Love Can Be Such A Tricky Thing

Chapter 1 – Leaving For Hogwarts

"Here we are girls! King's Cross Station," Mr. Evans happily remarked as he pulled their little red station wagon into a parking spot. "Petunia, be a dear and help your sister unload her luggage out of the trunk."

"Yes, father," groaned Petunia with a resentful look upon her face.

Mrs. Evans, who had fallen asleep during the long drive to London, yawned and stepped out of the car. "Lillian," she said groggily. "I packed you a lunch for the train ride, since you won't be reaching the castle until late this afternoon." She handed her younger daughter a brown paper bag. "It's broiled chicken…the kind you like."

"Thanks, mum, but I could always just buy food on the train if I get hungry," Lily replied. She was a very pretty girl of 16. She was about 5'6" and had a slender build. Her long, curly hair was a dark reddish-brown color and her eyes were stunningly green. And when she smiled they would sparkle like emeralds.

"Chocolate frogs and pumpkin pastries are hardly what I call a lunch," said Mrs. Evans sternly.

"But, mum…."

Their argument was interrupted by a loud shriek that came from Lily's older sister Petunia. Petunia, had very recently turned 18 was about 5'8". She was very slim, pale, and had a long swan-like neck, as wells as short wavy blond hair and blue eyes. She was an attractive young lady, but not nearly as attractive as Lily. Perhaps that was due to the fact that Petunia seemed to permanently wear a sour expression on her face that made others in her presence feel un-welcomed.

"FILTHY BEAST!" she shouted dropping the owl cage she was holding with a loud CLUNK! Inside a very frightened gray spotted owl flapped its wings and fluttered about.

"What did you do to Cinders, Petunia?" Lily cried, carefully picking up the cage and opening it to examine her owl.

"WHAT DID I DO? FOR YOUR INFORMATION, LILLIAN, THAT…THAT DISGUSTING CREATURE BIT ME!" Screamed Petunia, her face reddening with anger, as she held out her slightly bruised finger.

"He's instinctually protecting his territory, Petunia. I've told you at least a thousand times, to only lift his cage form the handle on the top. When you pick it up form the sides like that Cinders takes it as a threat," replied Lily, sounding calmer as she gently stroked the gray owl.

"I'll show you what a threat is…," said Petunia coldly, while she rolled up her sleeves. "Little miss goody-two-shoes…"

"GIRLS, that will be enough now, you hear!" scolded Mr. Evans as he stepped between his two daughters. "Petunia, calm yourself. Cinder's been part of our family for six years now. You should know better then to frighten him like that."

"OH, take her side why don't you!" snorted Petunia grumpily. "Lily's always right anyway."

"Honestly," remarked Mrs. Evans, sounding concerned. "You are 18 now, Petunia. For goodness sake your age!"

"Come now, Lillian," said Mr. Evans, who looked rather desperate to change the subject. "We better get you to Platform 9 ¾ before you miss the train. Everybody grab hold of a suitcase – and Lily, why don't you hold Cinders this time."

And with their hands full of luggage, the Evans made their way towards the barrier that stood between platforms 9 and 10. Lily knew what she had to do now. She had to inconspicuously walk through the barrier which would transport her to Platform 9 ¾. Platform 9 ¾ was invisible to Muggles, non-magical people, like Lily's parents. It was where the train that would take her to school, the Hogwarts Express, awaited.

Lily turned around and looked at her family. Her parents were beaming with pride. "Well I guess this is farewell then, Lily dear, at least until the Christmas Holidays," Mrs. Evans whispered softly while she dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief

"We're very proud of you Sugar Bear, and don't you forget that!" said Mr. Evans wrapping his arms tightly around Lily. "We know you'll give 'em your best shot!"

Mrs. Evans bent over to whisper in Lily's ear. "I packed plenty of extra long underwear for you, I know it can get a bit drafty in that castle during the winter. And the new b-r-a that we brought down town the other day is in your blue, rectangular suitcase."

"Muuummm…." Lily felt her face growing flush. Mrs. Evans gave her a big, wet kiss on the cheek.

