OMG... this is the last chapter. sorry it took so long but i've been deep in school work. i tried to make it a long one though. really wanted to get it up today since glee starts in exactly 7 days! hope you enjoy the final chapter of Good Summer!

I don't own glee or the characters

Third point of view

Chapter 14

Finn is on cloud nine. He could not be happier right now, and the reason for that is simple: Quinn Fabray. It's been two days since he kissed her on her porch and he hasn't seen her since. She has been busy with her mom doing something important for church. But that didn't stop Finn from texting or calling her every hour. Sometimes the text would be a simple 'Hey, how is your day going?' or 'I miss you'. Finn thought that he sometimes went over board with the 'I can't stop thinking about pulling you against me and kissing you until my lungs burn' but he was just speaking his mind. Besides, it didn't seem like Quinn mind.

Right now Finn is walking the mall with Puck, Kurt, and Mike. Puck is talking about one of his cougars that is out of town for the next two days. He wants to throw a pool party. At least, that's what Finn thinks he is talking about. He really isn't paying much attention. He would much rather be talking to someone else.

Kurt must have noticed. "What's wrong Finn? You seem quiet today. I would think something is wrong but you still have that big grin on your face."

Finn quickly rubs his face and brings his thoughts back to the conversion. "Umm, no, its nothing. I'm fine." A smile is already back on his face.

"You look MORE than fine. Did something happen with Quinn? You haven't really talk about her since the party."

Finn hadn't told anyone about what happened between him and Quinn. He doesn't think he should talk talking about it with others until he and Quinn have a chance to talk again. I mean, sure, he kissed her, but what does that mean? Was it just a kiss or are they official now? He thinks its better not to just assume things. "Umm… well… I-I"

"Oh come on, dude!" Puck jumps in, "I have been hearing you talk about Quinn all summer and just when things starts getting good, you decide to keep it in? Hell no! I want details!"

"Wh- I… hey! Lets go to the arcade!" before anyone could say anything else; Finn makes a dash to the left and into the arcade.

"Ugh! You are so lucky I never skip a chance to beat my high score." The rest of them follow Finn inside.

They have been in here for about five minutes and everyone already seems to be distracted by a game. Except Kurt, he is looking at the prizes. Finn takes this free time to do the one thing he has been waiting to do all day.

Hey, how is your day going? –Finn

So far so good. Having some girl time with Santana, Brittany, and Mercedes –Quinn

Ugh! Is it bad that I am jealous of them right now? –Finn

And why would you be jealous of three girls? –Quinn

Because they are getting to spend time with you J -Finn

Ah, you're cute. Miss me that much? –Quinn

You have no idea. Doing anything tonight? –Finn

… I think my plans are free. –Quinn

Perfect. We can go somewhere –Finn

OR stay in! –Finn

Whatever you want to do! What do you want to do? –Finn

Just asking because I don't know if you want people to know about us yet or what. –Finn

Us? –Quinn

Oh… um, should I not have said that? –Finn

Maybe this is a conversion we should have in person –Quinn

Okay… um, tonight? –Finn

Tonight seem too far away. I would like sooner rather than later. –Quinn

I can do sooner! Do you want me to meet you somewhere. I'll leave right now. –Finn

Haha. You look so cute when you frantically text. –Quinn

Um… thank you… I think. So can I meet you somewhere? –Finn

Are you with anyone else? –Quinn

Just Puck, Mike, and Kurt. –Finn

Of Course Puck wouldn't miss a chance to beat his high scores. –Quinn

I know! He even admitted that… so are you avoiding the question or something? –Finn

Your abs look great by the way. Guess that extra time at the gym really paid off. –Quinn

Yeah, really wanted to get into football shape. –Finn

Yeah, well you did. And that white t-shirt is fitting you just right. –Quinn

…Wait.. How did you know I was wearing a white shirt? –Finn

I just know these things. By the way, your ass looks great from this angle too. –Quinn

Finn quickly wipes his head around. That's when he sees Quinn leaning in the walkway of the arcade. An ear-to-ear grin shows up on his face. She looks breathtaking in a purple and pink sundress. He pockets his phone and makes his way over to her.



"You could have told me you were here."

"I told you sooner rather than later."

"Ha, yeah. How long have you been standing here?"

"Around the time you asked me to go somewhere tonight. We were passing by and saw you guys."


Quinn points over Finn's shoulder. He turns around to see Santana and Brittany playing Puck and Mike in air hockey. Mercedes is talking to Kurt on a bench. Finn looks at all of his friends for a second and then turns back to Quinn. He grabs her hand. "Come with me for a second."

