A/N: Thank you everyone for your lovely support :) Now, if you guys could watch "Double or Nothing" tonight and give me a very detailed summary of it xD Baby bro is coming soon and I can't focus on TV right now O.o I'm trying to update as much as I can for the time being! Big sissy's gonna get busy for a few weeks xD Now, just a heads-up: This series doesn't have a timeline. It's throughout the nine months of her pregnancy :P

Baby Steps

3. The Name

Kevin rolled his eyes at the sight of her. She was reading yet another baby name book. How many was she going to read? He thought they had it all down already. If it was a girl, it would be something like Jaylyn and if it was a boy, it would be Delvin. But if it was both a boy and a girl...

Eh. They had a few more months until the ultrasound to figure things out. Nothing to worry too much about. "Are you bored?" he asked, sitting down on the couch next to her, setting his mug on the coffee table. He kicked his feet up and turned the TV on. He was greeted with a big eager kiss and hug.

"Kevin, you're home!"

"You just now realized?" He pointed to the suspect. The book had been thrown on the gruond from her enthusiasm. She blushed, picked it up and fixed the folded page.

"Sorry. I've just been so absorbed, I haven't noticed that you got home...and even made coffee."

He chuckled. "It's just fine. So." He pulled the book from her hands and flipped through the pages. "I'm seeing the same old names from all the other books. What's up? Can't you find something online?"

She pouted. "That's too much work."

"But saving library books and having to drive back and forth isn't work at all?" She shrugged innocently and he smiled. "Please don't to that."

"Do what?"

"Those puppy eyes."

"I do puppy eyes?"

"...are we really doing this?"

She laughed and dug her iPod from her pocket. "OK. Online searching it is then."

"So why are you looking up names now? We still have plenty of time-"

"We haven't figured out middle names yet."

Ah. "Completely forgot about that."

She gave him a devilish smile. "But I do have an idea about what the middle names could be though." She waited patiently as Kevin tried to figure out, then when he shook his head, she sighed. "It has to start with an E!"

He barked out a laugh. Good Lord. Poor kids are going to have it bad. "Wait, wait...How about Evan?"

"Oooh, Delvin Evan Levin. That completely rhymes! Delvin E. Levin." She sighed, shaking her head. "Those poor kids."

"All well. They won't have it so bad."

"And Ebony. I like Ebony."

"Jaylyn Ebony Levin..." he trailed off, imagining a black haired, green eyed beauty running around. She would look so much like her mother, then Delvin would look like his father...God. It was still weird to think about. "But hey. What about Ben and Julie?"

Gwen looked at him strangley. "Um. Is there something I don't know?"

"Oh! Julie isn't pregnant or anything." Gwen sighed in relief. He could imagine why she had been worried. If they were pregnant so closely together, he could see the tabloids all over them. "I can only imagine what they would come up with..."

"Kenny is sort of a given," Gwen smirked. "But then again...there aren't alot of names that rhyme with ten."

"Mm. But what about Julie?"

"What about Julie?"

"Isn't there anything that rhymes with Julie?"

Gwen pursed her lips in thought. "I don't think so." Then after a few minutes of silent thought, she perked up. "Oh. My. God. I got it."

"Got what?"

She muffled her laughter. "What happened when you put 'Ben' and 'Julie' together?"

"Oh, like one of those couple things like Brangelina or whatever?"




"...wait. Wait a minute."


Julien. By God.

Gwen and Kevin looked at the phone on the table, then exchanged a challenging glance. Oh it's on. Gwen and Kevin pounced, caught on each other and falling on the ground. With Gwen sitting on top of him, she picked it up and dialed in the number. "Hey Julie. Hey, guess what! I got the most amazing idea that you've just got to hear..."