I have no words. None. I didn't know Cory personally but I watched him for four years personify this sweet, oafish, sometimes insensitive but mostly well-meaning kid. A lot of the people in this particular fandom didn't like Finn Hudson for what he did to Kurt and Santana and his various character inconsistencies. I myself found Finn to be much of a dope. But Cory played him brilliantly.

From the interviews I've seen, Cory seemed like a genuinely sweet and fun man who recently had some past troubles come back up, but seemed to be working through them. I have no idea what happened but I was shocked and devastated. Actually devastated by the death of someone I've never personally known and more devastated for those who did know and love this man who left so soon. The show will never be the same; the cast will never be the same.

I'm heartbroken for everyone. For his family, for Lea, for the cast. For his fans who followed and loved him so.


Rest In Peace Cory