Byakuya-sensei here with yet another one-shot! Yes, another one! Seems like I got a knack for these, especially when they have a song in them. I hope you like and would appreciate any feedbacks that you all have! Oh, before I forget, I am currently taking request for one-shot and/or songfic that you all have in mind, so feel free to hit me up!

WARNINGS:: Might be slightly OOC and a gender bender (female Ichigo)

PAIRING: Byakuya x Fem Ichigo

DISCLAIMER:: BLEACH and the song EVERYTIME WE TOUCH do not belong to me! They belong to Tite Kubo and Cascada….but thanks for giving us wonderful stuff to work with!

A LITTLE UPDATE 6/24/2011 - As you can tell, I changed the name of this story. I thought this new title suited it better as every chapter will be a different song in it! Hope you enjoy! :)


Ichigo groggily opened her eyes, trying to figure out where she was. Finally getting focus back to them, she noticed that she wasn't in her bedroom. Wanting to know where she was, she tried to get up only to find herself being held down by something. Noticing an arm around her waist, she turned her head slightly, coming face to face with the soft and peaceful face of Kuchiki Byakuya. Gently and softly, she lifted his arm from around her to where she could sit up in the bed, looking down at his slumbering form.

She was in disbelief at what happened between them only a few hours ago….

Ichigo had been getting ready for head home when Byakuya had stopped her, asking her to join him at dinner. Having hidden feelings for the noble, she quickly said yes. At dinner, she noticed that the usually calm, collected 6th division captain was actually nervous, but Ichigo was really surprised when Byakuya had opened up to her. From what she knew about him from Rukia, he was usually very closed off to everyone, even Rukia. To hear him talk to her about his life, his marriage to Hisana and then losing her, his clan's expectation, she felt compassion for him. They continued to talk throughout dinner, with Ichigo even opening up about her life. By the time dinner was over, they practically knew everything about each other.

They had taken a moonlight walk through the gardens as they continued to tell their stories. Once they had reached the old Sakura, Ichigo noticed how much he looked different in the moonlight. Trying to hide the blush that was on her face, she had turned to look at the moon, not knowing that he had seen her cheeks. When she had turned to face him again, she was greeted by his slate grey eyes looking at her. Finally getting up the courage, he had slowly leaned over, brushing their lips together. After they parted, he confessed to her what he felt for her. Ichigo was surprised to learn that he had feelings for her for a long time, he was just afraid to act on them. Knowing that he returned the same feelings, she told him what was in her heart. With a smile on his face, he picked her up bridal style, making his way to his room, where they showed their love for each other throughout the night.

Smiling, she slowly traced a finger along his cheek line. "I still can't believe you love me…" Letting out a light breathe, she slipped her slippers on, looking for her robe. Still happy that she had her overnight bag, she grabbed a hair tie from it, tying her long orange hair back. With one last look back at the man in the bed, she slide the door open to the room. Walking down the long hallway, she tried to make sense of the last 8 hours in her mind.

True, she liked Byakuya. She had liked him ever since the first time she faced him on Sogyoku Hill. Without even knowing it, he had made a lasting impression on the carrot-top that made her want to better herself. After she had invaded the Soul Society and helped them flush out the traitors, everyone started seeing her in a different light, even Byakuya. When the Bount problem arose, Byakuya had offered to train her more, mainly in suppressing her reiatsu and learning kido. It was during this time, her feelings for the stoic noble started to change. Every time she would notice him looking at her, it felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest. Just the simplest touch from him made her instantly relax, when a person would normally tense up. When she started finding any reason to be around him, that when she realized she had fallen in love with the cold, stoic noble. Little did she know that he had fallen in love with her too.

Continuing her walk through the manor, she came to the main foyer. As she made her way across the vast room, she happened to look over in the far corner to see an object covered by a white cloth. Wondering what was hiding under there, she walked over, taking the cloth in her hands. Tugging on it gently, she uncovered a midnight black baby grand piano. Staring in awe, she ran her fingers along the porcelain white keys. Sitting on the bench, she could tell that the piano had not been played in a very long time.

Just hearing the sound from the keys, she could feel something light up inside her soul. Ichigo loved the piano, but hadn't played since she lost her mother 11 years ago. Ichigo wiped the tear in her eye as she remembers the last time…..


Ichigo smiled happily as she clung to her mother's hand as they walked down the street. The bright haired girl just got done with karate practice so she was still a little bit out of breath but kept up with her mother. As they stopped by the market on the way home, Ichigo's ears perked up when she heard the most beautiful sound coming from the park that was right beside the market. Being the curious kid she was, she wanted to know what it was.

Pulling on her mother's long shirt, she gained hr mom's attention. "Mom? You hear that?"

