Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who yadayadaydaya...

A/N: Oh my goodness I have not written on Fan Fiction in Ages! This is my first Doctor Who fan fiction! :D Please tell me what you think! Reviews and comments appreciated!

The Doctor's Home

Chapter One: 18.2 Bluebox Lane

It was Febuary and I reflected on the tearful goodbyes that I shared with my family and friends a day earlier, as I headed down a bumpy Scottish country road.

My name is Averie Fallon, I'm 18 years old and getting ready for the biggest adventure of my life. I am to be an American exchange student in Scotland. Now this might not seem like a big deal, but it truly is. I am from a small town in Georgia called Susannah it's right next to Savannah and has the breathtakingly small population of 200 people. The rule is, if you live in Susannah you can never leave, it's an unspoken rule. So I am first of my kind to go out into the world!

I sighed as I pressed my head against the cool window of the taxi. I was nervous. I literally had no information on the people I was to be staying with. All I had was the address. 18.2 Bluebox Lane, Crail, Scotland.

After about two hours of driving the taxi slowed down as we headed up a step dirt driveway that looked as if no one had driven on in within the past 13 years.

As we came to the top of the driveway, I held my breath as we came into view of a beautiful almost "castle like" 18th century Scottish manor.

"18.2 Bluebox Lane ma'am." The driver said as we came to a stop.

As I got out my luggage out of my bag I heard a strange buzzing noise coming from inside the house and looked up to see a curious man with a screwdriver peaking out of the curtains.

"Strange fellow he is, I think he's a doctor or something. Heard he keeps a police box inside his house, but I guess that's just smart people for ya." The taxi driver said.

I just nodded, to confused to actually say anything. What have I gotten myself into?

I strugled dragging my luggage up the steps, and just when I was about to knock on the big engraved wooden door, it swung open to reveal a smiling young man in his late twenties with messy brown hair, suspenders, a bow tie, and a- strange hat perched on his head.

"What is on your head?" I asked rather bluntly.

"You come all the way from America to Scotland and the first thing you ask about is my phez?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered simply.

He gave raised his eyebrows and then said, "I'm the Doctor. And I am assuming you're-"

"Averie Fallon." I finished for him.

"Interesting nameā€¦" He mused. "Why don't you come inside?"

Just as I started to walk through the threshold the Doctor called out, "Watch out for the-" But the Doctor's warning was too late and I found my self in a heap on the floor holding the side of my head and staring at a blue police box.

"Did she hurt you?" The Doctor asked worriedly.

"I'll be alright." I said.

The Doctor gave me a look as he rushed over and patted the side of the box, "I wasn't talking to you Averie."

The Doctor looked over at my sheepishly, "Do you want to go in it?"

"Go in it? It's a police box?" I exclaimed.

"It really is much bigger inside then you would think." He said.

"Listen, before I go anywhere, you are going to tell me who you are and why you wanted me here."