Now That's an Unexpected Request

The fifth installment of lastcrazyhorn's "Now" series. As a 29 year old virgin, Spencer has more than a few things he wants to try out in the bedroom. But who will he trust to have that first experience with?

Chapter 1 - Rossi

Based on the way the boy had been shooting him glances all day, he knew something was up, but never in a thousand years had he expected it to be this.

"Pardon me?" David Rossi said back, blinking hard as he tried to process what he had just heard.

"I think I'm gay," Spencer Reid repeated nervously.

"No, no." Dave said, holding a hand up and putting the other over his eyes. "I heard that part. Repeat what you said after that."


He didn't even have to look to see the terrified expression reinsert itself into Reid's wide brown eyes.

"I was wondering," here the young man cleared his throat anxiously. "If you and um, Hotch," Reid paused again, "could help guide me in my first experience." The last part of the request came out in a rush, but this time, Dave at least understood the words.

"Your first sexual experience?" He asked, finally looking back up at the young agent standing nervously in front of his desk.

"Yes," Reid said in a very tiny voice.

Dave sighed. There were so many things wrong with that request, and yet—he allowed himself to gaze back at the young man and really see him this time. Spencer Reid wasn't half-bad on the eyes; a bit scrawny, a bit self-conscious, but really, hadn't they all been at one time? At least the latter, Dave thought to himself with an inner chuckle.

"I take it that you haven't mentioned this to Hotch?"

"I figured that if you automatically told me to forget it, then I wouldn't have to embarrass myself in front of two of my superiors."

Ah yes, his superiors; that was another tricky angle to look at. Speaking of which—he looked to his door just as someone knocked on it. It was exactly fifteen minutes after six in the evening; in other words, it was time for Hotch to drop by.

"Come in!" Dave called out, secretly pleased to see his lover poke his head questioningly through the doorway.

"I can come back if you two are busy," Hotch replied in his usual deep voice. It sent a warm feeling into the pit of Dave's stomach, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Reid shiver appreciatively as well.


"No, I think you should be here for this," Dave answered, giving the other man a reassuring smile. "Take a seat, both of you," he ordered after Hotch had closed the door. "Having you two stand around my desk makes me feel like a school principal," he added in a growl.

Happily, Hotch pulled a chair around to the side of his desk, sitting within an arm's length of him, while Reid sat on the opposite side, facing him.

Close enough to touch, but not to play with, was his inappropriate thought.

Quickly he relayed what Reid had said to him only moments before, and then sat back to wait for his lover's reaction.

For a second, Hotch just stared back at him, his eyebrows slightly raised as though he were in shock. Then he turned away and looked at Reid.

"That's a very bold request, Reid," Hotch said slowly, his brown eyes fixed intensely on the younger man. "Are you sure you want to be asking us?"

Reid squirmed uncomfortably for a few heartbeats and then abruptly he stilled and straightened.

"I know what I'm asking, Hotch," he answered softly, glancing briefly at Dave.

"And there's no one you'd be more comfortable with?" Dave countered, raising a speculative eyebrow.

"I trust you two," Reid answered in a voice just barely above a whisper. "I don't trust anyone else nearly as much."

Dave glanced at Hotch, who in turn, gave an almost invisible nod.

"You don't mind if we talk this over privately, do you?" Dave asked Reid.

"I don't mind!" Reid piped up with quickly, hurrying to his feet and surreptitiously wiping his palms along the sides of his slacks as he did. His face vaguely pink, Reid nodded at them both and then scurried out of his office, closing the door behind him with a soft thump.

"So . . ." Dave said, looking at his lover with an incredulous expression.

Hotch slumped slightly in his chair and idly ran a hand through his dark hair. "That was unexpected."

"Pretty brave of the kid," Dave muttered.

Hotch grunted. "Can you imagine asking something like that of your superiors when you were his age?"

He snorted and then glanced back at Hotch. "Imagine if Jason were still here."

Hotch visibly shuddered and Dave nodded in agreement.

"Spencer hasn't had an easy life," Hotch started, staring hard at his desktop. "He really doesn't have any peers to ask for help on this."

"Other than Morgan," Dave corrected.

"Mr. Lady's Man," Hotch quipped with a wry smile.

"Can you imagine the kid in a club?"

Hotch frowned. "The predators would be on him in a second," he said.

That was an unpleasant idea.

"You don't think he would try going to a club, do you Hotch?"

The other man's eyes narrowed in thought. "I would hope not."

"If we tell him no . . ." Dave started, trailing off.

"He might try something like that, even if it is against his better judgment," Hotch finished, leaning back in his seat.

"Had to be pretty desperate to ask us," Dave said, only half jokingly.

"Are we seriously considering this?" Was Hotch's next carefully worded question, dark eyes peering deep into Dave's own.

