Author's Note: As we come to the end, we see the two things that are most important to one Aaron Hotchner.

Thank you to everyone that has come along for this ride! Your response/reviews/favorites have been unbelievable!

There are two things I have to add. First, at the start, I told all of you that I simply love to write this team away from the office. I couldn't end this without giving all of you that!

Secondly, I told all of you how much this story means to me. I should be bawling my eyes out to see this end. Yet, with your responses to Hotch and my OC, the plot bunnies are growing! I promise you'll see more of them!

Thn0715 – As with the first, this last one is dedicated to you. I simply have no words babe other than "Thank you". That still doesn't seem enough. * wipes tears* Much luvs my friend!

Chapter 18 – Family

Dave shut the light off to his office and closed the door around three. As usual on a Friday afternoon, the rest of the team, except for Hotch, was gathered in the bullpen. "Where do you think you're going? Morgan asked as Dave descended the steps.

"Mr. Slate pulled the pterodactyl's tail."

They all exchanged puzzled glances except Reid, who simply said, "The Flintstones."

"Actually, I'm going to the cabin for the weekend." Strauss had promised them a full weekend off after the number of recent cases they had been called out on.

Hotch emerged from his darkened office with his brief case.

"Must be nice to sit in the upper tier," Prentiss mocked.

"Cait and I and the boys are going to Dave's cabin."

"How come they get to go and we don't" Morgan whined.

"I've invited all of you countless times, but you never come. I guess a weekend relaxing in the woods is too rough for all of you." As much time as they had spent together, the two senior agents recognized the need for all of them to relax together.

"It works for us. See you in a couple hours, Dave." Hotch sped for the door.

"Hang on; I'll ride down with you. These city slickers don't know a good thing when they see it."

Hotch and Dave got into the elevator. "Think they took the bait?"

Dave smiled. "They even swallowed the hook."

The remaining team looked at each other. "So Rossi thinks I can't handle the woods. Isn't that your problem JJ," Morgan teased.

"Maybe, but Will and I were looking for something to do with Henry this weekend."

"My only plans were to chill out," Prentiss added.

"Kevin and I are free," added Garcia.

They all looked at Reid and said in unison, "Never mind."

The next morning, as Hotch and Dave were making pancakes and sausages for breakfast, the rest of the team met at the BAU to carpool. Will, JJ, Henry and Reid were already in one car. Garcia and Kevin showed up in "Esther" with the top down. Prentiss zoomed in a few minutes later in her Audi. They were waiting on Morgan, who arrived five minutes later. "Hard to love and run isn't it?" Prentiss teased.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Morgan growled.

"Jump in," Garcia said. "Enjoy a ride in Esther." Prentiss just glared at her. Garcia giggled. "That didn't come out right, did it?"

"Sounded fine to me," Kevin chimed in.

"Baby girl, I love you. But I'm not riding in a convertible for two hours with the top down in this heat."

Prentiss laughed. "You did have a rough night. This means, I'm driving, because as much as I love you Penelope, I'm with Morgan on this one."

Two hours later the cars arrived. They pulled into the cabin driveway and popped trunks open. They all took one glance at Dave's "cabin" and looked at each other. Morgan asked, "Baby girl, you're sure about this?"

"My chocolate god of thunder, my system is a thousand times better than MapQuest. We're in the right place."

"Well, he did say it was in the woods," JJ added, looking at the surroundings. Just then the garage door opened to reveal Dave. Seeing him in a sleeveless, V-neck white t-shirt, shorts and sandals (all Italian made, of course) added to their surprise.

"Good; you remembered that it's BYOB. Put the coolers in here and then grab your bags." The team did as he asked while JJ pulled Henry from his car seat. He took them in the front door and pointed to his right. "That obviously is the living room." They all noticed the massive fireplace and 54" plasma TV. Rossi continued the tour, gesturing straight ahead. "Dining room and kitchen is to the right." He led them upstairs, showing them to their rooms. "That's the bathroom," he pointed to his left as they passed. "Just remember, you're going to have to share." When he got to the end of the hallway, he opened the door to his left to a room with a double bed.

"Penelope, Kevin, this is yours. Please remember my bedroom is directly beneath you," Dave said with a wink to Reid. Directly across, Dave opened another door to reveal a long room filled with five sets of bunk beds. "Emily, Derek and Spencer, this is yours. However, there's the couch downstairs and a bunch of air beds around, if you don't want to share."

