Author's Note: The Doctor has a habit of accidentally romancing historical figures. I just wondered if any of the other Time Lords ever got themselves into such a situation.
The Doctor was having a good time. For once the TARDIS had actually been reliable and brought him to exactly where he wanted to go: a party celebrating the release of the Manchurian Candidate.
Well , he was having a good time until a frantic Romana sprinted up to him, grabbed his arm, and whispered urgently, "Doctor, we need to leave. Now." She began pulling at his arm, trying to move him toward the exit, but he stood still for a moment, studying her; her clothing was a bit disheveled looking as was her hair and past the franticness, she seemed almost embarrassed.
Concerned, he asked, "Romana, what exactly is wrong? There isn't any danger that I can-
"I accidentally married Frank Sinatra."
The Doctor stared at her, blinked, stared some more, and then blinked again.
Then he laughed.
She glared at him.
"It's not funny, Doctor."
He continued laughing.
"Oh, just laugh. Wait until you've accidentally married some historical figure, you won't think it's so funny then."
His laughter only increased as she pulled him out of the party and towards the TARDIS. He would never be so careless that he would accidentally marry someone.
Author's Notes: Tempting fate there, Doctor. Please read and review. Constructive criticism is accepted.