Lily turned to her sister. "Good luck on your last year of high school, Petunia," she said kindly. "I will make it home in time for your graduation ceremony…I promise."

Petunia whispered something under her breath, which must have been very rude, because Mrs. Evans elbowed her very hard in the ribs. "Huh…Uh yeah…Good Luck to you, too," she moaned with a trace of pain in her voice.

Lily took hold of all her luggage, and turned around to look at her family one last time before making her way to the barrier. "We love you, Lillian Rose Evans!" she heard her mother call out as she whirled through a flash of bright light. When she regained her consciousness a few seconds later she noticed that she was standing on Platform 9 ¾ and the Hogwarts Express was steaming, preparing for it's departure. Lily climbed aboard the train, and took a seat in the nearest empty compartment. All around her both familiar and unfamiliar faces were greeting each other and talking excitedly. A few kids in her grade managed to spit out a "Hi Lily!" when passing her compartment. She nodded and forced a smile, occasionally returning the greeting. She considered her peers her acquaintances, but not her friends. No, she didn't have any friends. Not since Carla moved away two years ago, and nobody could replace Carla. The train blew a loud whistle, which signaled that it was about to pull away from the platform. With in a few minuets it began to move.

Lily stared out the window. The Hogwarts Express was now speeding by what seemed to be an endless row of trees. So here she was again…her sixth year at Hogwarts and not a minute too soon. She had always had positive feelings about her school. She loved her lessons and her teachers. Well, most of them at least. She studied hard and had outstanding marks, but for some reason she didn't feel happy. She couldn't quite put a finger on it, but it felt as though something was missing inside, like some invisible road- block that stood between her and contentment. The worst part of all was that her problem was nothing that could be fixed with magic.

One of Lily's many talents was to not allow her absurd emotions get in the way of her life. For as far as she was concerned, sweating over some invisible mental road-block was not worth her time or her effort. Not when she had more important things to concentrate on, like school. Lily knew her education as a witch was long from over, even if she did receive extraordinary scores on her O.W.L's (Ordinary Wizarding Level Test) during the previous year.

Lily pulled out a copy of The Standard Book of Spells Grade 6 and began to leaf

through the pages, searching for a spell that she had not yet memorized. It would be quite a while before she arrived at Hogwarts so she might as well get some studying done. She reached into her book-bag for a quill, but instead accidentally grabbed the brown paper lunch bag her mother gave her. She opened it up and stared at the chicken sandwich for a few moments before admitting to herself that she was hungry. As Lily reached for the sandwich a little pink note fell out, onto her lap. It was from her mother. It read…

Here is a sandwich for my little witch. I love you Lily.

Don't forget to write! (Or as you would say: send an owl)

Love, Mum

Lily laughed out-load as she read the note. "Could she be any more corny?" she thought lovingly to herself. She reread the note a few more times, while she nibbled on her sandwich, before tucking it away in her coat pocket. She loved her parents, and she strove to make them proud of her. It was tough sometimes, to be at a school that was so very far away from home, but it was a known fact that once you have settled into Hogwarts, homesickness was temporary. Anyway, she would see her parents again at Christmas, which was only three months away. Now Petunia was another story.

Petunia had been on Lily's case ever since she received her O.W.L score in late June. For as long as she could remember she never had a healthy relationship with her sister, at least not the kind she desperately wished for. Petunia was always a nasty child, but not as nasty as she had been towards Lily in the past couple of years. It seemed like the moment that Lily was excepted to Hogwarts, the moment she found out she had the "gene", the tiny bond she and Petunia had shared plummeted until it was non-existent. And that was the way it remained until this very day. Lily had to admit that it was probably a good idea that she and Petunia spent some time away from each other. If the summer holidays had continued any longer one of them would have committed a murder, and Lily was pretty sure that she would end up being the victim.

Lily yawned and shut her spell book. She had finished her sandwich and was now feeling a bit drowsy. A little nap couldn't do much harm…right? After all it…was…such a…long train…ride.

That was the last though that drifted through Lily's mind because before she knew it she had drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.