Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam SEED/Destiny or any of the characters within this fic unless otherwise indicated.

Cagalli Yula Attha had had a bad week.

On Monday, her boyfriend of two years had broken up with her. On Tuesday, she'd seen him out with another girl, having coffee in her favorite cafe. Well, she certainly wouldn't be going there again, now would she? Wednesday brought the first of her final exams, which she was sure she had failed due to the distractions of Monday and Tuesday. Thursday morning, her car wouldn't start, which would have made her late for an exam had she not been able to catch a ride with her roommate, Miriallia Haw. Finally, Friday rolled around, bringing with it the last of her exams and a forced dinner with her father who was bound and determined to convince her to join his company after graduation.

So, on Saturday, when she woke up with a headache and an extreme sensitivity to light, she wasn't really surprised.

She couldn't remember how many drinks she'd had the night before, nor which bar she'd gone to. For that matter, she couldn't remember how she'd gotten home, but a quick glance around her assured her that she was, in fact, in her own room, sleeping in her own bed and without any unwanted company. Thank God for small favors.

Cagalli stumbled out of bed and over to the window to yank the curtains closed to block out the light before making her way into the adjoining bathroom to splash cold water on her face. When she straightened and wiped the water from her face with a towel, she noticed she had even changed into the pajamas the night before. It was odd that she couldn't remember any of it.

She tossed the used towel into the dirty clothes bin on her way into the kitchen and vaguely noted that she'd need to do laundry some time soon.

When she entered the kitchen she found her roommate already seated at the table with a bowl of cereal.

"Where were you last night?" Miriallia asked as Cagalli made her way to the medicine cabinet and began to search for something to relieve the throbbing pain in her head.

"At some bar apparently," she replied as she poured herself a glass of water and tipped the bottle of aspirin over to shake a few into her palm. She was interrupted by a sudden high pitched squeal from Miriallia. Cagalli winced and brought her free hand up to massage her temples. "What the hell was that about?"

"Oh my god, Cagalli, is that what I think it is?"

"Is what what you think it is?"

Miriallia was soon at her side, pulling Cagalli's left hand towards her and examining it. "It is!" she exclaimed. "That's a wedding ring! Why didn't you say something, Cagalli?"

It took all of Cagalli's willpower not to choke on the pills she had just swallowed at that proclamation. She lifted her hand to eye level and, sure enough, there was a golden band around the fourth finger of her left hand. How the hell had she not noticed that before?

"I didn't know." Cagalli answered after a moment, still staring at the ring in question.

"What do you mean you didn't know?"

"Just that. I didn't know."

"How could you not know that you got married?"

Cagalli motioned to the bottle of aspirin. "Well, I'm not taking these just for the hell of it. I woke up with a hangover, so I don't really remember much from last night."

"Oh...well, we can figure this out..."Miriallia began as she guided Cagalli over to sit at the table. "What do you remember from yesterday?"

Cagalli put her hands to her head and thought back. What did she remember? "Well...I took my last exam and took the bus home since I knew you still had another exam and my car's still in the shop...And there was a message on the answering machine from my dad. He wanted me to meet him for dinner."

Miriallia nodded. "Yeah, I got your note about that when I got home."

"Right...Well, we got into an argument as usual. He still wants me to come join his company after graduation...So I left right after dinner and got a taxi to take me home..."

"Except you didn't come home. At least, you weren't here when I went to bed around midnight."

"So I must have stopped somewhere between the restaurant and here...The question is where.. There's at least five different bars on the way."

"I would imagine your husband would know."Miriallia said with a smirk.

"That's another question...If I got married last night, then to who? And where is he? Maybe I didn't. Maybe I just found the ring somewhere and meant to turn it into the lost and found, but I forgot..."

"Or maybe..." Miriallia cut in. "Ahmed was at the bar you went to, you got back together, and eloped."

"No. Definitely not...At least...I don't think so..." Cagalli said with less certainty. Oh, why couldn't she remember?

"It's ok. We can fix this. We'll just call every bar you would have passed and ask if they remember seeing you. Once we find the right one, we ask if you left with anyone, then we track down your husband, you get an annulment, and problem solved."

Cagalli nodded her consent to the plan and Miriallia got up to get the phone book from the living room.

It was then that they heard footsteps on the landing outside the apartment door and heard a key turn in the lock. That in itself wasn't unusual as Miriallia's fiance, Dearka Elsman, also had a key to the apartment.

But it wasn't Dearka who entered. It was Athrun Zala, carrying a box of donuts and two cups of coffee.

He looked at Cagalli as he entered, smiled, and said, "Good morning, wife."


Okay, so this is just something I wrote on a lark to help relieve my writer's block. Whether or not I continue this story depends on the response I get from reviewers.

Also, to readers of Once Upon a Time, I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long. I know I only have 2 chapters left of the story, and I know what needs to happen in each of those, but I've hit a bit of a snag in the research I've been doing for the 14th chapter.

As always, R&R!