Callie and Arizona


Chapter Two-

C.P.O.V- I woke up before Arizona and I couldn't help but watch her sleep she looked so peaceful. I brushed my hand lightly across her cheek making her stir and grumble something that didn't make sense. I decided to get up and make us both breakfast to start our day off. I walked through the lounge and opened the blinds to see that the rain was still pouring down. I headed to the kitchen topless, I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing, there was just Arizona and I knew she wouldn't mind. I started making omelet's and coffee. I was about to go and wake Arizona but the door opened and my half naked girlfriend walked out.

"Something smells amazing."

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice to wake up to breakfast."

She smiled at me; I knew she'd be happy with it. We ate and discussed what we could do for the day.

"I was thinking we could paint our room," Arizona suggested.

"I'd have to get Mark to help me move the furniture then."
"Okay, I'll go shower and get paint and you get Mark and move the furniture."
Arizona walked out of the room a short while later and I heard the shower turn on. I started the dishes and went and told Mark the plan, he was up for it. Arizona came out of the bathroom in just a towel and saw that Mark was standing next to me in the kitchen. He looked at her boobs.

"Mark, eyes up here."

I laughed, I knew Mark only did it to annoy her, plus that and she had amazing boobs.

"Well you two can wait to move the furniture, I'm getting changed."

"I don't mind," Mark winked.

Arizona glared at him; she made it too fun for him to pick on her. Shortly after she emerged from the room and headed out the door.

"You know Torres, you have one evil girlfriend."
"Maybe if you stopped picking on her she'd like you more."

He didn't answer; he was too busy moving the bed.

"We'd probably get this done a lot faster if you weren't just sitting there," Mark complained.

I sighed and stood up. Arizona would prefer it if we were done by the time she got back. We shoved the bed against a different wall and moved all the other furniture into the lounge.

A.P.O.V- I walked into the apartment with a tin of paint, two paintbrushes and some overalls. I went into the bedroom and saw Callie and Mark laid down on the bed.

"Mark, disappear."
He didn't argue, he got off the bed and left the apartment. I smiled at Callie.

"Here," I said as I handed her the overalls.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

"I don't want you getting too dirty," I winked at her making her blush.

I put the sheets down on the floor and went out into the lounge to changed into some older clothes. Callie was stood with her back to me, but when she heard me come in she turned around to face me. The overalls hugged her curvy body perfectly, her curled raven hair hanging loosely around her shoulders, and her skin was a perfect olive colour. I looked at her face, her eyebrows were raised, watching me stare at her, her eyes were a perfect dark brown, seductive and her lips were full, perfectly smooth. I walked over to her and kissed her passionately and felt her smile into the kiss. I got changed quickly, much to Callie's entertainment, in front of her. We both picked up out paintbrushes and dipped it into the paint. We had fun painting the wall and it took most of the day. As I went to put my paintbrush down I felt something wet hit my face and Callie's laughter follow shortly after.

"Yeah, blues definitely your colour," she said in-between giggles.

"Calliope Torres," I said as I backed her into the corner, "You will regret that."

She smiled cheekily and I pounced on her, knocking her to the ground. I leaned in and she tried to kiss me, but before she could get close enough I moved away and left a line of blue paint across her face. She tried her best to look angrily ay me but she didn't last long and a smile broke across her face. After a while of laying there she walked across the room, grabbed the tin and tipped the remaining paint over my head. I glared at her until she apologized and then I hugged her, smothering her overalls in paint.

C.P.O.V- I stared at my girlfriend, she looked absolutely ridiculous covered in paint.

"Hey Ari," I snickered


"You look like a smurf," she laughed along with me; she obviously found the fact that I got so entertained by her funny. Arizona started heading towards the bathroom.

"Can I join?" I would love to shower with her right now.

"Oh no, this is your punishment for tipping paint on me. You are not welcome in this shower."

I pouted, I regretted tipping paint on her now. It was getting late; I decided that we would have to sleep in the lounge tonight and I though I would surprise her by making a hut. Ridding myself of the dirty overalls I grabbed some sheets out of the cupboard and started pegging them up around the lounge. After I had finished I covered the floor with cushions and a duvet. I found fairy lights in the Christmas decorations and put them up around the outside of the hut and then turned off all the other lights. I picked up the phone and rang our favourite pizza place. I didn't bother trying to get into the shower with her; she would just kick me out. I changed into a t-shirt and underwear and waited for the pizza guy to come.

Arizona was still in the shower twenty minutes later. There was a loud rapping on the door and I went to collect the pizza when Arizona walked out.

"Sorry I took so long the paint wouldn't…" She stopped mid speech and stared at the glowing hut. I paid for the pizza, closed the door behind me and walked over to her. The smell of pizza wafted up to me and I inhaled the scent deeply. Freshly made pepperoni pizza was Arizona's and my favourite. She had made her way to the hut and was waiting for me with a big grin on her face.

"This is amazing," she said as she reached out for my hand.

I gladly took her hand and sat down next to her, covering us both with the soft duvet. I couldn't wait; I opened the pizza box and grabbed a slice. The pepperoni was hot and my stomach rumbled, waiting to be fed. I looked up while taking a bite to see Arizona doing the same thing. She smiled, showing her dimples. The pizza was quickly demolished and I discarded the box under the couch, not wanting to leave the warm blanket. Arizona shuffled over to me and nibbled my ear. I dove under the blanket and I felt warm arms wrap around me.

A.P.O.V- I loved cuddling with Callie, everything felt so safe and warm and right. We lay there all evening just talking to each other about family and experiences with past girlfriends. When I finally got sleepy, I turned off the fairy lights and the room was swallowed in darkness. I felt light breathing on my neck and I knew Callie had fallen asleep. I started drifting off into my thoughts. It was times like this, I loved times when it felt like nothing would ever change, I was hers and she was mine and that was always going to be good enough for me.