This is my first time writing a fanfic involving Judge Turpin, so be gentle. Plus, keep in mind this is my interpretation of him. If my version of him differs from the film..well...sorry.

Warning: This is rated M for a reason. It is a smutty fic, and I will leave it at that. You have been warned.

Arranged Marriages

As Madeline looked at her reflection in the mirror she stood before, a heavy sorrow settled upon her heart. This day was meant to be glorious. It was, after all, her wedding day. The day she had dreamt of and had planned out since she was a little girl. So why could she not feel happy?

"My child, how can you look so sad on your wedding day?" Marguerite, Madeline's mother, asked as she fixed her veil.

Madeline forced a smile. "I'm happy, mama. Truly."

"Do not fib to me, girl," Marguerite said sternly. Seeing the look in Madeline's eyes, she added in a softer tone, "Tell me what is the matter, Maddie dear."

"I just…I never expected to marry a man I have never even met. This is not what I had envisioned in my head," Madeline admitted.

"Darling, things do not always work out as we plan them. You know we are not a wealthy family, so being picky is not an option. Judge Turpin is a good man, who can support you and your future children financially." Madeline shuddered inwardly at the thought of bearing this man's children. "Just give him a chance, Maddie dear. Who knows? You may end up falling hopelessly in love with him."

Madeline forced another smile. "I do hope you are right, mama," she replied, and once more looked at her reflection. Deep down, she had a feeling she could never be happy with him.

With the help of her mother and cousins, Madeline made her way to the narthex of the church. Her heart thudded rapidly in her chest as it dawned on her she was merely minutes away from becoming a married woman. Was she ready for this? At twenty-two years of age, she was considerably older than the average age a girl was wed. Whether she was ready or not at that moment was ultimately irrelevant. This was happening regardless.

"Look at my little girl," Daniel, Madeline's father, stated as he walked over to her. Hugging her, he added, "You look beautiful, Maddie."

She smiled at this. "Thank you, papa."

"Are you excited?"

Madeline refrained from saying what she truthfully thought, and replied, "I suppose you could call it that."

Linking her arm with his, he stated, "I know this is probably a bit frightening to you, my dear. Typically, it is for most. Marriage is a serious commitment. Just remember, it gets easier with time."

Madeline simply smiled at this, her heart skipping a beat when she heard the bridal march start.

This was it.

There was no turning back at this point.

The double doors leading into the church opened up, and taking a deep breath, Madeline allowed her father to lead her up the aisle. Ad they neared the altar, she finally was able to see her soon-to-be husband, and was quite brought back. He was…actually handsome. His collar length hair revealed his age, the color of it dominated by grey. However, this did not take away from his good looks, for it was apparent he had aged well. His features were strong and masculine, the only exception being his mouth, which was soft and sensuous. When their gazes met, the corners of his mouth turned up in a small smile, making the stern expression on his face soften drastically. She was no longer sure of how she felt about this man.

Judge Turpin could feel his breath catch in his throat when he finally saw his young bride. This was the moment he had been waiting long for so long now, which was to finally have someone to call his. Losing Joanna to a terrible case of bronchitis had torn him apart. She was the one he had planned on marrying once she was old enough, but apparently the good Lord had other plans. Knowing he was no longer a young and vivacious man, he decided to take matters into his own hands, and resorted to an arranged marriage. While it was not his first choice, he simply did not have the time to woo a woman. At one point, he was certain it would never happen, but at that moment he stood corrected. As she and her father neared the altar, he could see through the veil she wore her eyes on his, and could not help but to smile. "All mine," he thought to himself. When the moment came for him to lead her the remainder of the walk to altar, he could feel her trembling, and placed his hand over hers in an attempt to calm her. He was pleasantly surprised when he felt her hand lightly squeeze his arm in response.

