Hello guys,

So I am a freshman in college and the reason I haven't updated is because of 18 credits and a office job. Nuts I know. This semester though I sliced my credits down and am working less hours hip hip hooray. So next week I have three huge tests so I won't be able to update but after that I plan on posting more often on Badass Clary. Thank you all so much for staying with me and still reading and commenting on my stories even though I have been absent for oh so long. I plan on making it up to all of you guys. Wish me luck on my tests I am going to need it o_O a lot. Also if any of you guys have questions about college life or anything of the sorts I will be free to help. Plus I moved far far away from home so any questions I'm your girl. I have to go to a night class in a bit so I shall talk to you all soon. Ps have you seen the cover update and the snip it for our final book in the Cassandra Clare series (in LOVEEE)

talk to you soon


Nicole xoxoxo