagamine twins turned and gaped with eyes as wide as dinner plates as Meiko and Lily stampeded out of the house, the expression on their faces the very definition of abject terror.

"Run, Lily! She's gaining on us!"

"I'm running! I'm running!"

Hot on their heels was Megurine Luka... or at least, a murderous demon in the guise of Megurine Luka wielding a... fish. Granted, a very large fish, but still...

"COME BACK HERE AND GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU!"Luka shouted in a voice that would have brought the bravest men to their knees, quivering in terror.

The trio ran past them and out onto the sidewalk, the panicked screams and the flailing of a very large fish steadily fading as they moved further and further from the house. The Kagamine twins stared after them before sharing a glance. As one, they nodded and turned to go back inside.

Who needs to go outside when you have a PS3? they reasoned to themselves.


First Vocaloid fic I've ever written. XP I'm a rather new fan to the Vocaloids, so I don't really know how they're "supposed" to act, so I took a few liberties here and there (and everywhere). In case anyone noticed, I did borrow the idea of Luka getting drunk and spewing a long lecture on ecchi things from Azumanga Daioh (which I adore); I personally thought it'd be pretty funny to imagine Luka as that kind of drunk. XD And yes, I threw a dash of Luka x Miku in here. I happen to really like the pairing, sue me :P (no, please don't).

If you've made it this far, please leave me a review and lemme know what you think. :D Constructive criticism is always welcome, and flames shall be stored for later use. 'Til next time! ^_^v