Quinn doesn't say anything, just holds Finn's hand tighter as he pulls her across the arcade. He opens the curtain of a photo booth in the corner of the room and pulls her inside with him.

"Finn! What are you doing?" Quinn ask in between giggles.

"Shh! I don't want people to see us."

"Why not?"

"Because," Finn closes the curtain and faces Quinn, "I want privacy so that I could do this."

Finn grabs the sides of Quinn's face and pulls her into a kiss. It's slow at first, but as Quinn moves her arms around Finn's neck, he deepens it. Finn's hands trail down her sides and stop to rest at her hips. He breaks the kiss and moves to her neck as she pulls him closer.

"I've missed you so much these last two days." Finn says before kissing the spot just behind her ear.

"I know. I'm sorry. But all that stuff I had to do with my mom is done, so it won't happen again." Finn softly bites down on her neck before soothing it with his tongue, making Quinn moan. "Besides, I don't think I can go another day without kissing you."

"I know what you mean." He moves his lips back to hers. His hands travel to her butt and give a light squeeze. Quinn smiles into his mouth at the action. She knows nothing will happen but they need to stop soon. It was getting a little too hot for her in this small photo booth. As if on cue, the curtain pulls back.

"Oh My God! Do you two have no respect!" Of course it is Santana.

"Dude, that is so hot."

"Shut up, Puck. Look, you know I am always down for this kind of thing, but not in public, Q! There could be kids around!"

Quinn flattens down her hair and steps out of the booth. "It wasn't going that far, Santana. And by the way, that's the second time you interrupted. So just remember, payback's a bitch."

"Whatever. Look, we have to get Britt home. So finish up with your little boy toy here and meet us at the car."

The three girls walk out and Quinn turns back to Finn. She reaches up and fixes some of his hair.

"Looks like I have to go."

"Looks like it." Quinn gets on her toes and gives him a kiss. Finn thinks she is about to pull away, but instead she deepens it, giving him a long passionate kiss. Finn has to hold on to her hips when he feels his legs start to get weak. He doesn't think they would have stop if it hadn't been for Puck clearing his throat. Finn breaks away and glares at his friend, letting him know that Quinn's warning to Santana applies to him too. Then he turns back to Quinn, and his face softens. "So… is that how you say bye to all your 'boy toys'?" Finn jokes.

Quinn laughs as she steps out of his embraces. "…No… just my boyfriend." If Finn was smiling before, he doesn't know what he was doing now. Quinn notices and giggles, she thinks it's adorable. She gives him one last kiss on the cheek. "Call me about tonight?" His words are still lost so Finn just nods. Quinn giggles again and then rushes out before the urge to kiss him again becomes too strong.

It's been a total of eight hours since he left the mall and Finn is antsy. Not only is he missing Quinn, but he also tried to text her details about tonight and she has yet to answer. He wasn't worried at first, but the movie he wants them to go see starts in forty minutes. He decides to call her. It rings about five times before she picks up.


"Quinn! Hey… it's Finn. I-I've been trying to text you about tonight. I was thinking we could go see a movie and—"

"Finn. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can go anywhere tonight." Finn couldn't hear it before, but now he can tell that Quinn isn't her usual self. He hears her sniff into the phone.

"Quinn, what's wrong? Are you crying? Did someone do something to you? Was it something I did?"

"Finn, no, of course not… it's just… look, I just can't tonight, I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow."

She hangs up the phone quickly after that. They have only been officially dating for eight hours and she is already shutting him out. Finn knows that's not how he wants to start off this relationship. He is not having it.

Thirty minutes later, he is pulling into the Fabray's driveway. It would have been sooner, but his mom made him help with groceries. Then when he told her where he was going, she made him change clothes, saying he didn't look presentable enough for a first date. Finn didn't know if he and Quinn would even be going out tonight, but he did as his mom told him. And when the front door of the Fabray house opens, he is glad that he listened to her. There standing before him is Russell Fabray. The two men just stand there for what felt like minutes staring at each other. Finn doesn't know what to say. Part of him wants to hit the man for Quinn, but another part wants to cower in fear. Thankfully, Russell speaks first.

"You're Finn, right? Don't you look suave. Are you here to join me and my family for dinner?" Finn opens his mouth to speak, but his throat suddenly feels dry. "That's great. Come on in, son." Russell places his hand on Finn's shoulder and pushes him inside. He leads him into the dinning room where Quinn and Judy are quietly sitting. "Look who is joining us tonight."

Quinn shoots up from the table. "Finn! What are you doing here?" She makes a quick glance to her father and then back to Finn.


"Haha, boy has been speechless since he got here." Mr. Fabray says as he sits down at the head of the table.