Above the kitchen and living room was a large bedroom with its own half bath. "JJ, this is for you, Will and Henry. I trust you brought something for Henry to sleep in?"

"His crib is in still in the trunk," Will replied.

"Where are Hotch, Cait and the boys?" JJ questioned, as she put her bag down in the room. Henry wiggled out his mother's arms, wanting to stretch his legs and run a bit.

"They're in my study across the hall from the master bedroom. There's a Murphy bed; Matt is on the couch and Mike and Jack are sharing an air bed on the floor. They've got a half bath as well and I've got a full bath in my bedroom. I meant what I said about sharing bathrooms. It's got to be a community effort." The best team in the FBI blinked.

"Just how many people can this place hold?" Reid asked.

Dave replied, "Between all the rooms, couches, and air beds on the floor, I had 22 duck hunters here two years ago. When you get all settled, come through the dining room onto the screened-in porch to the back. The Hotchner's are already out there."

Less than five minutes later, they all appeared in Dave's "backyard". The Hotchner's were all frolicking in Dave's in-ground pool. He was waiting for them. "I don't know man," Morgan commented, "this might be too rough for me," as they all gaped.

Their astonishment grew as they looked at Jack standing on the side the pool, with Cait treading water. "Mom, you really think I can do this?" Cait had taught Jack how to swim last spring, with Haley's blessing. The word "mom" gave them all pause. Aaron and the boys were at the shallow end, engaging in a water fight, while secretly keeping an eye on Jack's progress. Mudgie and Beans were barking at the three of them, enjoying the sprays of water they were getting as well.

"That was his wedding present to Cait," Dave beamed. "They're in the final process of adopting the boys."

"What do you mean Dave," Emily asked.

"Aaron is adopting Matt and Mike. And Cait is adopting Jack as well."

"How's that flyin' with Haley's family," Will asked.

"First off, Aaron and Cait have made sure that they are a part of Jack's life. They are as welcome in that home as all of us. And Haley's family also understands why; they all sat down and talked. With Hotch traveling so much, God forbid, especially medically, if something happened to Jack, Cait couldn't sign off because she is legally not his parent. Cait, as a doctor, has always worried about that. They have already sent the family court judge a letter in full support."

"OMG," Garcia commented, "That is just way too cool." Reid smiled brightly at Prentiss and JJ.

"No, baby girl," Derek said, as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her towards him. "That's a family." He kissed her on the forehead as they watched Jack make his first dive into Cait's waiting arms. "I'm getting into my bathing suit."

"Dibs on the bathroom," Emily said, as she winked at Morgan. "I'm in before you.

"Use mine Derek," Dave offered.

Within fifteen minutes, the entire team was in the pool area. Prentiss nudged Morgan with a bottle of lotion. "You do my back, I'll do yours."

"Deal princess," as Jayje and Will got Henry protected. He quickly joined Jack on the steps of the shallow end. Reid, Garcia and Kevin chose to sit around the deck table with the umbrella.

"The UV rays from the sun emit….."

"REID!" they all shouted in unison. Dave was sitting in a comfy chair overlooking his "kingdom". From his spot, he refereed the pool basketball game that pitted Matt, Emily and Derek against Hotch, Cait and Mike while JJ and Will watched the younger boys play. As competitive as that group was, the game got a bit rough and Mike got elbowed in the forehead. Hotch swam up to him and using sign language, making sure he was OK. Emily looked at him.

"I had to learn. When Mike has his hearing aids out," he said as he signed, "He can't hear much. If something would happen, I've got to be able to communicate with my son."

"You've learned in a hurry," she signed and smiled broadly, having learned long ago, which Hotch knew.

"Dad is doing great," Mike smiled broadly as he signed.

"Thanks. But I'm still playing catch-up to my youngest son. He soaked it up like a sponge." They all spent the afternoon enjoying their surroundings. Mudgie and Beans laid contently in the shade by Garcia, staying away from Reid. As the day progressed, Dave pointed out some deer in the woods.

