(Olivia's POV)

I knew he was going to ask me. And I wanted him to. But it didn't turn out like I hoped it would, even though I'd agreed. I thought I'd feel happier, more complete. But I don't.

I really, and I mean REALLY, liked him. Or at least I thought I did. I expected to be way happier, but I can't take it back now. I helped him with Sidney; he helped me with my dad. I really thought there was something there.

Last night, after we opened for Nicki Minaj at Madison Square Garden, we kissed. Not that I didn't want to kiss him, I just thought it would be more magical, that there would be more feeling, that we'd connect more.

But it's official: I am dating Wendell Gifford. Thrills.

But that was last night. Today, I'm on my way to my favourite place to meet my best friends and fellow band mates for pizza and, of course, lemonade. Today is the last day of our summer holidays and from tomorrow it's back to Mesa High School. From tomorrow, I'll be a junior! The only other friend I have who's in the same grade as me is Mo. Wen, Stella and Scott will be seniors and little Charlie (I know he aint so little, but we like to call him that) will be a sophomore.

I'm here, ready to tell them. Wen and I are going to tell the rest of Lemonade Mouth that we're officially a couple.

I spot my friends immediately at our usual table. I walk up to them, and they're all greeting me as Wen gets up to pull out a chair for me. He's such a gentleman. Maybe that's why I fell for him in the first place. We're all talking about school, the band…..you name it. I looked at Wen. It's time. I took a deep breath in.

"We're dating," Wen said.

Stella looked extremely surprised and said, "Whoa, wait, what?"

Wen began to talk slower, "Liv and I are going out."

"Dude," Scott said, his arm around Mo, "That's awesome!"

Wen smiled like crazy, which made me feel upset and bad after all those things I thought, just a few minutes ago.

"It was so obvious that you guys liked each other!" Charlie said, laughing. For some reason 'liked' stood out to me.

"Yeah, totally," Stella said. I couldn't help but notice a hint of a frown crossing her face.

"Something wrong?" I asked, sounding a little too curious.

"No," she said, a little irritated, "It's just that it's now my senior year and I really need to start thinking about college."

Mo opened her mouth to say something but Stella interrupted by saying, "And no, my parents don't want me to go to art school." Stella always knows what we're gonna say.

Mo shrugged.

(Scott's POV)

Mo shrugged, and then added, "You know you'll always have Lemonade Mouth, right?"

Stella smiled, "Yeah, I guess. I just hope it'll work out. Then I'll have to think up a plan B."

"Okay, can we all just stop being sad and boring and focus on…..."Charlie started, "mmm! The happy couple!"

We all giggled and smiled, creating Wen and Olivia – or Wenlivia – the centre of our attention. Olivia's smile looked false, like the smile Charlie gave when Mohini and I got back together.

"Speaking of happy couples, how's it going with Victoria?" I asked Charlie.

"It's not," Charlie replied, "She only liked me because she thought I was a typical rock-band-badass-popular-soon-to-be-mega-ultra-superstar-drummer, and I only liked her because I was heartbroken."

He looked at Mo. I know he likes, or at least, liked her, but seriously do you blame the guy? Mohini's gorgeous, intelligent, sweet, funny, trustworthy, adorable….the list goes on. But the point is that Mo would never cheat on me, and Charlie's a great guy.

I looked at Wen. He still looked beyond ecstatic, but I felt bad for the guy. I mean, Olivia clearly isn't too thrilled, or maybe she's having, er, girl problems.

The awkward silence obviously didn't last long, since Stella was here. We just decided to put our feet up (not literally), relax and enjoy our last afternoon of freedom before we return to hell tomorrow.

(Stella's POV)

School today. Ugh!

The second I step out of the car I see my pals hanging out by the fountain. Mo and Scott aren't here yet, which is surprising since Olivia's usually the last to arrive, and Mo the first. They're probably taking a slow, romantic stroll down here.

"Sup y'all!" I said, smiling like a clown, "You know the only thing I've ever learnt at school is how to have fun in detention."

"I should stop cutting class," Olivia said, with that serious look on her face, "This place was built to make us miserable."