It was his turn to lean back and pause for thought. He stroked his goatee for a few seconds and then said, "He's not really that bad looking."

"Especially lately," Hotch countered with the beginning of a smile.

His own smile was closer to a smirk than anything else. "Maybe we should ask him to come over and swim sometime. Get a closer look."

"You just want to show off your pool," Hotch teased.

"Our pool," Dave corrected with an easy grin. "It's a good pool, especially after they finished the repairs."

The previous owners of the house they were now living in had been less than vigilant about keeping up with the necessary maintenance of a pool. The renovations had just been completed the previous week, and now that the weather was warm enough to swim, it seemed a shame not to use it.

"We could invite him over for the weekend, just start out with swimming, and if anything else happens from there, then we go with it," Dave lined out carefully with a casual shrug.

"We'd have to take it slowly with him, Dave. Spencer is special," Hotch said slowly, his face serious once more.

Dave nodded. "We won't let him get hurt."

"Show him the ins and outs of how it works," Hotch answered, a smile creeping slowly across his face.

"Both sides of it, I'd say," Dave answered with a sharp grin.

. . .

It was settled. Reid would come to their house after work on Friday, provided they weren't out of town on a case. Then, barring some other kind of emergency, he'd stay with them through Sunday. After that, they'd reevaluate and see where they wanted to go from there.

At the end of the day on Friday, Rossi left the office separate of Hotch and before Reid. He had discussed his plans earlier with Hotch, and now he was walking to Reid's desk to confirm that the young man was still planning on coming.

Coming, now that's a thought, the devious part of his brain quipped suddenly. He forcefully told it off as he stepped up beside Reid's desk in the now deserted bullpen.

"Oh, um hey Rossi," Reid said, only flinching slightly at his light touch.

"I'm headed out. I've got to start dinner," he said lightly, giving the kid a grin.

"I'll see you there then?" Reid stuttered slightly, looking up at him shyly.

"That's the plan," he answered jovially. He was glad Reid wasn't backing out. After a few days of discussing Reid's upcoming visit with Hotch, he could honestly say he was looking forwards to seeing what came of their time together.

"I talked it over with Hotch. If you want to ride with him, feel free." He suggested. He knew Reid sometimes took the train, and that was okay for most days, but not this one.

"Yeah, okay. I-I think I will," Reid said with a small smile.

"Good! Then I'll see you both there."

As he drove home, he mused on how different his life had been since Hotch had entered it. Would Reid have even known to approach him before they had gotten together? He doubted it. Morgan had been the only one he had even playfully mentioned the other half of his life to, and that had only been in the hopes of making Hotch more aware of him.

And then Michael had occurred, making it all moot for a while. He remembered his utter terror when they had discovered that Hotch was missing. He had barely slept for the time that Hotch was kidnapped, and he remembered how exhausted he had been after they had gotten him back.

I swore that I wouldn't let anyone else hurt him. I swore that I'd help him get better, one way or the other.

He had, and it had worked even better than he had originally hoped for. He had just wanted to comfort Hotch; he hadn't known that his doing so would change things so dramatically between them.

He made good time on the commute home, having left just before the worst of the crush. Once inside, he pulled off his blazer and hung it up, grinning ruefully at himself as he did so. Before Aaron, he would have merely draped it over a chair, but it seemed that his lover's fastidious habits were beginning to wear off on him.

"Mama would be so proud," he whispered with a grin as he headed downstairs to get started on dinner.

He knew Hotch considered him an accomplished cook, but really he just understood the importance of not trying to attempt dishes beyond his abilities. For example, that evening he was making a pasta with spinach pesto sauce that he knew was a particular favorite of his lover's, and although he enjoyed the compliments bestowed on him by the other man, he also knew that any fool with half a brain could create the same meal.

Hotch's problem was he simply wasn't patient enough to create the kind of food Dave enjoyed eating.

. . .

"And New Zealand's study also pointed out that silver cars are fifty percent safer than drivers of white cars," Dave heard Spencer's voice shortly after hearing someone opening the front door.

Hotch and Reid came into his kitchen, and he was bemused to find a slightly exasperated expression on his lover's face.

"No problems on the road, I hope?" Dave greeted them, pleased when Aaron walked over and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Just an ambulance and some slow traffic," Hotch explained. "We never did see what the problem was."

"Ugh. That sucks," he responded, drawing a hand down Hotch's chest as they briefly shared a heated glance.

The moment was broken as Reid piped up with, "Wow Rossi. That smells great. What is it?"

"I'm going to go change clothes," Hotch said quietly with a small smile.

"Something with jeans!" He called after Hotch as he left the room.

"Why jeans?" Reid asked.

"That man has a damned fine ass," he answered with a grin.

Chapter 2 - Hotch

Skinny dipping perhaps?