Arashi: This is an Hp/KFP Crossover though it will have spoilers for the second Kung Fu Panda 2. This sets after Lord Shen's defeat and when Harry is at least around six to seven years old. He'll be a human but wishes to escape where he'll be in tiger cub form. Other then this is the first time I write something for KFP so some of the characters may be out of character.
Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter, Books, Movies or its characters since they belong to J.K Rowling and Warner's Bros. Kung Fu Panda belongs to DreamWorks production. I just write for fun which means I don't make a profit of this fic
Warnings-Au, ooc, minor language, Creature Harry (tiger cub form) and past child abuse
Summary: Wishing to be away from the pain of his relatives, Harry wishes to have someone to love him and a home. Tigeress finds a small male tiger cub in the alley after hearing something. Unable to leave small one there she takes him in. Only she has to convince Master Shifu first though what things will the gang do with Harry in their lives. What if Harry would have to eventually leave them?
Son of the Tigeress
Chapter 1-Lost then found
Trembling in the cupboard he has been living in for five years, a six year old boy with untidy black hair and bright green eyes shine with unshed tears. The obvious bruise on the boy's cheek hint what punishment he receive for turning the teacher's hair green then blue along with some kids looking like blueberries but he couldn't be sure. He nearly moans in pain as he pulls his knees close to his boy. He has to keep quiet or else his uncle Vernon will know he's awake and ready to continue his punishment.
"What did I ever do to earn these punishments? Is it my fault that I can create strange things to happen?" The boy murmurs softly not realizing a dormant blood is slowly wakening inside the boy which shouldn't happen until he's at least fifteen or sixteen years old.
He moves his arms slowly not wanting to cry out in the pain. He could feel the fever of the cold he has spike which he learn not to ask himself how he can tell. He place a hand on his mouth to muffle the cough remember Uncle Vernon's words of making a single sound that will lead t a worse punishment. Letting out a sigh, the boy pushes his glasses up his nose gazing behind him on the many blankets on the floor to see the ugliest green blanket that would make anyone sick just seeing it. It's nothing much but the closest thing of his aunt to be kind to him but he's not going to complain since he learns to take it as a small gift.
"I," the boy begins to whisper not sure why his hearing suddenly strengthen as the sound of footsteps of his uncle comes down the stairs obviously heading to the cupboard to see if he's awake for more of the beating he's to receive. "I wish I can have a family that will love me and protect me from the harm."
He closes his eyes scrunching them shut not wanting to look as the chains on the door opens. He could smell the nasty smell of alcohol staining his uncle's breath which confuses the raven hair boy. How could he smell something like that? He didn't see Vernon's eyes widen as something happen to the boy. From normal skin to suddenly fur appearing over the boy's body the truth of Lily's blood kicks in.
"Petunia!" Vernon shouts as his wife walks towards him ready to ask what when she spots her nephew.
The doubt of her little sister being adopted from years ago comes to her mind. Memories of her parents arguing over the fact after Lily gone to that freakish school about her real parents other then she should learn the truth of her past which never happen. The fact Lily has dormant tiger blood in her pass down to her son causes Petunia to anger more. Here she begin to hope the doubt of Lily being her little sister is real disappear at the sight of the young tiger cub with bright emerald green eyes with a lighting bolt scar as one of his marks.
Vernon glares coldly at the freakish tiger boy thing in front of him as he grabs the freak not seeing his nephew begins to have a slight glow to his fur. He yells out in pain at the sudden burning feeling dropping the cub only to have him disappear before their very eyes. Petunia looks over her husband's hands knowing the freak is now gone from their lives but a small part of her feels the pain of losing the last thing to Lily. Other then when Dumbledore finds out he'll be livid since they're suppose to keep him for some reason.
-Gongmen City, China-
Trying to shake off the feeling of Po hugging her in front of the others especially her adopted father Master Shifu, Tigeress nearly sighs with relief when they part. So the panda isn't all that bad as she originally thought. She lets a tiny smile tug on the corner of her lips at the sight of the fireworks displaying in the night sky when a crackling popping sound in one of the alleys near by catches her interest. She informs Viper to tell the others she's going to go on her own to think a bit and get a drink.
The crowd lets the master of tiger style kung fu among their miss please the master. She could hear the sounds of a child sniffling and soft sneezes with wheezes of coughs. Her curiosity peaks as she moves stealthily towards the pile of boxes in the alley not wanting to alert who ever it is. To her shock a small male tiger cub with bright green eyes and a lighting bolt scar like shape over his eyes makes her have a slight vision of her unknown past, a male tiger with similar eyes which could be either the shade of Jade or Emerald basing on his moods. Furrowing her brows Tigeress pushes the image away moving slowly so the cub can see her.
Bending to his eye level she holds out a hand hoping the cub will take it and trust her. She gives a tiny smile said softly, "Hello."
"Hello," the cub echoes staring into the ember orbs only to slowly stand up trying not to sway as his stomach growls getting the little one to stare at his feet rather embarrass. Whispering so softly Tigeress has no choice but to listen carefully, "Sorry."
"Do you have a name little one?" the tiger master ask trying to shake off the feeling this cub is invoking inside of her something to akin of the strongest anger she hasn't feel in years since in the orphanage as a mere cub herself.
"Freak…Harry," Harry whispers not wanting to look at the female tiger before him feeling rather tired and ill. He didn't see the ember orbs glow with anger or the fact Tigeress walks towards him and scoops him up in her arms ready to fight tooth and nail to keep him once she reaches the others. The cub lets out a startling squeak not expecting it staring at the one picking him up not wanting to believe it. "What's your name?"
"Tigeress," the female voice answers that would sound harsh but there is some softness in the tone soothing the boy. He yawns letting Tigeress situate him better in her arms listening to the comforting growls mix with purrs.
"Sleep tight, Harry…my son," Tigeress whispers shocking even herself at her words in the end.
Arashi: I'm not exactly sure who I'll pair Harry with so I'll have to say a possible slash. Other then what pairings the others will have as well. Well next chapter we'll have to see how the rest of the Furious Five, Po and Shifu react to Harry. Please read and review.