Mo arrived and hugged all of us; looking a little awkward while she hugged Charlie, who blushed like crazy. His face was a beet red. Ha-ha, that never gets old.

"So, um, Mo?" Charlie started, "Where is Scott?"

"Ugh," Mo replied, rolling her eyes, "I called him about a million times last night but he wouldn't answer."

Wen and Olivia seemed like they were in their own little world, although Olivia had a guilty look on her face.

Should I tell them? Yes. I'll get it over and done with.

"Guys," I struggled to get out, resulting in all my friend staring at me in shock, "I might be moving again."

"What?" Wen asked, "To where exactly?"

"Yeah, we'll still see you right?" Charlie said. I didn't answer.


"I'm moving to Boston," I said, upset.

"No, you're not!" Mo said, using that motherly tone of hers, "You said you might be moving, and we can't let that happen!"

"Yeah!" The others' spirits were lifted thanks to Mo, and I suddenly felt a little better. They will come through. I'm sure of it.

"We should start heading to our classes," Olivia said, changing the subject, "School starts in 15 minutes."

We started heading to our classes, talking about Wen and Olivia, Scott, and me possibly moving. We passed Ray and Jules making out. At one point, Ray got up, breaking his game of tonsil hockey with his little hooker. He stood in the middle of the hallway, "casually" whistling, and led out his foot in order to trip a girl who was walking by. The girl fell to the ground, dropping all her books, her long, thick, curly, jet black hair covering her face as she landed on the ground with a thump.

(Mo's POV)

We ran over to help the girl. Olivia and Charlie started to help her pick up her textbooks and papers. Charlie took her hand and helped her up. He gave me a "What now?" sort of look. I knew exactly what he was doing and it wasn't working. I couldn't get Scott off my mind. Where is he?

"Thanks," the girl said.

"No prob," Stella said, "I'm Stella Yamada, and this is Charlie Delgado, Mohini, we call her Mo, Banjaree, Olivia White and Wen Gifford." She pointed at each of us as she introduced us to the girl.

"Hi," she said, fixing her hair, "I'm Mia, Mia Avakian."

"So, you're, like, Armenian, right?" I asked. Most Armenian last names end in 'ian'. That's right, I know stuff!

"Yeah, my dad's Armenian and my mom's Italian," she answered, and the school bell rang, "Thanks again. I gotta go to class."

"And be careful," Olivia said, "This is high school, and I'm guessing you're a freshman."

"Yes," Mia replied, "I was actually home-schooled till today."

We all talked for a while and then we realised that we're all gonna be late for class and headed in separate directions.

Just as Olivia and I were on our way to English, Principal Brenigan made an announcement:

"Would all the members of the band Lemonade Mouth report to my office immediately?"

(Wen's POV)

Stella and I took our time walking to Brenigan's office. When we got there, we saw the other three standing in a row like ducklings, looking awkward and nervous. We joined them. I stood beside my girlfriend (I love the sound of that) and asked, "What's going on?" She shrugged.

Brenigan entered his office after the longest 5 minutes of waiting EVER. He walked up and down the row dramatically, like he always does.

"In case you haven't noticed," he said, seeming shockingly upset, "one of your fellow band mates did not arrive at school today."

"In case you haven't noticed," Stella said, "we're not blind." I couldn't help but chuckle.

Brenigan shot us a stern glare and said, "This is a serious matter! This is no time to joke!"

"What happened to Scott?" Mo asked, sounding worried.

"He's, uh…." Brenigan started.

"He's what?" Mo demanded. I could her choking up.

Brenigan remained silent.

I knew what happened to Scott. He called me last night. If only I believed him. But he was such a jokester. I could have helped him. And I had no idea where he was now.

"I'm sorry, kids," he said, sounding surprisingly sympathetic, "but your friend is….."

He paused. Only for a few seconds, but it felt like forever.

Brenigan spoke again, but almost whispered, "He's gone. I'm sorry," he said, "He passed away last night."

Sorry if it was boring, but this is my very first fanfiction. And I apologise for shaking things up, as I am personally over Wenlivia, Starlie and Scohini. Hope you liked it, and please review. Mwah!