Masaki looked down at her daughter, as she listened to what Ichigo heard. "Of course, dear. It's called a piano."

Ichigo's eyes lite up. "Mom…."

"As long as you stay in the park, dear. I'm going to grab a few things and I'll be right there."

Hugging her mom's leg tightly, she smiled the biggest smile her little face could muster. "I will." With that, she ran as fast as she could to the park.

Upon entering the park, she looks around as the sound started to get a bit louder. Following her ears, she walked down the trail till she reached the playground. Looking around, she finally caught the sight of a young man sitting on a bench, playing a portable piano.

Seeing that other people were gathered around him, she knew in her mind it would be safe. Her mother always taught her to be safe. Walking on over, she smiled as she just listened to the music. The young man looked at her and smiled. Smiling, he offered her the seat next to him and continued to play. All the time, Ichigo was completely enthralled with the music.

About 10 minutes later, Ichigo saw her mom walking down the path, heading over to her. Getting up from her spot, she ran for her. Ichigo had decided that she wanted to learn and wanted to ask her mom before she forgot to. "MOM? I wanna do that."

Masaki looked at her daughter. She was surprised because Ichigo had never expressed an interest in learning any kind of instrument. "Are you sure, Ichi?"

Ichigo shook her enthusiastically. "Yeah….I'm sure."

The two sat on a bench. "You know, I used to play professionally before I met your father. If you want, I can teach you."

"OF COURSE I WANT YOU TOO, MOM!" she yelled as she flung herself into her mother's arms. "Thank you soooooooo much, Mom," she said, kissing her mom all over her cheeks.

Masaki laughed at her daughter. "You're welcome, Ichigo. Come on, let's get home and then after dinner, we can start your lessons if you want."

"Okay." Ichigo grabbed a few bags from her mom and the two Kurosakis made the walk home.

Masaki stay true to her word and started Ichigo's lessons. Much to her delight, Ichigo picked it up really well, and only after a week, Ichigo was already playing at least 3 full songs, even learning her favorite AMAZING GRACE, which is a hard one. She couldn't have been more proud of her oldest child.

However, that would be the last time that Masaki would hear her play. Only a day after teaching Ichigo her favorite song, she dies protecting Ichigo from a hollow attack, on their way home from Ichigo's karate practice.

Ichigo couldn't have been more devastated. She loved her mother greatly, but seeing her die like that, totally traumatized her. Knowing that they would never be able to play together again or just hang out like they did, Ichigo plunged herself into a deep depression.

She shut herself away from everyone, including her father and sisters. She would only come out for school and then once she was back home, she would lock herself back in her room. Finally, the day of the funeral, her father finally got her to come out, but didn't expect what he got. Ichigo clung to him the entire day, not that he minded at all. He was just happy to have his daughter.

After the funeral, everyone came back to the Kurosaki home, to remember their good times with Masaki. As everyone told their favorite stories of the orange-haired woman, Isshin looked over and saw Ichi sitting beside the window. With a smile on his face, he saw how much Ichigo resembled Masaki. He knew that his wife would live on in his daughter. Getting an idea, he walked over to her, sitting down next to her.

"Ichi," he said softly, laying a hand on her shoulder.

"Daddy…I m..m..miss her," she said in between her silent sobs.

Taking his daughter into his arms, he hugged her tightly, rubbing her back in comforting circles. "I know, honey. We all miss her." Looking over at the piano, he remembers all the times that he would sit there and watch his wife and daughter play together. "Ichi, you wanna play something? It might help.."

Ichigo looked at her father. "Dad…."

"Ichi, even though your mom isn't here anymore, she wouldn't want you to give up something you love. She would want you to continue. I know it's asking a lot from you, but if not for us, why not for your mom? You know, she would like it."

Thinking about it for a moment, she smiled at her dad. "You're right, Dad. But I just don't know if I can after losing Mom…but I'll at least play tonight."

"For being a nine year old, you are mature. Just remember your mom loves you and is very proud of you," he said hugging his daughter and kissing her cheek, "and so is your old man."

With a smile, she walked over to the piano, sitting on the bench. Stretching her arms, she began to move her fingers across the keys, just like she had every time before. After tuning up a bit, she finally smiled as she decided what song she wanted to play. "This is for you, Mom…I love you and miss you already…" she whispered softly, as she started to play her mom's favorite song, Amazing Grace. Ichigo was so into playing, that she didn't notice that everyone had stopped what they were doing and had their attention on the orange-haired child at the piano.

