I don't own Maximum Ride. James Patterson does.

Switched- Prologue

Max smiled, she knew that finally after seven months of pregnancy and four-teen hours of labor she could hold her child.

She looked up at a nurse, the medical staff that had been delivering her child all knew about her wings and were bound to silence, and asked, "May I hold it? What is it?"

The nurse shook her head announcing that Dr. Rosewood had to take the baby away to do some tests since it was premature. Max cringed when she heard tests. Tests with needles and white coats. She shook her head, everything would be ok, the tests were to make sure her baby was alright. She continued trying to think reassuring thoughts.

Suddenly Nudge barged in talking a mile a minute about how excited she was to meet the newest addition to the flock. Iggy, the Gasman, and Angel followed her in. Fang smiled up at them from where he was at my bedside. His smile melted my heart, and made me realize everything was going to turn out right.

Nurse Betty Greenhorn was about to celebrate her fiftieth year working for Blake Shore Hospital. At the moment she was carrying a premature baby in her arms. It was a quiet creature. The quietest baby she had ever come across in her years as a delivery nurse, it hadn't made a single sound audible to Betty's ears.

"Betty! Take these to Dr. Ling" Betty gingerly put the baby down beside another and took the papers ordering the nurse who had interrupted her to take the child to Dr. Rosewood, indicating the baby she spoke of with an unsteady finger . As Betty walked away Nurse Linda Maroon picked up the one she had seen Betty's shaking finger pointing at and walked away. As she walked, as if it was a sign, the baby Linda carried in her arms squealed.