"Mom, can I speak to Finn alone for a moment?"

"Shouldn't I be the one you ask permission from?" Quinn looks up to her father but doesn't open her mouth.

"It's fine, Quinnie. Go ahead." Russell glares at Judy, but she simply ignores him and takes a bite of her chicken.

Quinn walks around the table, grabs her still mute boyfriend, and walks upstairs to her room. Once she closes the door, she leans her back onto it and lets out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding. "Finn… what are you doing here. I told you I couldn't do anything tonight."



"Sorry!" Finn clears his throat to find his voice again, "Sorry. I just…I was just excited for tonight. Then you cancelled and you were crying. I felt like you were shutting me out and I didn't want to start this relationship out that way. So I came over here so that I can be or do anything you needed me, your boyfriend, to be… or do."

Quinn pushed herself off the door and without hesitation, put her arms around Finn's neck. "I just need you to be you and to hold me." Finn engulfs her in his arms, giving her a big bear hug. Quinn loves it; it makes her feel surrounded and safe. "I'm sorry I cancelled. He was just here when I got back from the mall. I didn't know what was going on, I was kind of in shock." Finn laughs, he knows the feeling. "He didn't even greet me. The first thing he said was 'We are having dinner tonight'. I should have called you after that, but I don't know… I just… I just."

"Shh shh shh. It's okay. I'm here now." He hugs her tighter.

"Yes, you are. Thank you so much for coming, even though I didn't ask you to."

"Hey, I heard my girlfriend crying on the phone. How could I not come."

Quinn leans back to look up into his face. "I like the sound of you calling me your girlfriend."

Finn smiles as he pushed back some of her hair and paces a kiss on her forehead. "So… should I stay?"

"… I want you to stay."

"Then I'm not going anywhere."

Quinn smiles and gives him a soft kiss. "Sorry our plans were ruined."

"I'm not worried about it. We have the rest of the summer to make up for it."

Quinn and Finn's sweet moment ended there. They walk back downstairs and are met with a yelling Russell. He is screaming at Judy about incoherent things while she just silently sits there eating her food, blocking him out. Her ignoring him just made things worst, because he suddenly got up from the table and made his way toward her, knocking over a few chairs on his way. This is when Finn thought it would be a good time to jump in. He put himself in between the two adults. When Mr. Fabray still advanced forward, Finn pushed him back against the wall pinning him there. By now there is a lot of yelling from Finn, Russell, and Quinn. Then the room instantly went silent as Judy stood up from the table and ask Quinn and Finn and leave for a while. Finn protest with Russell still pinned to the wall, but Judy waved him off and said to get Quinn something to eat and come back before ten. Finn didn't like it and Quinn argued back as well, but by the end of it all, they were out the house. Which brings them to a twenty-four hour dinner.

"You okay?"

Quinn plays with the bacon on her plate. "Could be better."

"Well… if you… you know, what to talk about it."

She drops her fork and looks up into Finn's eyes. There is nothing there but complete concern and love. She gives him a smile. "I just…" She lets out a deep sigh, "I love my dad, I always will. But I don't want to go through all this again. Does that make me a bad person to say that I don't want my dad even though he wants to be here?"

"No, Quinn. Of course not. Your dad is just…" Finn searches for the right words to use, but nothing comes to mind.

"I know… And it's not even because he kicked me out. It's the pressure I felt before that. The pressure I've felt my whole life; to be this perfect person. I just feel so free now. That it's okay to make little mistakes… I don't want to go back to being that perfect girl."

"And I don't want you to have to do that. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes. The real challenge is learning from it and moving on. Nothing is permanently damaged." He reaches across the table and grabs her hand. "We are proof of that."

"We are, and I don't want anybody messing that, THIS, up. Especially not my father. I just hope my mom knows what she is doing right now"

"Oh, I think she does. Did you see that look in her eyes? I have never seen a person cause fear and say so much without even talking. Well… Except for you… hey! So that's where you get it from!"

Quinn starts laughing and puts both of her hands over her face in embarrassment. "Shut up"

"I always thought it was a Quinn stare, but I guess it's a Fabray stare."

"I do not have a stare!"

"Haha, babe, yeah you do. I will be stock if you think you don't. You got that eyebrow thing going on too and—ah!"

Finn is cut off as Quinn starts to throw pieces of toast at him. He fires back with his fresh fries. Soon the table is a mess and they are both trying to catch their breath from all the laughter. Abruptly, Finn breath gets caught in his throat as someone approaches their table.


