Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men Evolution. First time at this couple, since I don't think anyone has tried it yet.

Ray Crisp walked outside of the mansion and looked up at the sky. It looked like it was going to raining, but he didn't mind. He noticed a familiar face over near the benches and walked over. "Hi, what are you doing?"

"Just workin` on some drawings." The Goth told him.

"Mind if I take a look?" He asked.

"Go right `head." Rogue told him moving over so he could sit down and handed him her drawing pad.

Flipping through it he saw pictures of Bayville High, the Institute, and what he figured to be the Brotherhood house. "These are pretty good."

"Yea well might as well do somethin` with mah free time ya know."

A clap of thunder echoed the sky. "We better get inside. Don't want your drawings to get ruined or anything." He said as they both stood up and he handed her drawing pad back to her.

"True, too bad Mr. Munroe can` stop it." Rogue told him sniffing the air. "Smells just lahke at home when it was goin` ta rain."

"You kids best hurry up and get in here." Logan said.

"We're coming." Ray called shaking his head at him.


"Planning on getting wet?" Jubilee asked Robert Drake.

"No, just watching outside." He told her.

Jubilee walked towards his balcony and saw Ray and Rogue heading inside. "Oh, that explains it."

"What explains it?" Bobby asked confused.

"That you're jealous of any guy that comes near Rogue."

Bobby shook his head. "Not true. I just don't trust Ray that well that's all. He loses his temper so easily lately and I don't want to see Rogue get hurt."

Jubilee giggled. "I think he'd be the one getting hurt cause all Rogue has to do is take off her gloves. Well, then she'd have his temper so forget it."

"Hey come on you two. It's like movie night." Kitty Pryde said stopping at Bobby's door seeing him and Jubilee talking.

"We're coming." Jubilee said as Bobby shut his balcony door and the three of them headed downstairs.


"Okay what movie do we want to see tonight?" Scott Summers asked opening the cabinet full of movies.

"What about a romance?" Jean Grey suggested.

"No a comedy." Kurt Wagner and Evan Daniels said in unison.

"How about a horror one?" Bobby asked.

"Forget it." Rogue said shaking her head.

"How is it dat ya can read horror books an` ya can` watch horror movies?" Sam Guthrie asked her.

"It's different." Rogue told him.

"How so?" Bobby asked taking a seat next to her.

"Bobby don` start with me on this argument again."

"Again?" Amara Aquilla asked.

"Yea, I tried to get Rogue to watch this one movie last night with me but she wouldn't." Bobby said.

"Ah wasn` goin` ta watch House on Haunted Hill with ya."

"It's only rated 'R' and it was supposed to be really good."

"Yea if ya love seein` a blood shed on tha television."

"And what pray ask were you doing trying to watch a rated 'R' movie, Bobby?" Ororo Munroe asked him.

"Um.. it was the only thing on."

"Well Rogue like what do you want to see?" Kitty asked.

"How `bout Coyote Ugly. Ah mean none of us have seen it yet an` it's only rated 'PG13' and it's also s`posed ta be good."

"So Rogue what do you got there?" Evan asked eyeing her drawing pad.

"Forget it porcine, ain` no one seein` what's in this." She told him.

Her saying this had Ray some-what confused. She had no problem showing him her drawings so why wouldn't she show anyone else it. He had to remember to ask her later when he got the chance to.

"Vhy not a little peak?" Kurt asked grabbing her pad with his tail.

"Kurt ya bettah give dat back." Rogue said standing up.

"Vhy any drawings you don't vant us to see?" He asked going to open it when it was snatched from his hands. "Hey!" He said turning around and faced Ray.

"She may threaten to take her gloves off." He said walking around him and handed Rogue back her drawing pad and took the empty place next to her.

"Ah was goin` ta say dat next, but thanks." Rogue said slightly smiling at him.

Ray smiled back and instantly looked away when he saw Bobby on the other side of her glaring at him. He knew Bobby had a small crush on Rogue. Sure she was beautiful, even if she was untouchable. He never even was curious on what she would look like without her Goth make-up and outfits. But maybe someday he would find out.

"Everyone okay with Coyote Ugly then?" Scott asked holding up the DVD as everyone murmured they're answers which was unanimous.

"Um.. what exactly type of movie is this?" Jamie Madrox asked.

"A young woman who wants to write songs and to live on her own she works at a bar." Rahne Sinclair said reading the back of the DVD box.

"Hey isn't Tyra Banks in his movie?" Evan asked smiling as he reached for the box.

"She's one of tha Coyote's, but she's not a main character." Rogue told him.

"Coming from the girl who never saw this movie before." Ray said chuckling.

"Ah nevah saw it before an` it don` mean ah didn` check on tha internet `bout tha movie. `Sides Risty told me some stuff `bout it."

"Hope she didn't ruin the ending." Ray told her.

"No she wouldn` tell me dat."

Roberto Da Costa and Rahne exchanged looks. The only person Ray ever spoke to was normally Sam. No one could understand why Ray and Rogue were being so friendly towards each other, but they were determined to find out.