A/N : I always liked the Magneto/Mystique pairing but never felt the need to write about them until seeing FC. So here's my first try!

Fire and Water

He awoke to the sound of her breathing. It was calm and deep, yet for some reason it had startled him awake. Erik had become so accustomed to being alone, sleeping alone, that another person's presence made him uneasy. Erik had often jumped at any slight noise he heard, and been ready with all sorts of weaponry by his side. A knife, for instance, so he could send it flying through the air if anyone dare disturb his slumber. Yet here he was, the presence of a charming young woman in bed with him.

There was no running from her now. Just a few nights before he'd told her she'd been too young, too innocent, to corrupt in such a manner. It was only a matter of time before he gave in. He might have a mutated mitochondrial gene, but he was still only a man, suffering from the same hormone trips as every other male on the planet.

"Don't you like me, Erik?" she'd cooed, her breath so close to his ear. "You said I was beautiful,"

And she was beautiful. The aura of youth no doubt had something to do with it. She was so hopeful, so unburdened by the world. Erik wanted that. He wanted it for himself. He wanted to be the boy she deserved, to be unmarred by the years of torment and pain he'd lived through.

But he was weak. In these moments he was only human. He'd taken her forcefully that night, ashamed of himself, mortified by the bright red marks he'd left all over her dark skin. But she'd done it to him. She'd pushed him to this by teasing him, by strutting around in the nude, the curves of her body enticing him.

Raven was strong though. She didn't cry out, and when he took all there was of her she smiled up at him, holding him as if he was the most precious thing in the world. He knew then that she would make him love her as well. Of course he did love the girl, he cared for her very much - but there was something that made him feel as though she spelled his doom. Erik ran his hands over her deceptive skin, wondering if he even knew her at all. She could change in an instant. Turn on him in an instant. It would be wise to sleep with one eye open, he thought.

He stroked her hair, and felt her stir against him. His thoughts drifted to the past few days. Everything he'd seen. He didn't let his mind slip to those few words Charles had mentioned to him.

Killing Shaw will not bring you peace.

Charles had been wrong. Killing Shaw brought him immense gratification, unlike anything he'd ever felt. He didn't pay attention to that small darkness in the back of his mind, the darkness of knowing he could not bring back what he desperately wanted. Instead he looked towards a new future, the one he was intent on building for himself.

He had things to do now. He was finally becoming the man he knew he was meant to be. Deep inside he'd always remained a scared little boy, a slave to stronger adults who only wanted to hurt him. He would always be crippled in that sense. Except now the boy had grown, and had powers beyond his wildest imagination.

Erik looked down at Raven who was still sleeping deeply. He fought the warm feelings growing in his chest. She's your comrade, your companion; not your lover. Remember that.

He lifted up her arm and slipped out of bed, inhaling her soft scent once more before tucking her in. "Sweet dreams, Mystique." he whispered with a small grin, making his way as quietly as he could without waking her.

Tomorrow would be unpleasant, he knew. Raven would want this treatment every night, or as much as he was willing to give her. It was going to crush her once he told her he never intended on spending the night in her bed again.

Erik fumbled over words in his brain, how to say it, what his tone should be. A stern father? A sympathetic friend?

The Brotherhood had been hiding in an abandoned house in the Virginian Appalachia. It seemed as if no one had walked these halls in 30 years. The floor creaked under Erik as he walked to the balcony, and he looked out into the dense forest. Who knew what laid beyond, what was in store for him. He would've prayed to God for protection, if he still believed in him. Despite the great powers bestowed upon him, Erik knew deep inside that God stopped believing in him many years ago.

A/N: This is going to be continued, although I'm not sure yet how long it will turn out to be.