Sorry it took so long to update! I was working on my other stories, which I probably shouldn't have started as I haven't finished this one (: Check it out, it's called Two Different Girls!
I don't own Night World :(
Everyone filed out of the tiny room, and Blaise and Phil were the last ones out, both about to pick up the bowl. That is why nobody saw their hands brush and sparks flying through both of them…
Phil POV
My hand accidently brushed Blaise's and I felt shocks go all the way up my arm, and through my body. At first, I thought she was doing something to me, like a spell. But then I saw her face was just as bewildered as I'm sure mine was.
She looked up with her eyes full of awe and happiness. "You're my soulmate." Blaise said in hushed tones.
"Like Poppy and James?" I asked in equally quiet tones.
"Yeah." We had locked hands now, and were facing each other, with our heads bent towards each other. She smiled, and my breath caught. She was… so beautiful. Before I knew it, we were kissing and I was thrown into her mind. It had a mixture of colourful patches, and dark patches in the whole land. I walked into one of the colourful places and I could see the memory all around me. There was a 4 year old Blaise, sitting next to Thea, with an old woman looking over them. In the middle was a pot, very much like the one we had used, that was bubbling away, while Thea and Blaise added different ingredients at different times. I realised what this was; it was her first real spell. I smiled in response and walked to a different one. I could feel Blaise doing the same thing in my own mind.
The one I had walked in this time had weathered ground and it was raining. I could feel her hesitation as I walked towards the middle.
Don't be scared. You know I won't shun you, we are soulmates, remember?
Yes. Please, don't judge me too harshly. I'm so sorry.
I walked into it and was yet again thrown into another memory. It was a whole mixture of memories, seeing the same old woman talk with Thea secretly, and hearing her name, seeing Thea making friends on the first day of their new school, seeing boys like Thea instead of her. All of them with Thea in it, making her feel unworthy and rubbish.
Why do you compare yourself to Thea? You are both amazing people, in so many different ways.
She's so much better than me. She's kind, smart, funny, pretty.
So are you! You're all of those things and more.
I felt her smile and then a sound intruding on our minds. A knock on the door.
"Guys? What's going on? You've been in there for ages. Can I come in?" Poppy said.
"Come in." I said to her. Blaise and I stood up, with our hands still intertwined. Poppy spotted this and gave me a look. Then, her face got really happy as she realized what this must mean.
"Are you soulmates!" She squealed, loudly. I'm pretty sure all he people downstairs heard her. They all came crowding in the door, seeing what the screaming was about. They saw Blaise and I standing close, holding hands and all came to the same conclusion. Blaise blushed as everyone made exclamations and I held her even closer, bringing her in my arms. Thea came forward. She and Poppy looked much happier than everyone.
Blaise came out of my arms, and looked at Thea. And smiled. Thea ran forward to hug her cousin, and I knew that from now on, things would be alright between them. I walked towards Poppy and smiled, and she launched herself into my arms, saying "I'm so glad you've found your soulmate! It is so cool, isn't it! Are you happy? Excited? How are you and Blaise going to see each other? You should get married!"
"Whoa, Poppy. Calm, yourself! Give me a chance to answer." I said.
"Sorry." She smiled sheepishly. "I am just really happy for you!"
"Thank you. But instead of worrying about Blaise and I, shouldn't we be going to see this Aradia?" I pitched this last bit louder, so everyone could hear it.
"He's right." James said. "It is wonderful that they are soulmates, but we have to take action, now." James smiled at me and I smiled back.
Blaise POV
Wow, Phil is so amazing! I am happy that I got a nice guy as my soulmate, and I have to admit, I didn't think it would ever happen for me. His mind is so amazing and he is so protective of me already. I knew he would do anything for me, and I realised that the feeling was mutual. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even realise we were all heading for our cars. I shook my head once to clear it and went to my car. Phil came with me, and Poppy, James, Thea and Eric drove Phil's car, so they were all evened out. I lead all of them to the right place.
The ride didn't last very long, about 2 hours or so. It was silent in the car with Phil, but not an uncomfortable one. It felt good and natural being with him. Every now and then he would catch my eye and a gorgeous smile would slowly spread over his face. I was surprised at his easy ability to make me blush, as I was usually very hard to embarrass.
I turned onto the familiar roads and went into a serious mode. This was a very big thing we were asking her, and even though she is nice, she might not help us. I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw that the others faces were serious too. We parked in her driveway, and I got out first, taking Phil with me. I held up my hand to say to them, stay there, but Maggie and Delos got out anyway, coming with us. I sighed and we walked up to the door and knocked gently. Aradia answered the door, looking as beautiful as ever.
"Hello Blaise. It is always nice to see you. And you must be Blaise's soulmate, Phil. It's nice to meet you. Maggie! It's lovely to see you again." She said warmly. "And Delos, hello." Wow, she knows everything! Delos and Phil shook hands politely and Maggie hugged her and we all walked in. "So, would you like me to get you anything? Tea, coffee?" She asked.
"No, thank you. We have something we need to ask you." Maggie said. She explained the whole situation and Aradia listened with the same serene and grave expression she always has on.
"Ah. Hellewise told me something like this would happen. I had no specifics, but I am now clear on what I must do. I have to destroy talk to Galen, Keller, Hannah and Thierry myself. I will talk to them, and remove the dark energy from them, and they will go back to normal instantly. Then Hunter must destroy the remote, but if he does not it is then his own responsibility. We do not go near that remote again."
"We must go now, time is scarce. I am afraid that if we wait too long, they will be too far gone, and I will not be able to bring them back." Aradia said all of this with movements that indicated she was leaving. We all followed her lead and walked out of her house. Maggie was walking with Aradia, saying something about how nice it was to see her again and Delos had already gone back to the car. Maggie and Aradia came into our car. It was a very short journey and we all pulled up opposite the mansion, as we knew that they wouldn't let us in.
Aradia got out of the car and walked up to the security guard. He checked some lists and let her inside the gates. I wondered why on earth her name would be on the list, and then realised she must have done a quick mind spell on the guard.
She disappeared inside the mansion and we all waited anxiously. Unfortunately, there were no vampires in this car, so we couldn't know what they were saying. We waited for an agonisingly long time, which was only an hour, before Aradia finally came out, smiling. She walked straight towards the jeep, where the majority of us were, so we got out of our car and went to stand next to them as well.
"Everything went exactly as planned. They are fine now, just a bit disorientated. They are wondering where you are." Aradia said in a gentle, happy voice.
Poppy POV
Yay! I'm so glad that the others were back to normal now! I couldn't wait to see Hannah again! "Can we go inside now?" I asked Aradia.
"Of course. They want to see you." She replied.
I squealed and jumped outside of the car, dragging Jamie with me. The guards recognized us and let us in without trouble. James and I ran with vampire speed, nearly breaking the door of the hinges. The four were standing in a line, watching us come in the house…
Oooooh, will they really be normal again? I hope so! I miss writing about them :(
Please review! Thank you for reading! Once again, check out my other story, Two Different Girls