As she finished playing, she wiped the tears from her eyes. At that time, she made a decision. "I know you wouldn't want me to quit, Mom, but I just can't do it without you here. But I promise you, Mom, once I find the same love you had for dad, I'll play once again…"

Looking at the piano one last time, she noticed some kind of chip at the edge. Inspecting it closer, she smiled when she saw that the chip looked like a heart. She now knew she had made the right decision.


Remembering the vow she made that night, she wondered. "Could Byakuya be the one I've been looking for, Mom? I just wish I knew if I was right," she whispered to herself. As is she was possessed, she ran her fingers along the edge, until she felt something that felt like it was chipped. Taking her eyes to where her fingers were, her gaze widened. "No way…it's not possible.."

"Actually, it is," came a voice from over her shoulder. Turning around, she was greeted with the sight of Byakuya leaning against the door frame. She loved being the only one that saw this side of him. Totally shirtless, he wore nothing but his black night pants, his eyes glazed over, with his falling around his face, free from the kenseikan.

As he walked over to her, she couldn't help but smile. "How is this possible?" she asked again, as he sat on the bench with her, facing her. As he took her hands in his, her eyes widened. "He didn't..." she said chuckling softly.

Byakuya graced her with a smile. "What do you mean, Ichigo?" he asked brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It was about a month after the war ended; I came home from school one day, and noticed the piano missing. I asked Dad about it, but all he would say was that I would find out when my heart decided the time was right." Feeling the tears in her eyes, she took her hand from his, wiping them away. "Maybe I have now…"

Taking his hand, he tilted her face up to where he looked into the amber eyes that he loved dearly. "Ichi..." he said softly. Kissing her lips gently, he wanted Ichigo to know exactly how he felt about her. "I love you, Ichi-chan."

The strawberry could feel her cheeks flush. In her mind, she was now for certain that she was in love with the noble. Every time she was around him, it felt like she couldn't breathe, wanted him to touch her, to kiss her. "Byakuya, can I tell you something important?"

"Of course, love."

"Remember earlier, I told you I gave up something that I loved doing?" The noble shook head yes. "Well, before my mom died, she started teaching me the piano. For a week, I was in heaven because I was doing something that I loved, but then I lost my mom. The day of her funeral, my dad got me to play one last time. After I got done playing, at the age of nine, I made a vow to myself. Wanna know what that was?"

Caressing the top of her hand, he smiled gently. "Only if you want to, Ichi."

"I promised myself that when I found the same love that my mom had for my dad, I would play again." With a smile on the face he loved so much, Ichigo leaned forward, kissing him gently. "I know in my heart that I found it with you, Byakuya. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you, Kuchiki Byakuya."

Capturing her lips again, he brought her closer to him as he kissed her passionately. Flushing their bodies together, he slowly nipped her bottom lip, tempting her to deepen the kiss. When he tantalize her lips with his tongue, she gasped giving him the perfect opportunity to thrust his tongue. Tangling their tongues together, Byakuya was intoxicated by the slight strawberry that he could taste on her. His arms tightened around her even tighter as their kiss started to turn more passionate. After a few more minutes, they reluctantly parted when the need for air was needed.

Cradling her face in his hands, he rubbed gentle circles along the fine contours of her cheeks. "Do me one favor, Ichigo?"

"Sure. What is it, 'Kuya?"

With a loving smile, he simply said, "Play something for me."

Ichigo knew she couldn't deny him that. Knowing that she had the love that her parents had, she finally could let go of the vow. 'Thank you, Mom.' Nodding her head, she stretched her arms and turned her attention back to the keys. "It's something that my mom taught me before she died, and honestly, it describes you and I perfectly."

With that said, she started playing the first notes to the song, getting a feel for it. After a few chords, she started picking up the tempo. Taking a deep breath, she started singing the words that she learned to it.

I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch in my dreams.
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive.

'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so...
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life.

Your arms are my castle; your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears that I cry.
The good and the bad times, we've been through them all.
You make me rise when I fall.

'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so...
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life.

'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.

Byakuya watched as the orange-haired beauty finished the last note. Now he knew how she truly felt in her heart.

Smiling, he stood to his feet. "Come on, Ichigo," he said, holding his hand out to her. When she took it in hers, he swiftly lifted her off her feet, holding her bridal style in his arms. Kissing her lips gently, he whispered softly to her. "Make sure you play more from now on. I know your mother would want that."

Ichigo smiled, cuddling close to his chest as he walked down the halls, back to his bedroom. Once they were in the room, he placed her on the bed, hovering at her. "By the way, thank you for the lovely performance."

"You're welcome, 'Kuya. I love you," she said as she grabbed him and brought him down to another kiss.

"I love you as well, Ichigo and…" he whispered, leaning closer to her ear. Smiling, he did the one thing that he never had done for anyone. He simply sung to her. "Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling….."