"S-Sarah… um, hi"

"How is my quarterback doing? I haven't seen you since Puck's party a few days ago. Didn't I tell you that that was just unacceptable?"

"Oh, um, sorry. But I'm good… good. Just having dinner with Quinn here." Finn gestures to Quinn, but Sarah doesn't seem to take notice.

"Good lord! Look at this mess!"

"Yeah, sorry… guess we got a little carried away."

"Goodness. All the food is mixed together. You wouldn't know what's for who. I'll go get you another plate of food. Wouldn't want you to have anyone's sloppy seconds." Quinn looks up to her old teammate and sees her smirking, eyes on Quinn.

Finn notices the stares and the not so subtle comment. "Actually, I think I'm good where I am."

Sarah turns back to Finn and puts on a fake smile. "You know what, you're right. It would probably take too long anyway. My shift is actually almost over. If you wait about fifteen minutes, we can go down to the lake and—"

"Don't even think about finishing that."

She turns back to Quinn who is now calmly folding her napkin, indicating that she is done eating. "Excuse me. I think it's a little rude to just cut into someone's conversion."

"And I think it is VERY rude of you to hit on my boyfriend while I am sitting right here. Have you no class?"

"You two are dating? I didn't realize. Not from the correction Finn and I made at Puck's party."

Quinn let out an annoyed laugh. "You mean the correction where he left you for me? Because I don't think it was your neck he was sucking on."

"Wow, Finn, I'm sorry... but you can do way better than her. So when you realize that, you should give me a call before someone else does."

Finn shifts in his seat uncomfortably and opens his mouth to say something, but Quinn beats him to it. "Oh, I'm sure the line will be wide open."

"What is that suppose to mean, Fabray?"

"It means that no one wants you, Sarah. We all know your tricks and lies now and no one likes you. You're a slut who can only sleep around with guys that are desperate and can only tolerate you for one night. You can't even get a relationship to last for twenty-four hours. Pathetic if you ask me. You're just the girl who thinks she's the shit when really everyone is talking about you behind your back." Quinn shakes her head and laughs as the last few words roll off her tongue, like it should have been obvious to the girl. Finn has to cover his mouth to hide his laugh. He knows it's true.

"I-I have to get back to work." Sarah turns to leave.

"Not so fast, I'm not done with you yet." Quinn stands up and turns the retreating girl back around. Finn straightens up in his seat. Before Quinn was calm and playfully torturing Sarah. But now her face has changed. Now she is Quinn, the HBIC. "You might think that this is your year, this is your time to rule over McKinley. But don't forget your place. I might not be in a uniform anymore, but I can still be that bitch if I have to. Don't think this is your opportunity to stomp over me, because it won't happen. I will always be superior to you. If you forget and need proof of that, I promise you I will be back on that squad just to knock you down."

"Coach would never let you back on."

"She has before, and after that embarrassing lost this past year I think she would realize that she needs me more than I need her. I guarantee she would pick me for the spot over you any day. You are nothing and can be replaced just as quickly as a guy leaving your bed. Do you understand everything that I am saying?" Quinn's hazel eyes stare into Sarah's. It becomes too much for the cheerleader and she looks to the ground, nodding her head in the process. "Good. Well, we are done here. You'll take care of this mess won't you? And we will pay at the front. No tip; the service here sucks."

Finn pays for their meal and meets Quinn outside. She greets him with a smile as he puts his arm around her waist and they start walking to the car. They walk in silence and Quinn can't take it. "Is something wrong?"

"No.., No, nothing is wrong."

"It was what I said to Sarah, wasn't it? Or better yet, how I said it."

"I have to admit, I haven't seen that Quinn in a while and it threw me off a little."

"I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten like that. I just didn't like how she was look at you and just pretending like I wasn't sitting right across from you!"

"Hey, hey," Finn pulls her to face him and gives her a quick kiss, "I know. I didn't say it was a bad thing. She was getting a little too big headed. Besides, it was better that you said it and not me. I mean, first off, I would feel bad if I talked to a girl that way. Second, I can't do that damn Fabray eyebrow!"

Quinn slaps his arm and pushes away from him, but he laughs and pulls her back in for a kiss. She stops her struggling and wraps her arms around his neck. They break the kiss and rest their forehead against one another.

"Did I really do the eyebrow thing?"

"Oh yeah, right when you were like 'Do you understand what I just said'. And lets not forget the Fabray stare! Your mom would be so proud right now." Quinn nudges him again. "But don't worry, babe. It was all a complete turn on."

