Vampire Kisses FanFic

This is a cute little conflict i am writting about between the characters in the vampire series "Vampire Kisses" by ellen schrieber.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Vampire Kisses, and i doubt i ever will!

"I want you . . ." Alexander muffled into the skin of my neck. I softly laughed and then sighed a pitiful sigh, "Why would you ask such a silly question? I am, and always will be yours." These seemed to be the magic words, and I fell under his alluring spell, which he casted over me with his sexy, almost seductive eyes as he stared right into my soul, as he did this I could feel the grass tickle my left arm as he slide into a cat-like position.

And then he pounced, Alexander was now on top of me, with only a few inches separating my face from his, a few inches that I was just about to devour. As if he could read my mind, he softly, almost a whisper, breathed "You want me to move closer, don't you?" he smiled as I pushed myself on top of him, putting me on top. "Why are you stalling? Don't you want me?" I countered, now it was my turn to drive him crazy, I thought he would challenge me but he just did the opposite, he moved closer.

It was bliss, we were complete, we were whole, most important, we were happy. The night was beautiful; the Milky Way was completely visible from the midnight grass that was like a sea of silk that was under us as we intertwined (with our clothes own if you don't mind! XD) gracefully under the full moon light.

After what had seemed like only a few seconds, we came up for air as if we where scuba divers who had just seen a terrifying shark swimming toward us or a long forgotten treasure that was at the bottom of the ocean. "I love you, you know that right?" Alexander said in a deep passionate voice that made me have to contemplate the answer that we both already knew, he just wanted me to say it, why was it so hard? "Ye-yes I know . . ." I muttered hoping he would not notice my stuttering, but unfortunately he did notice, and he just smirked and to my surprise, didn't say anything.

He just leaned into my neck and sighed. We were now lying in the midnight grass, with my hand on his chest and his face buried into my neck, we just laid there completely unaware of the time and of the world, we were only aware of each other. But unfortunately, I always seem to wake up at the good part.

"RAVEN" was the name Becky screamed as she barged into my room, replugged my Night Mare before Christmas alarm clock, and opened my black silk curtains, looking outside as the sun creeped across the lawn.

"What's this? Have you been sucking on a Hello Batty Lollipop all night? You know that gives you nightmares!" Becky complained, sometimes she was worse than Alexander!

"BUT BECKY! You know full well I only do it for the nightmares!" I whined, I almost sounded like Billy Boy when he wanted a new computer game that had just come into stores. "Speaking of nightmares, where is sh- Oh there you are!" Becky crooned as she found nightmare under one of my fish net stockings. "Ah, Becky, you went of topic! Besides, I had a wonderful dream, I was in Alexander's arms and-" I droned on until I was interrupted by Becky as she rolled her eyes "It's about time I gave you your present, I don't want to spend my after school time cleaning up the auditorium because SOMEONE was late again!" she growled the last few words. I was about to complete MY eye roll when something caught their attention, it was a black envelope on my window sill. The words were in a shade of bloody red with the name my dear Raven written in the best cursive both of us had ever seen.

"Looks like someone has a date tonight!" Becky snickered; let me repeat myself, BECKY. SNICKERED. AT. ME!

"GAH! Since when are you mean!" I cried out, I grumbled some unintelligent words as I opened my window and pulled in the letter, I could almost see what was written inside it! But, when I turned it over to see who it was from, it didn't say Alexander, but, TREVOR!


"Raven, oh raven!" Becky panicky whispered as she put Nightmare on my stomach, THAT got me up! "BECKY" I shouted out in a mixture of laughter and horror, what am I going to do? "Uh, hey raven, this is your present!" as I turned around I was engulfed in silky fluff, I backed up a bit to see it was a HUGE hello batty plush toy! "RAWR! I'M GOING TO EAT YOU!" Becky shouted as she squished me under the bat.

I giggled all the way to school, until I saw Trevor's face. "I believe you got my love letter, or did you just come over here to stare at my god-like features!" Trevor seductively purred as he threw his head back at the last words. "I got your letter, even though I wished I hadn't! It's my birthday and I get to decide who goes out with me! So, sorry, but I don't want to go out with you! And you know that!" I yelled. At once everyone snapped their heads to the sound of my voice, I had a spot light! I am definitely going to enjoy humiliating you, Trevor!


Trevor had just slammed me into the lockers! "You are going to regret saying no to me, monster girl! I will give you until tonight to be forgiven or Farmer Becky will have a bad harvest!" Trevor snarled into my ear. I had to act quickly or it wouldn't work: 1. I head butted Trevor in the face. 2. I ran to my next class as fast as I could! There! It wasn't that simple!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Was exactly what I screamed as I ran down the halls to my next class, but to my horror, I realized that P.E. was my next class, and guess who was in it! "Oh crap!" I moaned as I slammed my head into my gym locker door. If you looked closely I bet you could see my indent in the grey-green metal.

"RAVEN" Becky whispered into my ear at lunch. "Everyone is talking about your date tonight with Trevor!" she quickly whispered as Trevor walked over and TRIED to sit next to me and have a conversation. 'come on Becky, I think it is getting to crowded here" I say as I pulled Becky toward the bleachers.

I tried my best to avoid Trevor for the rest of the day, but that didn't stop him from showing up at my door step dressed in formal attire with a limo waiting for a girl that would not be getting in.

"What are you doing here?" I yelled at him from across the yard. I had thought he was pulling a joke at school, but it seems it was real! I ran into my house only to look back as he followed me up to my bedroom leaving my dumbfounded mom and dad in the kitchen. "I love you Raven! And I WILL make you love me in return!" he whispered as he shut my door behind him. OH NO! He had me trapped! "Didn't you read the sign outside the door? It says NO SOCCER SNOBS ALLOWED, EVER!" I snarled."I'm willing to change! I'm willing to be a vampire!" Trevor sighed as he sat down on my bed. "What do you mean be a vampire?" I gasped as I inched toward my window; there was a rope behind my silk black curtains just for these occasions! Well, it's not like I think this would happen to me! I'm just creative like that! Geeze! The following happened in this order. 1. I opened the window. 2 a kicked Trevor in the . . . . Place. 3 I jumped out of the window. 4. I ran to the mansion. 5 I was in my beloveds arms, if only I was strong enough to get past 2. The truth is this is the REAL order, 1. I opened the window, 2. I was caught in Trevor's arms 3. he, he, HE KISSED ME!


Reviews? i need to know if its any good so i can continue or not!