The service seemed to last an eternity, but eventually he heard those beautiful words: "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride". Once more, he turned to face her, a proud smile on his face as he lifted the veil. She was much more beautiful than he had ever imagined. Masses of auburn curls framed her small, heart-shaped face. Her almond-shaped eyes were a crystal clear baby blue, and complimented her porcelain skin beautifully. He could see now her features were small and dainty, just as her voice had been. Despite the obvious nervousness in her eyes, she smiled back at him, her dimples showing as she did so, and he leaned down to kiss her, both of them feeling the jolt which coursed between them. Once they pulled apart, they shared another smile before turning to face the congregation, and walked down the aisle a newly wedded couple.


Madeline looked around the house in wonder as she stepped through the front door. Was this truly where she would be living? "Your home is so beautiful," she quietly commented, and finally looked over at Judge Turpin.

"I am glad you approve, Madeline. After all, this is as much your home now as it is mine." She simple smiled at this. "If there is anything you wish to have, let me know. I want you to feel comfortable here."

"You are too kind, sir."

"I am merely being a devoted husband to my wife," he stated, reaching up to grasp a strand of her hair and let it sift through his fingers.

Madeline blushed at this, looking down at her feet. "What shall we do now, sir?"

"Please, call me Joseph," he murmured, gently forcing her to look back up at him. "Would you like for me to show you around the house now, or rather retire to the bedroom now?"

"It is quite late. I can learn my way around the house tomorrow."

"As you wish, my bride," he replied, and swiftly lifted her up off the floor. Madeline squeaked with surprise, and clung tightly to his neck as he carried her through the house to the master bedroom. Once there, he placed her on her feet once more there next to the bed.

"Where shall I go to change?" she asked, the look in his eye unnerving her. Something told her sleep was the last thing on his mind.

"That won't be necessary," he murmured, having her turn to where her back was to him.

"I'm not sure I understand, my lord."

As he undid her dress, button by button, Judge Turpin asked, "Are you still unaware at your age of what happens on a couple's wedding night?"

Madeline blushed a deep crimson at this. She was very much aware of what sex was, but up until this point she had not given it much thought. "I am aware, sir," she responded quietly, closing her eyes when she felt his hands run along her bared shoulders.

"So you are knowledgeable of intercourse, and what happens during it?" he asked, gently pushing her dress down and off of her as he did so, leaving her in nothing more than her undergarments. Unable to find her voice, she simply nodded. "Turn and face me, Madeline," he added, and she did as he asked, her gaze sticking to the floor once she was facing him. He let his hands run along her bare arms, and over the soft curves of her body, before grasping her chin and having her look up, allowing him to lean down and kiss her soft lips. Unable to help herself, Madeline immediately reacted to this, her arms encircling his neck as she returned the kiss willingly. Judge Turpin's own arms wound around her waist to pull her tightly to his chest, her kisses more intoxicating than any liquor he had ever encountered.

"My lord," she sighed, one of her hands running through the hairs at the nape of his neck.

Forcing himself to pull away, he said in a thick voice, "Touch me, Madeline. I want you to explore me as I do the same to you." When she hesitated to do so, he unbuttoned his shirt partially, before placing her hands on the exposed skin of his chest. "There is no part of me which is off limits to you," he added, and watched her as her small hands cautiously ran over him.

"You're so warm," she said, her voice filled with wonder. Suddenly curious, she unbuttoned his shirt the remainder of the way, before letting her hands dip lower to stroke his stomach. He shrugged out of his shirt, letting it join her dress on the floor, and she immediately ran her hands up his broad shoulders and along his bared arms before going back down to his stomach.

"Go lower," he murmured, bringing her hands to the waist of his britches. Hesitantly, she undid the tight trousers, the bulge between his legs not going unnoticed by her. She was brought back when his arousal suddenly sprung out from within its cloth restraints, the size of it intimidating to her. Knowing what he was waiting for, she reached out to touch it, but stopped before actually doing so, hesitant to go any further. Sensing her nervousness, he murmured, "It's okay," as he gently grasped her hand.

