So, sorry about not updating this for awhile. I was gone to visit family in Indiana for a week and then I was having a bit of writers block for how to end it. Well, a talk with my friend and fellow writer, scarlettphantom55 who is my friend at school, we decided a way to end it and keep it pretty awesome. And freaky. Mostly freaky.

Well, enjoy!

Arthur and Alfred jumped as the cell phone adorned in the ghost nation's flag rang, nearly giving the older one a heart attack.

"If you don't mind…" Alfred mumbled and Arthur picked up the line.


"Hello, is this Arthur?" Oh what was his name…

"Yes it is. To whom am I speaking to?"

"…seriously, you don't know?"

"No." Arthur drawled and when Alfred mouthed 'Who is it?', he only shrugged.

The other person sighed and he heard a softer voice in the background. "Is Alfred there?"

"I'm..sorry but he's a bit busy at the moment. Can I take a message?"

"I was hoping he wasn't..." The person murmured and the Brit was a bit confused, "Can you tell him that it was nice seeing him yesterday?" Arthur couldn't help but raise a big bushy eyebrow at that; who had Alfred met with yesterday?

"Sure. And your name for the message?"

"You both should know who I am Arthur! You'll figure who I am sooner or later!" An angry scream then the phone when dead, leaving Arthur quite unsure who the caller was and why he knew his name.

"And?" Alfred had floated right in the Brit's face, startling him and leaving him to fall back into the closet door.

"Bloody hell Alfred! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He exclaimed and Alfred backed away sheepishly.

"I guess I'm doing a good job of being a ghost then…" He mumbled and Arthur's eyes softened.

"It's alright lad. Well, the caller said he appreciated seeing you yesterday." Alfred furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait, I was at home all day. The doorbell rang and I went to go answer it, but no one was there so I just played video games."

"Strange…" Arthur looked back to the body again and winced. He examined the tattoo again, only to be left disappointed. "Alfred, I do fear that this became permanent when it was put on. It seems to be tattooed and the soul can only be out of the body so long before the bond snaps and the soul is sent to the other world." Alfred's eyes widened as he began shaking his head back and forth and backed away.

" no no no…the hero can't die! The hero never dies! There has to be some way of fixing this Iggy with one you're your magic spells or something!" Arthur looked sadly at the body before meeting Alfred in the eyes.

"I'll try all I can." With that, they agreed to take the long flight back to England to try and locate a spell to try and help the situation however they ran into a problem. Every time Alfred would try and follow with, he'd begin to fade out existence when he got too far away from his body. Not willing to risk Alfred to the beyond, Arthur promised him that he'd be back within a day or so with the spell and to keep himself pre-occupied.

It was a nervous trip back to his home for Arthur, who felt as if someone was glaring at him the entire time. Constantly checking, he saw no one even looking at him. Shrugging, the Englishman turned back around wondering why the airplane had an empty seat on the usually booked flight.

After hailing a taxi, Arthur continued his trek back home through the dark and stormy evening feeling anxious and nervous but he couldn't just place exactly why. Sure, he was worried about his former charge, but this was something different completely…

He quickly unlocked the door to his house and took off his raincoat, hanging it by the door while the water dripped onto the floor, creating a large puddle in front of the door and Arthur frowned but left it alone. He needed to find that spell first.

Quickly, he descended into his magic lair that was located in his basement, scanning through books and texts for the right spell he needed. Hearing a loud bang as the front door slammed open, he shrugged. He hadn't figured the storm would blow in his door. Grinning, Arthur nearly let out laugh as he found the right book and rushed up the stairs. The front door was wide open and the puddle had grown. 'Wait…footprints?' he mused as he saw separate puddles stemming from the larger one heading into the kitchen.


"AUGH!" He screamed as he felt something stab into his back and he stumbled forward, collapsing on the ground, quickly feeling lightheaded. "What the…hell?" Arthur murmured as his attacker walked around and crouched down to look his victim in the eyes. "You?"

"Yes Arthur, me. Who else would be able to know the correct seals and spells to separate Alfred's soul from his body? By time anyone else notices he's been missing, it'll be too late. Just like you."

"But…how? Why?" Arthur whimpered as he tried to push away the haziness from his mind. He was loosing too much blood too fast.

"It was easy when you often forgot I existed when you were dealing with Alfred, even after he left and I was the only one you had to care for, not that you did much after you collected me from France. Even now, you forget who I am and what my country is!"

"But…Matthew! I'm sorry, but why are you even doing this!" Arthur pleaded. He couldn't fight off the blackness beginning to envelop his mind and sight. Matthew merely wiped his blood stained hands off on Arthur's sweater vest with a sadistic grin. His purple eyes were wild with madness and insanity, pleased that his gruesome act was finally coming to play after brooding about it for who knows how many years.

"Don't worry Arthur~" He purred and Arthur shuddered, trying to keep his eyes open. "I'm only disposing of everyone who don't even know I exist. Now, that may be about three fourths of the world, but what does that matter? There'll be people like Francis, Gilbert, and the others who are my friends. Since a majority of my actual family didn't even know who I was, I depended on them." The Canadian got up again, brushing off some dried blood off his red hoodie.

"But…Alfred…" Arthur murmured as the darkness finally was claiming it's newest victim.

"Don't worry about that. You'll see him soon enough." Matthew said with a laugh and he grinned as Arthur finally died, the butcher knife still embedded in his back, blood pooling along with the rainwater on the rug. He pulled on his jacket and closed the door to the estate and walked down the driveway in the pouring rain as he sang. ?He couldn't help it, today was a great day and he still wasn't done with his list yet! He hailed a taxi and went out into the world, unknowingly letting an unknown murderer back into it's midst. They would all find out about him, soon enough.

"All the world is falling down, falling down, falling down. Dead and buried in the ground. My dear Arthur~"

So, that's the direction I took it in. XDDD I tend to love writing Psycho!Canada! =D Anyways, scarlettphantom55 wrote the last little song thing but I edited it a little. I hope you enjoyed it! And yes, I KILLED OFF ALFRED AND MATTHEW. I TEND TO LIKE MURDERING OFF CHARACTERS. XDDDDDDD Mwhahaahh. =3D