"Hey beautiful" Rick smiled as he entered his son's nursery to find his wife stood by the window with their son in her arms while humming to him gently. He couldn't get over how perfect she looked and how the role suited her so wonderfully. "Did he wake you up Kate because I didn't hear him crying?" he asked, walking towards them as she shook her head and pressed her lips to her son's forehead.

"I just woke up early this morning, I've been thinking about something important" she admitted, moving so Rick could take Jack into his arms. Looking at the writer, Kate smiled as she watched him rock Jack in his arms with the largest smile on his face. "I want to take Jack somewhere important today and I want you to come with us, I need you to come with us" the brunette admitted as she ran her fingers to her sons head.

"Where's mommy taking us today then Jack?" he asked his son with a smile on his face before he looked up to see Kate moving towards the drawers to take something out for Jack to wear. "Kate?" he asked, watching as she held her arms out for her son so she could get him ready. "Are you going to tell me where we're going today?" he questioned as she took Jack into her arms and began to change her son in silence. "Kate?"

"We're going to see Oliver today" she admitted, turning her head to see Rick nodding slowly. "Can you go and get ready please? I want to go before it gets too late and this one gets difficult" she explained quickly, the writer nodding again before he left the room in silence to get himself ready. "Are we going to see your big brother today Katie?" she asked as Jack continued to kick his legs while she attempted to dress him. "You need to stop moving trouble, I can't get you dressed if you keep kicking your legs" she laughed gently, leaning down to press a kiss to his son's stomach before she finished dressing him and lifted the small boy into her arms. "Rick are you nearly ready?" she asked quickly.

"Give me a minute" he called out from their bedroom, the brunette's head shaking as she stared down at her son before hearing footsteps behind her. Turning her head quickly, the brunette smiled at the sight of her husband who quickly walked over and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Are you sure you want to do this today? We don't have to do it yet" he explained.

"No! I want to do it today" she announced. "I need to do it today Rick, I need our son to know that he's got a big brother and I need Oliver to know that we're not just going to forget him because we've got Jack" she admitted, the writer nodding slowly before he gently pressed his lips to her forehead and sighed.

"I guess we should go now if you want to be there early" Rick muttered as Kate nodded slowly and walked over to leave the apartment in silence with her baby pressed into her chest.


Approaching the grave slowly, Kate smiled weakly as she found herself staring at the familiar stone; the flowers from her previous visit now dead in their original place. Kneeling down, the brunette sighed as she brushed away the previous flowers and replaced them with the collection of coloured flowers they'd bored on the way to the cemetery.

"Hey baby" Kate whispered as her fingers brushed across her sons name. "We brought someone special to see you today" the brunette admitted as she turned to see Rick walking towards her with Jack in his arms. Standing when they finally joined her, Kate relaxed as Rick's arm wrapped around her and brought her to cuddle up into his side. "Oliver, this is your little brother Jack" Kate explained, her fingers running to Jack's head as the small baby continued to move in Rick's arms.

"Hey Oliver" Rick smiled as Kate took Jack from him and sighed.

"This is your big brother Jack, this is Oliver" Kate admitted as she rocked him slightly, knowing that her son would soon be hungry and that they would have to leave. "And no matter where he is, he's going to be with us in our family" she explained, brushing her lips to her baby's forehead before she shut her eyes briefly. "Just like my mommy is going to be a part of a family even though she's with the stars just like Oliver" she explained, relaxing as Rick's arms wrapped around her again.

"And no matter what happens Oliver, we're going to love you just as much as we love Jack. You're both our babies and we love you equally" Rick added, Kate smiling weakly as she remained close to him and relaxed. "Our boys" he whispered, pressing a kiss into her hair as Kate nodded.

"Our boys" she repeated gently before looking down to see Jack in her arms and her son's grave in front of her. "Our boys" she muttered again, finally feeling that life was becoming complete even if her mother and firstborn were no longer with her.

So this is the last chapter, I bet you weren't expecting that! I'm pretty sad actually because this story has become one of my favourites to write and have loved the journey I've forced them through. I might do another sequel if you want one but once again, it depends on how many of you want another story or whether you just want to leave it here.
