The medical facts in this story are mostly true (based on something that happened to my mother) however, here and there I have taken several liberties but I hope it still reads ok. Enjoy!
Ruth woke up feeling God awful. She turned over and squinted at Harry who was still asleep. Which when she glanced at the clock and saw that is was five a.m. she wasn't surprised. She fidgeted and sat up slowly, her breath coming in shallow gasps as her stomach turned over. She was so tired of feeling ill. Every morning for three weeks she had woken up like this as well as not being able to sleep through the night. Her moving had disturbed Harry and she sighed, not wanting to wake him but knowing he wouldn't fall back to sleep now.
"How are you feeling?" he asked hoarsely.
"No better," she said as his arm curled around her back and pulled her closer. In spite of feeling like hell she managed to smile as she wrapped herself into Harry's chest. She felt so safe when she was being held by him. He kissed the top of her head sleepily. "Go back to sleep," she told him.
"Mm," he murmured. "Wake me if you need anything."
"Okay," she replied as he drifted back off. She watched him sleep for the next two hours in peace and quiet. She loved looking at him, he looked so much more relaxed in sleep. At seven she woke him when a fit of coughing took her. "Sorry," she told him as he kissed her briefly.
"Promise me you'll go to the doctors today," he told her.
"Yeah, of course I will," she said. She had been a few days ago but the pills she'd been given hadn't helped her at all.
"I can come with you if you want…" Harry said. She shook her head.
"No. I'll be fine," Ruth assured him. "Anyway you're needed on the grid. Especially with your senior analyst out sick."
"I know," he said. "Just thought I'd offer."
"I love you," she said quietly. Harry didn't reply with words. He kissed her soft and slow and with great feeling, brushing her hair with his fingers gently.
"Call me if you need me," he told her.
"I will," she reassured him as he got up. She closed her eyes and felt a brief kiss on her hair before Harry left her. As soon as she was alone she got dressed as quickly as her ill body would allow her to. She was terrified of what her doctor was going to tell her. She had been hiding from Harry how serious they seemed to think… whatever she had was. She had taken so many tests the last time she had been there and the results were in today. She didn't like lying to Harry but she didn't want to worry him before it was necessary.
Ruth picked up her mobile and called for a taxi. She didn't feel well enough to be able to drive. She tapped her fingers irritatingly. She was not looking forward to this. She felt another coughing fit and winced as she felt her breathing becoming painful. She looked at her hand and swallowed uncomfortably. She'd coughed up blood. This was not good. She stayed sitting on her bed until she heard a car beep outside. Her taxi was here.
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