Later on, Jack and Henry were napping, and the M&M's (as Penelope called them) were inside watching a baseball game. That left the adults to their refreshments. Morgan and Garcia, not in the office, were in high gear with each other. Hotch emerged from the garage with three beers, and after handing one to Dave, joined Cait on the chaise lounge chair. He sat between her legs and leaned back against her. "We can keep an eye on the boys for ten, fifteen minutes if you want," Morgan suggested, winking at Prentiss.

Hotch glared at him while Cait rubbed his chest. When the team first arrived, the sight of his scars made all of them think back to that horrible time, but they quickly took the situation into adjustment. It was obvious now that Cait, frankly, didn't care. "What does he mean? Ten, fifteen minutes?" Cait teased, which drew Morgan's attention more intently. In fact; the entire team's.

"He has no imagination," Hotch commented, drawing howls of laughter from everyone.

Cait paused before asking. "Does that come from paying by the hour?" That added more laughter.

"Don't ask me Cait; try Dave." Everyone was now in hysterics, partly because they never believed Hotch could be part of this kind of talk.

Dave was not to be outdone by his partner. "Speaking of which, what the hell was going on around three this morning?"

Cait looked at Dave next to her. "A three and a half foot ice cube curled up next to me in bed. If it happens tonight, I'll send him to you; see if you don't scream."

Hotch looked at him incredulously. "Dave dammit…..You think….. Our sons were in the same….. You're a dirty old man."

"I was thinking the same thing about you around three this morning," Dave smiled widely. The entire group lost it.

Later, Dave and Hotch were cooking chicken on the Weber, the rest of the guys sitting around, drinking their beers. The four boys were back in the pool with Kevin serving as life guard. "It was my summer job through high school and college," he commented. Morgan raised an eyebrow. "I sat in the stand with the umbrella," he added as they all laughed.

The ladies were in the kitchen, helping Cait, who as always, had everything, including a massive fruit salad, already prepared. Jayje looked at her. "Please tell me you're going to write your own book soon, so I can learn all your secrets. I hope I'm half the mother you are."

"JJ, you're a wonderful mother, with a demanding job. Don't sell yourself short. And believe me, I wasn't always this put together. I remember a time when I had two in poopy diapers laying on the living room floor. Both of them had their legs in the air, I'm looking at two "units" and I'm on the phone, bawling to my mother." They all laughed and talked girl stuff.

The dinner was wonderful and everyone took an evening dip in the pool. Cait noticed Hotch leaving the pool area into the garage. When he didn't appear a short time later, she quickly followed him. Cait knew Aaron as much as she knew herself. He was her husband, lover, confidant, partner in parenting, best friend; and most importantly, a blessing in her life. She found him sitting in Dave's front porch swing. She lovingly rubbed his cheek. He grabbed her hand and pulled her down beside him. "I knew you would come looking for me."

Cait kissed him. "I know you," she simply said. "And how much this all means to you," rubbing his thigh. "From the first day that I met you, when you spoke to my class, I could see, and hear, the pride, respect, and love you have for your team, Aaron. All of you are a family, dealing with horrors. And each of you handles that with the strength you get from each other." She looked him in the eye. "I don't need to list them off. You already know them."

"It's sure been a lot easier the past months, knowing what I have waiting for me when we get home," he said as gently kissed her temple. Cait caressed the bottom of his chin.

"You need some more alone time or are you OK?"

"I'm more than OK," he simply said. She gave him a kiss.

"Then you need to spend this time with your team. They need to see their unit chief relaxing and having fun. They need to that side of you more often Aaron," Cait advised.

"You're right doc." He grabbed her hand and they walked arm in arm back through the garage. As they neared the deep end of the pool, he shouted, "Look out!" He grabbed Cait into his arms and rushed to side of the pool, plunging both of them in. As they floated back up to the surface, Aaron pulled his wife into a sensual kiss. When they ended, they just laughed at the hoots and howls coming from the rest of the team.

The group enjoyed the rest of the evening as they played card games with the older boys on the porch while Jack and Henry enjoyed 101 Dalmatians in the living room. Soon, the younger boys were given baths. JJ and Will took Henry up to their bedroom, knowing he would quickly fall asleep. Jack, in his pj's, curled up in Aaron's lap, doing the same from the day's activities. He and Cait took him into Rossi's study. "Put him in our bed, Aaron," Cait quietly said. "He'll end up there anyway. He gets cold from the AC duct." Hotch laid him gently in the bed as they both kissed his forehead as they tucked him in.

