Right so this is a sequel to What Happens In Paris, it is going to have some rather depressing topics right from the start and I have no idea how long it will be or how it will turn out but my boredom is huge and the only way that seems to settle it is either to clean the kitchen a lot or to write fic, so I decided to try and do both at the same time while writing this chapter. Please review because I would love to hear from you and although this might start of negative, there will be a lot of happy Caskett later, I promise. Anyway, I will be quiet now and let you read and hopefully review.

Staring at his laptop, he smiled as he finished typing the last sentence of his newest novel, something that he had been working on since he'd arrived back in New York from his long trip with the woman who he now could call quite happily his wife. Looking up from the screen, he smiled at the picture that hung on the wall above his desk, his arms were wrapped around Kate as they stood on the beach on their wedding day, her head resting against his chest as they both laughed about some joke he'd made but neither of them could now remember. He loved the picture because it reminded him of how happy they'd been on their wedding day but also reminded him of how much happier they were now, five months into marriage with Kate six months pregnant and now barely at the precinct. Now that she was barely at work, most of their nights were now spent cuddled on their bed watching a movie, their hands resting on her stomach often feeling the movement of their baby under their hands, normally bringing laughter into the room as well. Saving the document, he sighed before relaxing back in his chair, his eyes shutting as he thought about what was ahead of them in three months, a baby. He could imagine a small child with Kate's eyes and dark hair but also her intelligence but with his humour and imagination. He knew that the detective couldn't wait to be a mom even though she wouldn't actually admit how excited she was but he often caught her smiling at her stomach when no one was looking or talking to the bump that was already part of the family.

Leaving the office, he sighed as he walked up the stairs, passing the room they'd painted yellow as a nursery, a smile covering his face as he took in all the work that Kate had spent hours doing after she'd been taken out of the field at the precinct, her time becoming dedicated less to police work and more to decorating the nursery and reading books on babies, reminding him of when he came home from meetings with Gina and Paula to find Kate fast asleep on their bed, some book on how to be a mother clutched in her hand. Walking past the room, he slowly crept towards their bedroom, pushing the door open to see the light on and the outfit that Kate had worn earlier that day across the bed, her pyjamas missing from under the pillow where she kept them. Starting to unbutton his shirt, he sighed as he thought about everything and how brilliant life was.

"Rick" a voice mumbled from behind him, breaking him from his thoughts as he turned to see Kate standing in the doorway, her hand covered in blood as tears ran down her cheeks, her face becoming more pale every second as he walked towards her, the image of their small brunette child slowly disappearing from his head as he approached his wife, knowing exactly what was going on.

I know it's short but I promise to update real soon but I did love where it ended and I wanted to get a sort of idea of the response this would get, although I know most of you were expecting a more positive sequel, I do like to rock the boat and I know I will probably lose many readers because of this.