"I fear of displeasing you, sir," she quietly stated.

"I am aware of the lack of knowledge you have when it comes to this, Madeline, and I know it will take you some time to catch on. I promise to have patience with you."

Somewhat comforted by this, she once more went to touch him, but yet again found herself unable to do so. "I…I'm sorry, sir, I can't. This is just all so new, and…rather intimidating," she apologized, backing away from him before turning to face the other direction.

Stepping closer to her, Judge Turpin softly placed his hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry, Madeline. Clearly, this was too much too soon."

Turning back around, she commented, "I don't want you to gain the impression I don't want to learn. I know this comes along with being a good housewife, and I do wish to please you, my lord. It's just-"

"Shush, my child," Judge Tuprin murmured. "I understand. We'll stick to the basics tonight, alright?" She nodded, and he deftly went to work on disposing of her undergarments, until she was finally standing before him in all her nude glory. "So beautiful," he whispered, running his hands down her arms before once more picking her up, and lying her down upon the bed. She watched him as he quickly removed the remainder of his own clothing, until he was just as nude as she. Bringing his attention back to her, he smirked when she held her arms out to him, beckoning him to join her. Crawling up onto the bed, he made his way toward her. Covering her body with his, he once more kissed her, unable to get enough of the sweet taste of her. He let out a soft groan of triumph when he felt her thighs fall open, allowing him to nestle between them. Reaching down between their bodies, he explored the softness of her most feminine area, the wet warmth which coated his fingers letting him know she was as equally aroused as he was. She gasped loudly when he found her clit, and began stroking it in firm but slow circles.

"Oh, my lord, that feels…incredible," she panted, holding on tightly to the headboard as the pleasure he brought her increased. With his skilled hand, he managed to bring her to a breathtaking climax, the sweet cries she let out bringing his anticipation to an ultimate high. He could no longer wait. He desperately needed her, and covering her mouth with his, he buried himself to the hilt within her. Through her receding orgasm, she felt a slight burning pain as he broke through her maidenhead, but as he immediately began to once more stroke her clit, it dissolved into the most glorious pleasure she had ever experienced. Reaching up, she laced her hands together against the back of his neck, and wound her legs tightly around his waist, arching up into him to meet his thrusts. Pulling back from the kiss, he watched her as he sped up his tempo, the tightness of her surrounding him unlike anything he had ever experienced. Her gaze, he could see, was on where they were joined. He looked downward as well, watching as he repeatedly disappeared into her.

"So good…" he panted, his hands clutching at the comforter as he exerted more power behind his movements. Judge Turpin knew he would not last much longer. It had been far too long.

"Oh yes, I…I…" she whimpered, and suddenly clutched him tightly, crying out his name in pure ecstasy as her entire body went rigid with the pleasure which had overtaken her.

This proved to be too much for him, for a split second later he joined her, the world around him shattering into a million pieces as his climax hit him full force, the sound of his moans sending chills down Madeline's spine. Not wanting to crush her under his weight, he rolled over onto his back, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. Glancing over at her, he could see she was already half asleep, her eyelids heavy over her eyes. When she gave a shiver, he noticed how chilly the room was, and got them both beneath the covers. "How do you feel right now?" he inquired once they get more comfortable in the bed.

"Like I'm floating on a cloud," she sighed, her comment making him smirk. "I never knew it could be that good," she added, and glanced over at him, hesitating before asking, "Was it good for you as well?"

Seeing the concern in her eyes, he reassured her, "You were wonderful, Madeline dear."

She simply smiled brightly at him, before saying, "Good night, my lord."



He paused, before finally managing to get out, "Please call me by my name."

She gave another soft smile. "Good night Joseph."

He smiled back at this. "Good night," he replied, and kissed her tenderly before pulling her protectively to him as they both fell asleep.

Thoughts? Comments? I don't know if this is worth continuing, or leaving as is. Input would be much appreciated.