Naku: D: It's short I just noticed, well enjoy it my lovely reviewers~!

'What have I gotten myself into!' Shizuo mentally lamented in his head as he lit a cirgarette. After 3 hours at looking at yaoi manga and magazines full of explict lines and pictures, he needed a break to think over what he just did. Erika was inside with Izaya, she was giving tips, examples and demenstrations. He bit into the bud of the cirgarette, 'Remember why you're doing this, if this 'someone' whoever it is, doesn't get jealous, then, Izaya goes to America, half-way around the world, and I'll never see his smug little face ever again.' He groaned in defeat, 'But there is the thing if this 'someone' does get jealous, I can information about whoever I want, it's a great offer but I have to give 110% to make it look good.' He tapped his chin, 'but there is the question, who would I like to have information about?'

"Well Izaya-san, it seems your a real pro now, but we have to make it look good or Kida-chan won't be jealous," Izaya gaped at Erika, who was smirking.

"H-How did you...?"

"Yaoi fan's intuition, I've seen the way you've been eyeing Kida, I know you have some lust for him." Erika smiled; Izaya sighed in defeat, "Oh and don't worry," Izaya looked up at Erika, who winked. "My lips are sealed." The front door opened.

"Well, Iza-kun, let's show the world our love," Shizuo exclaimed, smiling. Izaya and Erika blinked before bursting out laughing. Shizuo slacked his jaw. "Too much?"

"Y-yeah! Haha!" Izaya laughed, holding his sides.

"I hate you both, so much." Shizuo death panned.

Masaomi felt like himself again after 4 days of not seeing Izaya, he felt accustommed to his home again, his happy-go-lucky nature was back again and best of all he flirted twice as much as he did before. With this new confidence, he'll show Izaya he doesn't need him to be happy. He was chatting happily with his friends as they walked around Ikebukuro. Mikado and Anri were happy Masaomi was back to his natural state. His gloomy emotion gone, erased from the face of Masaomi. Humming to himself, Masaomi walked hand-in-hand with Anri who blushed several times and Mikado laughed at all the cheap pick-up lines Masaomi used. "Oh Anri-chan, you and I together, it's just perfect, will you do the honor of becoming my bride?" Masaomi asked, going on one knee holding her hand. She blushed even redder, if it had become possible, and looked away.

"I'm sorry, Kida-kun, I'm just not ready to be in such a commitment..." Anri stammered not wanting to hurt Masaomi's feelings. Masaomi looked at Anri for a few seconds, straight-faced before a huge goofy grin split his face.

"Oh Anri-chan, you're so cute!" He exclaimed, hugging her.

"Hey, check it out!" A person yelled, pointing to Izaya and Shizuo who were standing opposite of each other, Shizuo who looked like he was going to kill Izaya, Izaya well...being Izaya and a vending machine perfectly smashed next to Izaya.

"Tsk, tsk, oh Shizu-chan, no matter how much you try you can't get rid of me," Izaya smirked. "I'm wondering if you're even trying anymore, what's gotten into you, losing your touch?"

"Haah, wouldn't you like that, louse?" Shizuo panted.

"Yes, this whole chasing me, throwing street objects at me gig has gotten quite boring," Izaya pouted. Shizuo growled lowly; Anri, Mikado, Masaomi and a few innocent curious (nosy) bystanders watched from a distance as Shizuo walked over and picked Izaya up by the collar of his shirt.

"Boring, eh?"

"Yes, it has, we chase eachother everyday, and somehow you always seem to miss the point why I even bother putting up with you, you protozoan!"

"And what's that reason, punk?" Shizuo growled. Izaya closed his eyes, and Erika sqeauled softly as she watched from a distance behind a trash can with Walker, who had no idea why they were there in the first place. Izaya cupped Shizuo's cheeks and brought their lips together. Shizuo's eyes widened, he had never expected him to do that! Izaya pulled away slowly, looking deep into Shizuo's amber eyes, his hand still lingering on Shizuo's cheek.

"I love you," Those three words made Masaomi's heart pulmet into his stomach. How long? How long has he been waiting for those words to appear in Izaya's mouth to him? Masaomi's whole world turned into shambles.