Summer 1942:

"Lynn!" my mom hollers behind me. "Please, sit down! Let's talk about this!"

I storm out of the cabin and slam the door in my mother's face. I hear it open up again as I make my way down the hall. My fists clench and I can feel my face heat up. "Go away!" I scream. A few people open their doors as to see what's going on.

"Dear, please!" She grabs my wrist but I harshly pull away.

"Don't, mom!" I start, holding my hands up and turning to face her. "You said it was only going to be a month! When did you plan on telling me we're actually moving, huh? How stupid I must have looked walking aboard this ship, thinking this was just some happy, little family vacation! I didn't even say goodbye to my friends!"

For a moment, I watch my mom take in my words. A sad, sympathetic expression is plastered on her face and but I stand my ground. She walks over to me and reaches her hand out to place it on my shoulder. I shrug her off the second her skin touches mine, disgusted.

"Why couldn't you have just left me in New York?" I ask in a raspy voice.

Her eyes begin to water but she gives me a stern look. "I will not allow this family to be separated, Evalynn!"

I glare at her, infuriated. "Why?" I wail in absolute rage "Couldn't handle losing another child to this war, could you?"

I close my eyes and immediately regret my words. God, I just had to open my big mouth. A tear caresses my mom's cheek and I hear her whimper. I painfully open my eyes as she tilts her head to the side and looks at me with a pained visage.

I can feel the guilt whelming up inside me. "Mom. Mom, please don't cry. Just forget about what I said-Please? I'm sorry. Gosh, I'm so sorry I've been acting like a brat. I'll change my attitude, I promise." I stop for a moment to gather the right words. "Maybe this move will be good for me." I grab her hands in mine and kiss her cheek. "I really am sorry."

Slowly, she nods and then smiles down at me. I return it and hug her."It's alright, Lynn." I pull away and straighten up my dress. Mom pats my back and wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. A chorus of "awws" and applause erupts behind us and we turn to face our strangley large audience.

"Sorry for the disturbance." I say apologetically, followed with a coy grin.

Still holding my hand, mom guides us to the sky deck to meet my dad before dinner. The ocean's breeze chills me to the bone and a trail of goose bumps travels down my arms. Lights strung from a line illuminate the level and there's a hum of voices filling the air idly. I slow my pace as I see my dad with a few people I have never seen before. A dark-haired couple stand beside each other with their arms linked and a girl about my age stands before them, facing my dad. I tug at my mother for her to wait a moment. She shakes her head and pushes me forward encouragingly.

"Ah," my dad says as he turns towards my mom and I. "Helen, Frank, Susan-I'd like you to meet my wife and daughter."

Dad pulls me beside him as I face the strangers. My arms wrap themselves around my torso and I shrink at my father's side. The girl gives me a polite smile and her eyes soften. I look at her, completely awestruck by how pretty she is. Her blue eyes so much brighter than my own; Red, full lips any girl would kill for. There's an undeniably graceful air that surrounds her. She extends her arm and offers me her hand. I look to both of my parents and they give me approving nods. My father nudges me in the arm. Hesitantly, I reach my hand out and I place it in her open palm. Our hands grasp one another's firmly and she gives me a friendly laugh.

"Hello, I'm Susan Pevensie."

Hello! I am currently in the process of editing this entire story. After about a year since first publishing, I started to reread this piece and I literally wanted to crawl under a rock(it was excruciatingly painful catching all of the errors.) Hopefully all the changes will be for the better and that you all will be okay with them! Feel free to leave me a review to show me you're all still alive!