A/n: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in nearly 2 months, school has been hectic to say the least and on top of that I have sport trials for state championships coming up so I've been practicing and that hasn't allowed me much time to write. There is also the fact that I am also working on my own novel and prequel for it and that has been taking up some time also. So what I'm going to do is probably spend the day writing and write some chapters for this story so I can get it out of the way and so you know how it ends etc etc.

Chapter 4 What do you expect?

Emily stared at Spence; his face was grim as he folded his arm across his chest defiantly. Reid was going to be the hardest of the lot to talk to. she had broken his trust and friendship, but most of all the little family they had. She had abandoned them. she had abandoned him.

Emily walked up to Reid, a defiant look also mirrored his and she opened her arms and hugged him although it wasn't received when he pushed her away from him before turning his back and walking away from the brunette.

Emily looked at the floor. this was going to be a long process, and it simply couldn't be fixed by buying the kid something. No. Emily needed something, to build his trust up once more and to crack this façade he was putting on, because Emily just wanted her family back together, and without Reid it wasn't a family.

So Emily had purposely left Reid for last, because deep down she knew he would be the hardest to talk to. Whereas the others understood after Emily had spoken to them, why it had been necessary for her to flee, leaving her family behind to man the fort.

"Reid...Spence. Please, I need to talk to you." Emily said from the door of the break room as Reid made himself another mug of coffee. He turned and looked at her as he drank the dark liquid, a blank stare on his face as he brushed past Emily, ignoring the fact she was there.

"Dammit Reid if you won't talk then I will!" Emily fumed. her hands curled into tight balls and her knuckles turned white. this had gone too far and it was beyond a joke. Here she was, willing to explain and tell Reid what had happened and yet he wanted to hear none of it. How was he supposed to know what she was feeling? How she felt when she had to make the choice she made? For Emily, at this point in time, she was just going to tell him. Whether he was willing to listen or not.

"Boy, you are stubborn. Did you learn that from Hotch? Seriously Reid, I'm just going to say it whether you want to hear it or not," Emily continued as he sat at his desk reading a file. "I left because it was the only way to keep you safe. It was the only way and since coming back, I realise I could have done things differently, but at what cost to me or to my family?" Emily questioned him. He never batted and eyelid so she continued.

"I was there at my funeral. I watched all of you. to be honest it was one of the hardest things for me to do. You looked so broken and lost that all I wanted to do was run and hug you and tell you the truth. That in the end everything would be okay. That I would come home safe and everyone wouldn't have anything to worry about. but, I couldn't. I had a cover I had to protect. I had a family to protect." Emily sighed, sitting down in the chair beside Reid.

"When JJ flew to Paris with everything I would need, she told me in a discreet note slipped into the money and passports about how everyone was doing. You shut the world off. Derek, he cut everyone else out and Penelope she… she stopped being her bubbly self, but you all found it hard to trust each other and that is partially my fault. I want you to know that I don't expect this to be fixed overnight. it can't be. I broke your trust and everything and I need to show you and earn it back if you'll let me, because I don't want to have a person - who is basically a brother to me - to not be able to talk to me or lay eyes on me, because of something I did in the past to protect the people I love." Emily continued as she stood up before going to her desk and pulling out a piece of paper, scribbling onto it a few words before folding it and leaving it on Reid's desk.

Emily left without saying anything further. Stepping into the elevator, her hand came to rest on her stomach as the pain from her wound started to grow. Over the months it had started to heal more and more each day, but sometimes the pain she felt at the beginning returned and at times like this it was unbearable.

Emily's hand slipped underneath her shirt and she placed her cold hand on her scar, tracing the lines but also massaging it soothingly, it eased the pain somewhat, but it left a throbbing ache in its wake. The elevator opened to reveal Jennifer standing there, a small smile on her face as she reached out for Emily who went straight into her arms, burying her face in the crook of her neck.

Somehow JJ always knew what Emily needed, whether it be a warm hug or a passionate kiss to reassure her, right now Emily just wanted to be held. JJ knew that Reid was going to be there hardest to talk to and so did Emily. If only he could see what she was going through right now, he might have a better understanding, but he wasn't here to see it.

With her face buried in JJ's neck, Emily found herself crying into the blondes arms as a wave of tears were shed. JJ rubbed her back and soothed her as the brunette wept in her arms.

"Let's just get you home sweetie," JJ murmured into Emily's ear and laid a soft kiss on the side of her head, before leading her to the car. She buckled Emily into the seat as she stared out the widow more than absent, the streaks red where the tears has run down her face and black smears where she had whipped them away along with her mascara.

The drive home was silent as Emily stared out the window and JJ was growing more and more worried about the brunette. Emily made no attempt to get out of the car when they had been parked for more than five minutes JJ sighed and walked round to Emily's side, opening the door JJ's hand stroked Emily's cheek.

Emily looked at JJ, her eyes clouding and misting with tears as she slipped out from within the car and into JJ's arms once more as she guided them both into the house. As soon as the door was closed JJ found herself pushed up against it with Emily's lips on her neck sucking hard.

"Jesus Emily, what-" JJ moaned her sentence cut off by Emily's lips on her silencing the blonde.

