AN: I know, I know. I should be working on my story or my crack. Not something new again. The next chapter for the story is almost ready, I just can't concentrate right now. Sooo we have my first oneshot instead~.

Disclaimer: I don't think I like telling people I don't own what I right about…

If You Weren't

I would be the perfect Bookman. Heartless.

When we first saw each other, I told myself that I was excited because you were different. When we started taking, I was only nervous because your clear silver eyes saw right through me.

Why does my heart beat so fast?

When you were hurt, I was mad because it meant more work for me. When you cried, I was sad because…?

Why does my chest hurt so much?

When you smiled, even that fake smile, I wanted to keep it all to myself. When you laughed, there was no wrong in the world.

Why can't I think straight?

When you disappeared, I thought I died. When you came back, I knew I loved you.

When did I grow a heart?

When you left us, my newly found heart left with you.

I grew a heart when I met you.