The Real Me

Chapter 1

Jade's POV

So guess what happened this morning? That jerk Beck dumped me this morning for Tori. Even though it seems weird, I still love him. I probably shouldn't when I have been lying to him for along time, not just him, but ever one of the students at Hollywood arts. The girl that is always rude and wears black is not me. I am actually the opposite

Everyone would be quite shocked to hear this, but I am your total girly girl, the girl that loves to wear pink and bright colors, the girl that goes shopping constantly and has Friday night sleepovers with her friends. This is how I have always been until sixth grade. All the girls in the class hated me. I never knew why, but I stood out from everyone. I had no friends and cried every night in bed. Then I changed. Everyday I wore dark colors and loads of make-up. My parents didn't understand how I could change my personality overnight, but they didn't question it and let me be. The only thing that didn't change was my love for performing. So I enrolled into Hollywood Arts high school and made friends. Only they didn't know who the real me was. They liked the other Jade.

Ever since the break-up with Beck I have decided to go back to my other self. I always wanted to, but I was scared of what everyone would think of me. For 5 years I have wanted to go back to my other self and now I think I am brave enough to reveal my other me to my school. See I am completely different from the Jade everyone at Hollywood Arts knows. I hope nothing changes, but I don't have a very good feeling about going back to school Monday as a completely different person, to them anyway.

First thing to do is to re-decorate my bedroom. But before I go anywhere I am going to change, into clothes that I would actually like to wear. So I changed into my white skinny jeans, short black boots, and a hot pink t-shirt. After I changed, I cleaned the make-up off my face and put mascara, light pink lip gloss, and white eye shadow. I quickly glanced at my reflection in my mirror and bounded down the wooden brown spiral staircase in my parents' mansion. "Hey mom, can you drop me off at the mall" I asked while running into the kitchen. "Sure you can sweetie. You look different today" my mom said with a smile on her face. "Oh, and could you re-decorate my room while I'm gone?" I stuttered. "Sure, but you have to leave now and don't come back before 10:00" she told me as we walked out the front door and hopped into her little blue car. We sat quietly on the way to the mall just listening to the radio. As we arrived she said to me "I am going to give you my credit card to go buy some new things, but don't overspend." "Thank you mom" I quickly exclaimed as I jumped out of the car running over to my friends who were just entering the mall.

"Yay, our old Jade is back" my best friend Kayla shouted as she saw me running over to them. I probably looked like an idiot running in the parking lot, but whatever. I couldn't help but smile as I reached all of my old friends. It was just like old times when we would hang out at the mall together and talk about random things. Our little bunch was Taylor, Hailee, Kayla, and I. Taylor had the reddest hair and bluest eyes you have ever seen. Today she was wearing a bright blue sun dress that matched her eyes perfectly with gold and silver sandals. While Kayla had blonde hair with natural highlights and electric green eyes. She was wearing a light pink skirt, a white tank top, silver diamond studded heels, and a bunch of necklaces and bracelets. Hailee had the the prettiest light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes to match. Hailee was wearing a lime green tank top with black short shorts.

"Tell us what you have been doing all of these years" Taylor my really close friend insisted. So I began telling them my story of how I joined Hollywood Arts, about my friends, and ending with how I got dumped. "Oh, Jade I'm so sorry about what happened" Hailee whimpered with tears in her eyes. "Yeah" mumbled the three others wiping their eyes. "It's okay guys. Now let's shop for my new wardrobe" I happily shouted. We rushed into the mall, laughing and talking while going into our favorite stores. We stopped by the food court after about five hours of shopping for some dinner. We decided to eat at Boston Pizza. After fighting about what we should order, we decided to just get a medium pizza. Then we went into the mall again. I couldn't believe how fast time flies because after what seemed like 5 minutes I was saying goodbye to my best friends and searching for my mother's car.

I couldn't wait to see what my mom did to my room. I was kinda scared to see what she did to it thought too. "Hey mom" I acknowledged her as I walked up to the car. "Wow you sure got a lot of things" my mom exclaimed while watching me stuff all of the shopping bags into the backseat. "Are you ready to see your new room" she excitedly said as she started driving back to the West mansion. "Totally" I anxiously told her. I just couldn't wait to see it. So I didn't even wait for her to be parked in the drive-way before I hopped out and ran to the front door, almost knocking over my dad who was waiting in the front foyer. I stumbled up the stairs, my parents following behind me with slight smiles on their faces. I opened the door and screamed.