
The roar of Mister De Noirs suden outburst made everyone who was currently arguing to cease all arguing and become calm and somewhat cooperative. As the room quiented I took the oppurtunity too gaze at the other occupants.

Robin was currently supporting a black eye that he recieved from Danny. Sophia was being cleaned up by a doctor as she dabbed water at the claw marks across her cheek, curtisy to me, but as for Poor Danny, well he was currently under the hammer as three doctors attending to his face, arm and leg.

Hearing the scream of pain from down the hallway only made me grow angrier ar Robin for the damage he had caused Danny. Crossing my arms across my chest angrily I slouched in my chair, as Loveday sat on my left and my uncle to my right. Both were watching me like a hawk hunting prey.

They both knew Robin had made me pissed beyond belief, ruining his own engagement party, His Finace ruined my dress, which was kind of lucky in a way, and he had beaten up my date and his friend. I was a little more than pissed off. Yet, seeing as we were seated in Mister De Noirs study area, which honestly is just an oversized library, I couldn't burst out at him yet, so I will bite my tongue, for now.

"The humanity of you all!" He screamed, pointing at Loveday, Robin, Uncle, Sophia and myself. "How dare you put shame to the De Noir name and on such an eventfull occasion."

Rolling my eyes I let my mind travel as Master De Noir continued screaming aloud. I wonder what ever made me turn into such a nasty, little cruel hearted girl. Wasn't that supposed to be Robin's job? Wasn't he the person who broke my heart and got engaged to some idiot from the City, who happens to be a boyfriend stealing little whore. Oh right, that's what happened. Robin De Noir shattered my heart into tiny little piece and left me to crumble,. alone. I remember why I turned so vicious and always want to malisicouly kill him.

"-ause Robin! This arranged marriage is going to be the death of me I swear!"

Apparently Robin had finally spoken. I had dreams of one day marrying that idiot of a boy who is supposedly in an arranged marriag- Hang on. Arranged what?

I blinked a few times and starred at Mister De Noir as he placed his hands on his hard wood polished desk and scanned the room of three children and two grow alduts. I starred blankly at Mister De Noir as he proceeded to yell out his tirade.

"Can't you two just get along untill after the wedding? I said I will try to do my best in finding you a suitable wife after we setlle the divorce papers. For heavens sake Robin you might of just blown the only chance we have of not needing to se-"

"Its what!" I screamed, finally coming to terms with the sentences that Mister De Noir was screaming so annoyingly at us. I couldn't believe what He was saying, surely he was lying, there was no way that these two baffoons where not in love. Surely. "There engaged." I said quietly.

"Correct Maria." Master De Noir said sighing and sitting in his grand chair.

I frowned. "But Robin didn't propose?"

He shook his head. "Oh, good heavens no."

My breath caught in my throat as sudden nervous crept into my body. So could that mean that... it might be possible that.. "So their not in love?"

The Snort that emittied from the lovely highpitched voice of Sophia blackwell, made me cringe as I turned my head in her direction.

"No Maria I am not in love with Robin and possibly never will be." She said with a smirk. "However that doesn't mean that his feelings aren't mutual. I'm sure dear Robin loves me, right honey." She asked battering her eyelids and leaning over to curl and piece of his brown locks around her finger.

Robin pushed her hand away roughly and scooted his chair a little closer to Loveday who only shifted closer to me. I snickered a little at the imaturity of the room. Loveday didn't want to be too close too her brother, who didn't want to be next to his Fiance, who was practically dying to get as far away from me as possible, who was quite comfortable seated inbetween two grown adults who had broken up the fighting earlier this evening. Yes, I am quite pleased with how everything turned out.

"Some how Sophia, I don't believe i will ever be in love with you." Robin said in a disgusted tone before turning to me. "Which is what i've been trying to tell you."

Robin should learn by now that when I am annoyed with him, he should not talk to me. No Not at all. Never. Silly Boy. "Did I give you permission to speak to me?" I asked smirking slightly as I turned my attention to him and put on my best annoyed face. Dear Robin, weather it is your stupid riddles or my stupid unfunctional brain that makes me ask you this next question I will never know. "But Tried to tell me what?" Yes Maria, spit all over Loveday, that's great.

