A/n: Last chapter.

China Cat has been gone for a while now. Dean still refuses to call her by her real name.

John is still looking for her. He still thinks he can get her to help him. Dean and Sam know that she won't.

Dean misses her and sometimes, though he will deny it if asked, he finds the dress that was left on the ground when she disappeared and he holds onto it while he sleeps. It never stops smelling like apples. Even though he misses her he knows he isn't alone, though. He has Sammy.

Sam has taken to taking care of Dean like a fish to water.

At first he was a bit overbearing, always wanting to help, to talk, to see how Dean felt.

Now, though, he can tell when to lay off his brother and when to come to him. Sam has even found the song Green Bird and he hums it for Dean when he is upset. He also hugs him and Dean has discovered that he likes Sammy's hugs.

They are different than China Cat's.

Hers were strong but still she was soft and Dean could nuzzle into her. It was like having a huge, warm, life sized teddy bear.

The first time he let Sam hug him it was like being slammed against a brick wall in comparison.

Sam is all angles and flat plains of muscle. He is warm, though. That is something he and China Cat have in common.

Dean has found that if he allows it Sam can make him feel just as safe as China Cat used to.

It has taken a while but now when he needs it Dean doesn't push Sam away and complain about chick-flick moments when Sam gives him a much needed hug or when Sam sits with him and runs his fingers through his hair until he falls asleep.

He only does that when Dean needs him to, though.

Dean understands what China Cat meant when she told him that they will do her brother's work and sometimes Sam will do hers.

They take care of people. They save people from the things that go bump in the night. And when Dean needs it Sam takes care of him.

Right now they are driving through South Carolina with fields of tobacco on either side of them but the only thing he can smell in the air as his flows into the car through an open window is apples. The song 'Ramble on' starts playing and Dean just smiles.

He knows he isn't alone and he doesn't have to take care of everyone all the time.

He has Sammy and even if he can't see her he knows he has China Cat.

And if he needs them he knows they will take care of him.

A/n: This is the last chapter and it is shorter than the others but I don't think it needed to be any longer.

I am so happy! Lol This is my like.. the first multichapter story I have ever actually completed!