Finn and Quinn are the last to arrive at Puck's pool party. It is just the glee kids and no drinks. Just friends having fun in a stranger's pool. They don't want to seem like the clingy couple, so Finn gives Quinn a kiss on the cheek and they part ways to talk to friends. Quinn goes sits with Mercedes, Tina, Rachel, Santana, and Brittney, but as they are talking to her, she stares at Finn with the other boys by the grill. He looks back at her and they share a smile.

"Girl, just go over there. We all know you two are together, it won't bother us if you spend time with your man."

"Are you trying to get rid of me, Mercedes?"

"No, I just think I speak for all of us when I say that we are just sick of watching you two stare at each other."

"Yea, it's making me sick, Q," Santana joins in, "And I would much rather you get the sweet stuff over with now so I don't have to deal with it when school starts."

"Speaking of school, I ran into Sarah yesterday. We are going to have to keep an eye on her this year."

"Please tell me you put that bitch in her place."

"Of course I did."

"Santana, don't let her change the subject."

Quinn let out a sigh, "It really does sound like you want to get rid of me, Mercedes."

"It's not that Quinn, we just want to see you two happy," says Rachel.

Quinn looks to her. "You do? You don't have a problem with… Finn and me?"

"Well… I um—"

"She doesn't have a problem. I saw her and Puck macin' it up when I got here today."

"Santana! That is not true! We were just… we were—"

"Save it, Berry. Now Q, go, so I can have something to make fun of you for later." Everyone give Quinn smirks and smiles. Finally Brittany starts pushing her toward the boys. Mike gives Finn a tap on her shoulder and points in Quinn's direction. Finn turns around and smiles as he walks over to her. On his way, the boys behind him start whistling and making whip noises. Finn turns around and gives them the finger before stopping in front of his girlfriend.


"Hey, missed me already?"

"Ha, yeah, well apparently our staring was distracting others."

"I told you your eyes are distracting."

"I know! I'm working on it."

"No, don't. I love your eyes."

Quinn starts to blush. "Thank you"

"Alright I'm bored." Quinn and Finn turn to Puck who is walking toward them. "Time for some fun."

"Dude, what are you—!" But it was too late, they were already thrown into the pool. "Dude! What was that?"

"CANONBALL!" Puck jumps in the pool. And after him, the rest of the club follows. Finn was going to go tackle Puck, but he hears Quinn giggling and pulls her to the side of the pool.

"You think that was funny?" he ask as he moves hair out of her eyes.

"Well, what did you expect? It's Puck and there is a pool."

"I guess that's true… hey come here." Finn pulls Quinn further into his embrace. He cups her cheek and kisses her passionately. His other hand moves down to her hip.

"Hey Hudson!" Puck shouts from the other side of the pool. "Get a room!"

Finn looks over to his friend. He is sitting on the pool steps with Rachel in his lap, nuzzling her neck. Finn smiles, "Yeah, I can tell you the same thing."

Quinn misses Finn's lips, so she pulls him back in for another kiss. He licks her bottom lip and she gives him access into her mouth. The kiss is long and passionate, but still nice and sweet. She pulls away. "I am so happy right now."

He smiles, "I am too, Baby."

"I'm happy it's summer, I'm happy my mom put my dad in his place,… I'm happy I have you back… I'm just really happy right now, and I don't want that to change."

"Quinn, it won't, I'm not going any where. Nothing is going to pull me away from you."

"What about when school starts? Is this just a summer thing to you?"

Finn lets out a deep sigh. "When school starts, the only thing that will pull me away from you is my separate classes. Of course this isn't a summer thing for me… I love you and want to be with you for as long as I can."

"I love you too… This is going to work between us. This summer has taught us new things and has brought us together."

Finn laughs, "I knew that I would like this summer, and hey, it's not even over yet. Lets enjoy the rest of it and not worry about school, just each other." He gives her a kiss. "It's been a good summer, Quinn, and I'm really happy I am getting to spend it with you.

AND THATS IT! thank you for all the readers who followed this story from the beginning and trusted me to write this. it's been a good summer, lol.

for future stories from me, there won't be that many until i get a break from school or something. and that can be good because i can get new ideas from season 3. i will be writing the 'finn reaction to season 3 quinn' story. thats the one y'all voted for. i think it will be a one shot and i want to try and get it out before season 3. so look for it this weekend, *fingers crossed* *i hate school work*.

don't forget you can always send me story ideas too

my fuinn/he said she said video on youtube got over 10,000 views yesterday and that number motivated me to write this last chapter, lol

thank you thank you thank you! this was my first story and your response to it was perfect. i hope to write alot more for my fuinnjas. the other day i went fuinn crazy on my twitter, lol. gotta represent! THANKS AGAIN! IT'S BEEN FUN! LOVE YOU ALL!