Robin sighed. "That I don't want to marry her." He said indicating to the black haired, sour faced looking girl next him. "I have no choice in the matter, it's either get married or se-"

"Choice? Choice!" I screamed jumping to my seat and accidentially smacking Uncle with my hand, jolting him from a peaefully slumber that had gone unnoticed by everyone but me. "Robin De Noir! There is always a choice. Weather in life or frickin death, you always have a choice at the end of the Day! How dare you come at me with your petty crap"

"But Princ-"

"Don't you dare say that word Robin De Noir." I said stepping forward and jabbing my finger into his chest. "Three months you had to tell me Three Months and all you did was run around that stupid bloody forest like there was nothing happeneing in your life, like you didn't have to get married, like you had all the time in the world to be a kid.

"Three Months without even a snippet to your best friend that you where to have a shiny ring on that stupid elegant finger of yours." I am going to go hoarse. How dare he have the Audacity to throw this back on me. I am a girl of pride, now a days anyway, and no Man, especially Robin De Noir, would take that from me. "No, no decency at all from you Robin! None. Couldn't even let your best friend, the girl who was fallen madly in love with you know that You are engaged!"

If I have ever told anyone that I am a strong, carefully worded girl, I retract that statement. The gasps that escaped everyone's lips seemed to linger and echo against my ears as I stood infront of Robin with my finger still jabbing angerily into his chest. I felt weak at the knees but at the same time I felt sick. I had just told the man that I love, that I truely loved him. Not by hints of running away from him upon sight, or wearing dresses that he bought, or watching him fight over me, No I had truely anf finally told him that I was in love with him.

The confused look in Robins eyes was enough to alert any creature or living being that my hurtfelt and honest words had thrown him off guard for a breif moment only to be replaced with a hurtfull and painfilled look. He had given me that look so many times over the past few days that I thought that look was seriiosuly going to kill me soon. He starred at me for what felt like forever. His eyes never leaving mine as my breathing began to control itself again and I could finally feel the redness from my face subsiding.

Opening his mouth to speak, Robin decided against it.

"Maria?" Mister De Noir said, somewhere towards the left of the room. "Why didn't you speak of this before now?"

I sighed. Finally looking away from Robin, I turned to his Father who had a look of astonishment across his pale face. Why was it such a shock that I was in love with my best friend, everyone goes through this period sometime in their life, right?

I opened my mouth to speak but was cutt off as a delicate hand found its way onto my shoulder. "That would be my fault Father, as I told her to keep it a secret and promised her I would never reveal that she had fallen for Robin to anyone."

I opened my mouth to protest but the sharp fingernail of Loveday poking into my shoulder told me otherwise. I smiled to myself at that fact that she was defending my honour by lying to her own Father, in a way I felt bad that she was lying for my own well being but at the same time I felt privledged, to know that I was good enough to lie for and I knew that all the secrets i had ever told Loveday would be taken her grave.

Yet her firm grasp couldn't hold all my queiries back. Why was it such a big deal that I hadn't told anyone but Loveday before now? Was it a big deal at all? "I'm Sorry Master De Noir, for my outburst but would it of made any difference at all if I had of told you sooner?"

Master De Noir snorted before rising from his seat and eyeing us Curiously a small sympathetic smile etched across the bottom half of his face. "My dear child, It would of made all the difference in the world. Instead of Marrying him to Sophia, well..." He shrugged as he turned to Robin who I came to find was still starring at me with longingness and saddened eyes.

"I could of Married you." Robin said looking away as I felt my world crash down around me. Those walls I had rebuilt, the walls that had came crashing down the day I had been told of his engagement, the walls that had secured my feelings and kept everything a secret had once again came crashing down like lightening hitting the ground at a rocket speed.

I would of spoke, I probably would of yelled, but seeing as all of a a sudden the floor came up to eye level and all lightness in the world drowned out to black, I guess I couldn't really say anything.

Don't hate me!
I know It has been forever and this isn't the best chapter ever, but i've been super ubber busy and my brother passed away in July, so I haven't really had all the time in the world to be on here :/
I;m terribly sorry and I will get the next chapter too you as soon as possible..
Sorry for the crappiness...

Karni. xx

P.s if anyone would be willing to Beta this story, I would be much oblidged ^_^ x