"Your Honor-" Santana was cut off when the door to the courtroom loudly shut. Turning around, she saw Victor running toward her. "Um... Excuse me, Your Honor." she said, walking over to the man. "What?"

"It's Rachel, she's having the baby." Santana froze.

"Are you serious?" Victor nodded.

"Is there are a problem, Counselor?" Santana turned to the judge.

"My, um... My wife is in labor, Your Honor, with our first... Is there any chance we could recess until tomorrow?" The judge paused for a moment as the opposing lawyer spoke to his client.

"Your Honor, both my client and I have children and understand the importance of being there for the birth, especially the first. We have no problem with postponing the trial until after the birth of Mrs. Lopez's child." Santana, who almost never showed emotion in court, smiled gratefully at her colleague and his client.

"What about you?" the judge asked, looking at the Latina's client.

"Mrs. Lopez told me this was a possibility when all of this first started. I'm okay with it." The judge nodded.

"Mrs. Lopez, I have children too and I know my wife would have killed me if I had missed any of their births, especially my oldest. This trial will reconvene in one week. That should allow enough time in case the labor is long, and give the new mom to recover." Santana smiled as the judge hit his gavel. "Congratulations, Counselor."

"Thank you, Your Honor." Santana said, gathering her things before rushing out of the courtroom.

"Oh, I'm going to kill Santana if she doesn't show up!" Rachel groaned as she squeezed Blaine's hand.

"Babe, if you kill me, you have nobody to represent you in court. Doesn't matter, though, because I'm here. Are you feeling okay, sweetheart?"

"I'm in labor, Santana, what do you think?" Santana chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "What if something goes wrong? What... What if the baby isn't okay?"

"Everything will be fine, baby girl, I promise you that. Our little girl will be perfect, just like you." the lawyer whispered, resting her forehead on her wife's temple. "I love you."

"I love you too." Rachel whispered.

Twenty-four hours later...

"Hi mija." Santana whispered, holding her daughter. "Mommy is sleeping, you tired her out. But baby girl, you are so adorable. We tried so hard to get you and we didn't even get to have-"

"Do not finish that sentence in front of our daughter." Santana turned around and saw her wife watching at her.

"What are you doing awake? You need to rest."

"I wanted to hold my baby girl." Rachel admitted. Santana glared playfully.

"You got to carry her for nine months. It's my turn." Rachel grinned. "Kurt, Blaine, Brittany, and Quinn are going to come a little later."

"That sounds good. Wait... What about your trial?" Santana smiled.

"The judge gave us a week-long recess to give me so me time to recover." Rachel nodded. "She's so cute."

"She needs a name." Rachel smiled softly as her wife sat down next to her.

"Mrs. Lopez, glad to see you look well rested." Santana smiled. "I assume everything went well."

"It did. My wife and I now have a healthy and beautiful baby girl." Santana said, having trouble containing her grin. "We named her Sophia Olivia."

"Congratulations. Anyway, we're resuming this trial." Santana smiled as she looked at the picture of Sophia that she'd put in her briefcase. Closing the case, she quickly got to work.

"Hey how's mi estrella and mi mariposa?" Santana asked as she pressed a kiss to her wife's cheek.

"We are both fine. Sophia is sleeping, for now, and I am making your favorite for dinner." Santana grinned and held up a small pink teddy bear. "What's that?"

"I saw it in a window as I was walking to get some coffee and I couldn't resist. Do you think she'll like it?" Rachel smiled.

"Motherhood is really sexy on you." she said, crinkling her nose before returning to her cooking. Santana chuckled.

"Everything is sexy on me." Rachel grinned and nodded, kissing her wife softly.

"Go give our princess her bear." Santana grinned and walked to the nursery, making sure Sophia was okay before quickly changing into sweats. As soon as she was changed, she went back into the nursery.

"Hey mija." she whispered, smiling at the infant before carefully picking her up. "Mama missed you so much today, but I bought you a present. Do you like it?" she asked, holding up the bear. Sophia stirred, causing her mother to drop the bear and hold her close. "I love you so much. I'll never let anything hurt you. You or Mommy."

"I love you too." Santana smiled as Rachel rested her head on her shoulder.