Johnny Test versus Dexter, Boy Genius

Part 25: The End

By Neoraichu

This story is based on Johnny Test and Dexter's Laboratory.


Now that they were in Paris, it seemed time to get their respective dates on. They settled on a nice open air Cafe with a view of the Eiffel Tower. Since the tables were small, they had to split up into groups of three. Johnny, Dee-Dee and Dukey shared one table. Bling-Bling and Susan had another. Dexter (who had to sit on a phone book just to get his eyes over the edge of the table) and Mary had yet a third. Mister Black and Mister White also had their own table that they could use to monitor all of the other tables.

Only Mister Black and Mister White were inclined to drink, as they were the adults in the group. Dee-Dee was particularly put off alcohol by the way Mandark had tried to get her drunk on champagne when he had taken her to a similar Parisian Cafe. Johnny, on the other hand, had once seen Gil drunk on beer, and that put him off on drinking for several years by itself. Susan, Mary and Dexter were all too aware of alcohol on their minds to even consider taking drinks themselves. As far as Bling-Bling went, Johnny was pretty sure his mother wouldn't let him get anywhere near the stuff.

The meal was otherwise light, consisting of Pastry Puffs, a mix of cube-cut cheeses, cubed deli meats, a selection of sliced fruit, and a chocolate fondue for dipping.

"So you like Tinymon?" asked Johnny.

"Of course," she replied, "There are so many cute ones. There's even some like Pony Puff Princesses."

"So what's your favorite?" he asked.

"Cuddlebuns," she answered happily.

"I bet you that I know something..." he began.

"That Cuddlebuns evolves into Screechereen if you show it some love and kindness?"

"You know?"

"I knew that since version 1. 0. 3. 6."

Johnny looked stunned. He didn't figure out about Cuddlebuns until he was trapped in the Tinymon world somewhere around version 3. 14. 15. 0.

"What's your rating?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't play for ratings," she replied, "I just play to collect the cuties."

"So you don't evolve them?"

"Only if the evolved forms are cuter than the originals."

"There are?"

"Well sure," she answered, "Ponycorn evolves into Regal Ponycorn, and that evolves into Winged Princess Ponycorn. Then you equip her with the Pony Crown of Royalty, and she looks even cuter."

"I see."

"But I still can't find Cuddlefox, the evolution Tinymon."

"Oh, that's a matter of breeding the right Tinymon."

"Have you done it?"

"Yeah," he replied, "It took some luck, a lot of boxes of chocolate, renting the elite breeding suite, and about 100 breeding attempts."

"I guess I just don't have that much patience for breeding."

"Well, if you want something bad enough..."

"I see," she replied, "Maybe I'll try again."

"You should never give up."

"So how many Cuddlefox do you have?"

"Just one."

"Have you used an evolution gem yet?"

"Not yet. Those are kind of hard to come by."

"Oh, I know."

There was an awkward silence as they ran out of things to talk about.

Dee-Dee picked up Johnny's hand in her own, and said, "You'll just have to show my everything when I come see you in Porkbelly."

Johnny smiled as he replied, "I'd love that." He absentmindedly dropped a pastry puff over the edge of the table so Dukey could snatch it out of the air.

He glanced at the Eiffel Tower and sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Dee-Dee.

"Oh, I sort of made the Eiffel Tower vanish as a magic trick, and the Parisians almost lynched me and my family before I made it reappear."

"Oooo..." she replied, "That actually sounded exciting."

"For a while," he replied, "The whole magic man thing was."

"It sounds like you've had a lot of adventures here in Paris."

"Oh, I have."

"I hope I can share some of your adventures here some day," said Dee-Dee cheerily.

"That would be nice," he said as he smiled back at her.

She leaned closer and whispered, "Besides, you've already seen me naked."

Johnny blushed hard. He wasn't really thinking about that when he was saving her, and he was really hoping that was something she wasn't going to remember.

The air seemed torn asunder when Mary asked Dexter, "You're lab is how big?!"

"Oh, eet EEZ naught az BEEG az you miiight theeenk," he replied.

That's big enough to take 1,000 of our labs and still have storage space left over! I really need to come and see it for myself one of these days!"

"Oh, I am sure zat sumTHEEENG can be ARRanged, Mary."

"I'm sure it's amazing."

"Well, I have a lot of old exPERiments and stuff that I am not uzing at ze Moment."

"You keep your old experiments?"

"Of COURSE," he replied, "Zey are my leGACY."

"We keep our old experiments, too," she replied, "but I thought I was only being sentimental."

"EEF you are lacking in STOrage SPACE, zen perHAPS you would LIKE to uze zome of my STOrage SPACE in my LAAAB for eztra STUFF."

"If you don't mind," she replied, "I'd love to. I'm sure our old stuff would be as safe in your lab as anywhere else."

"Maybe you MIGHT want TO take SOME of my OLD EEEquipMENT off my HANDZ az well."

"Oh sweet Susan Test," moaned Bling-Bling Boy, "How I have forever yearned to sit at the same table with you as we are now." Unlike the last date, Eugene and Mary had separate plates and separate drinks before them.

"Well," she admitted, "I suppose it's not as bad as it could have been."

"I'm certainly not going to try anything with Mister Black and Mister White sitting right over there," he said as he pointed at their table. Even though they were reading the English Edition Paris Newspaper, she was fairly grateful that Eugene was still mindful of their presence.

"Yes General?" asked Mister Black.

There was a pause.

"I see," said Mister White.

There was another pause.

"Johnny, kids," said Mister Black, "We need to go back to Porkbelly ASAP."

"Aw," moaned Johnny, "What is it now?"

"Since you asked," replied Mister White, "An experimental cyborg tank got loose from Area 51.1 and merged with a mutant cheese roll that escaped from Susan and Mary's Lab. Now it's a fused creature that's threatening to turn Porkbelly into a Limburger hell."

"And you need our help to contain it?" asked Susan and Mary as one.

"If you don't mind."

"We could stay here and let the military take care of it," suggested Johnny.

"Johnny!" called Mister Black and Mister White as one.

"That's our line," said Susan and Mary as one.

"Hey," said Dee-Dee, "It's a good a reason as any to see Porkbelly now."

"And I am weeeling to LEND my conSEEderABLE GEEEnius to ObviuousLY small DEEEfiiiculty."

"Okay," said Johnny, "Then lets go."