The other boys disappeared to play video games they had hooked up to Dave's TV in his room. The rest of team continued playing card games until Garcia, Kevin, JJ, and Will decided to take a last dip in the pool and then enjoy the hot tub. That left the rest to start a poker game. As the mosquitoes made their appearance, the hot tub group retreated to the screened in porch to obverse. There was a hotly contested poker game going on between Hotch, Dave, Morgan, Emily, Reid and Cait. And, of course, the scotch bottle was out. Will played bartender. It took nearly two hours, with all them enjoying the laughter and friendship between hands before Cait cleaned their clocks, taking Reid out on a pure bluff. Soon, most of them headed to bed. Dave, with a contraband cigar, as well as Derek and Emily enjoyed the evening a "bit" more than everyone else.

Yet, Rossi was the first up the next morning and got the coffee going. He could hear JJ, Will and Henry rumbling around in their room. As he started for the front door to let the dogs out and walk to end of the driveway to get the Sunday paper, he heard Prentiss moan. She was on the air mattress Dave had set up for Jack and Henry to play on in the living room. "Morgan, do you have your service weapon handy," she said to the body sprawled on the couch.


"Shoot him please."

By the time Dave got back, Cait was in the kitchen getting the oven going for cinnamon rolls and her egg bake she prepared for breakfast. She poured three cups of coffee; one for herself; one for Dave, coming in the door; and one for Aaron. Yet, she took one look at the shirtless Morgan, who followed Rossi into the kitchen and handed the third to him. Dave sat down at the cabin's lunch bar with the paper. Jack flew into the kitchen in his pj's and onto Dave's lap, with Hotch right behind him. He gave his wife a deep kiss after grabbing his own cup of coffee. "God, please you two," Morgan said as he sipped his coffee. "Give it up." Dave was reading the comics to Jack. His favorite pal, with an educator in the family, read along with most of the words.

"Derek, you kiss him before he's shaved. I don't make out with porcupines either," Cait said.

"Mom's right Derek," Jack added. "It's really bad." Derek walked around to the counter and clamped Dave on the shoulder and laughed.

"Thanks man; we needed this."

"Don't thank me Derek. I simply supplied the place." He nodded toward Hotch. "Talk to the porcupine that has a wonderful lady in his life that can get away with kicking his ass." Jack's head flew up as Hotch and Cait both shot Dave a glare.

"Sorry," Dave said. "I'm still learning with the little guys. Jack, don't say that word again."

"Got it Uncle Dave," Jack laughed as he looked at Cait and Hotch. Morgan laughed along with them as Cait and Hotch simply looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

JJ, Will and Henry soon appeared, with Reid not far behind. "Boy Wonder" egged Emily off the air mattress. As JJ gave Henry some Cheerio's to get him by until Cait's cinnamon rolls were baked and got apple juice for both the boys, Penelope and Kevin made their appearance. Emily also rolled into the kitchen.

"How are you princess?" Dave said with a smirk. Morgan stifled a laugh as he drew her a cup of coffee.

Emily looked around the room and being the profiler she was, seeing the young boys, just growled. "I'm just fine," as she took two big gulps of coffee.

"Where's my M&M's?" Penelope questioned.

Hotch just smiled. "They're teenage boys, Penelope. You don't see the whites of their eyes until they smell fool."

As they all packed to head for home, everyone was a bit sad to have their special weekend come to an end.


Aaron, Cait and their three sons sat in the Family Court Judge's chamber. This was the last step in the process. The judge signed the papers, legally naming Matt and Mike with the surname "Hotchner". The boys hugged their dad as Jack sat on Cait's lap.

The judge looked at the two of them and went through the legalities. The judge commented on the wonderful letter he had received from Haley's family. Jack was getting impatient. Looking at the judge, he said, "Are we done yet?" Cait shushed him, the daughter of two lawyers respecting the court.

"One more second, young man," the Judge intoned. "Your mom and dad need to sign this." Matt took Jack from Cait's lap as she and Aaron approached the desk.

When they were finished, Judge Parker winked at Jack. "Now we're done."

Aaron gave his wife a tender kiss. "It's legal," Jack gleefully exclaimed. "We're a family!"