"I want you..." Emily sighed as she attacked the blondes neck with her lips, sucking and nipping the soft skin beneath and JJ was finding it hard to stay quiet and in control of her own actions. Her hands finding the brunettes ass by their own accord and Emily nipped the blonde's neck when JJ squeezed the soft cheeks under her hands.

Emily growled as she looked at the buttons in front of her that were, in fact, blocking her path at the present time. Emily looked into JJ eyes and somehow the blonde knew what Emily wanted. Emily pushed JJ into the kitchen before pushing all the contents off of the dining table clearing the wooden table top.

Emily lifted JJ's legs up around her waist and laid her down on the table her hands caressing the buttons of the shirt and JJ looked up at Emily's flushed face before nodding at the brunette. Her nimble fingers undid the buttons in a harrowing pace and Emily sucked in a breath, opening the shirt up she laid her eyes on more of JJ's white porcelain skin.

"You are so beautiful…" Emily murmured lovingly as she kissed JJ's stomach, leaving open mouthed kisses over her skin before her hands rested atop JJ's breasts, and Emily's hand slid beneath the blondes back to unclasp her bra.

Emily's eyes widened as her eyes were met with two taut nipples, red and waiting for her mouth, her hand pinched one before her mouth sucked in the other one. JJ arched off the table, pushing her breast further into Emily's mouth and Emily moaned sending a shiver down the blondes body as a flush of arousal went to her already heated core.

"Emily…" the blonde moaned as her hands threaded through the brunettes hair, pulling her mouth closer to her breast. Emily's hand stroked JJ's sides as she looked down between them, deciding there were too many clothes still covering the blonde.

Emily's fingers went to JJ's belt, her fingers fumbling over the latch when she felt the blonde's fingers on top of hers and pushing them away and undoing the metal clasp for her. Emily pulled the blondes pants down and shuddered as her eyes met the black lace hidden beneath the dark pants and Emily's fingers ghosted above the lace when she began stroking the blonde through the fabric as a series of moans, gasps and shudders filled the room.

Emily pulled JJ into her arms and with her legs firmly wrapped around the brunettes waist, as she carried the blonde into their room, laying her down on the bed and settling between her legs. Emily looked at JJ in awe as she kissed all over the blonde's body, her hands slipped JJ's panties off as she dragged a finger through the blonde's folds, the rough pad of her finger stroking the blonde's clit.

JJ writhed beneath Emily; her back arched, pushing the blonde's heated centre into the brunette as she could feel the extent of her arousal.

"Take me…" JJ moaned and Emily kissed her hard and passionately, her hands resting on the blonde's thighs as she spread them further.

"Scoot up a little bit more," Emily requested and JJ complied, Emily smiled before she buried her tongue in the blonde's folds, licking and sucking.

"Fuck, Em!" JJ moaned and gasped as her hands went to the brunette's hair pushing her deeper, already finding herself close. Emily's fingers tweaked her clit, rolling it between her digits as her tongue plunged in and out of the silken channel, tasting the arousal pooled there.

Her fingers where replaced with her tongue as she laved the clit, it peaked out from within its hood and Emily nibbled at it. JJ jerked when she felt Emily's talented fingers slip into her pussy, three fingers at once stretching her as Emily began thrusting in and out. Her fingers stroked the blondes G-spot as she flexed her fingers inside the tight sweet channel, a rush of arousal made Emily abandon the blonde's clit as she tongued the tight pussy licking the arousal that leaked.

"Fuck, you taste amazing, Jennifer," Emily moaned, sending shivers throughout the blonde's body.

"Baby, I'm so close, don't stop," JJ pleaded as her hips arched at the feel of cool air across her clit, it burned and throbbed and waited to be touched, as Emily looked at JJ's body all flushed and sweaty. The smell of sex and sweat penetrated the air and Emily smiled, a mantra of moans and gasps leaving the blonde's lips. Emily bit down on the small nub that was throbbing; JJ swore she would fall apart then and there as Emily teeth nibbled at the bundle of nerves, her fingers continuing to thrust in and out as JJ met her thrust for thrust, and with one last lick JJ fell apart in the brunette's mouth.

Her white pearly fluids covered the brunette's fingers and JJ laid there in a boneless heap, limp and half unconscious. Emily smiled in triumph that she was able to bring the blonde such pleasure, she reluctantly pulled her fingers from the blonde, cleaning them before her tongue cleared the rest of the arousal from the blonde's still dripping pussy.

"You taste amazing," Emily moaned, her tongue deep in the blonde, with a final kiss to JJ's pussy, Emily kissed her way back up the body as she laid beside the blonde. Her dazed expression and lovingly look in her eyes told Emily all she needed to know.

"Wow…" JJ whispered and Emily giggled, closing the distance between them as she kissed her softly, her hand stroked the blonde's cheek and her eyes locked with hers.

"Feel better? Because I know I do," Emily asked as they both burst out in laughterand her arms held JJ tight, spooning behind her. Emily kissed her neck and closed her eyes revelling in the feeling of the blonde's naked body, it was only then that Emily realised she was still clothed, to which she let go of JJ reluctantly and removed her clothes before joining the blonde once more.

Emily held the blonde for some time until she fell asleep, listening to the sound of the JJ's heartbeat, with one thought running through her mind.

This was home.

Hey guys Would really appreciate your thoughts on this chapter and story if you have the time. Thanks