Thanks to BelieveTheTrue, I am glad you count this as one of your favorite fanfiction J

Flower, sorry this update is still not as early as it should be but…here it is. Hope it's good.

Percabeth, still not much Eclare (trust me I need it to) but it will come in due time.

Lexual, I umm don't understand what you are asking me. Care to elaborate?"

B and B are Back, here is your late update. Sorry, but hope it's good.

ForeverInYourArms, thank you. Here is another, I hope amazing chapter.

The Cliffhanger Girl, still cannot believe you read my stories. I am a big fan! Hope ths adds to the broken Ecalre heart we all have.

Degrassiluver15, hope this is good J

TooLazyToLogin, I will update Roulette story next week perhaps? Just a hit a writer's block, but hope you enjoy this chapter

The wooden door burst open, a flustered Clare sprinting up the stairs. Her bag swung from her shoulder, books threatening to fall out as she opened the door to her modest bedroom. Yanking her blouse over her head she threw on a less appropriate for school but more revealing blouse. Clare's hands practically ripped apart her skirt and she stumbled as she put on a pair of skinny jeans. Feeling satisfied she grabbed a pair of high heels and sprinted towards the exit.

"I'm going out mom." The blue eyes girl called behind her shoulder. Helen, her overly exhausted mother didn't even have time to respond before the door slammed shut, leaving her alone in the house once again.

There leaning against a red pickup truck, was tall and lean Jake Martin. Clare could feel her cheeks reddened as his eyes took her new outfit in. By the goofy grin on his handsome face, he seemed satisfied.

"Hey there honey, you look good." He winked at her as the young girls cheeks reddened ever more.

"Thanks." She muttered shyly glancing down at her shoes, avoiding the hungry stare of the young man in front of her.

"Ready?" he asked after a moment of awkward silence. The young girl only nodded in response. She quickly walked over to the passenger side, feeling relieved Jake's eyes were now focused elsewhere. She tugged at her sleeve as they made the way to the Dot. The car ride was silent, an awkward tension threatening to take hold. Clare was too embarrassed to start a conversation while Jake was preoccupied with the road. When a red light halted the car Jakes attention refocused on the bashful girl next to him.

"Why so quiet?" he smirked at her, a smile that had girls swooning at his feet. Well most girls.

Clare grimaced at the way his smile turned upward. His smirk seemed odd; out of place. Forced? She didn't know herself, why the casual smirk bothered her and had her stomach churning in unease. "No reason."

"You sure?" he cocked his eyebrow at the sudden change in the car. His smirk seemed to have the opposite effect, and this unnerved him.

"Of course." She smiled up at him and the answer seemed to convince him because he refocused on the road once again and his confident aura returned.

But things were not going good.


The duo parked outside a small café, where Clare has visited often yet never entered with anyone else outside her family. Her stomach began to twist into knots as her eyes landed on a parked hearse mere feet away.

Oh no.

Jake's eyes followed hers and his happy demeanor turned cold. "Oh great." He muttered.

Clare seemed to think the same as she opened the car door and stepped outside, the air colder than it was before. Goosebumps rose all along her arms, she wrapped her arms around herself desperately attempting to warm up as she walked alongside Jake.

Jake took notice of the girl's discomfort. With a smirk at her shivering figure he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and hugged her closer to him. "Better?'

Her cheeks took a pink shade. "Yeah thanks."

The warm air from the café quickly took hold and the Goosebumps disappeared as her body warmed up, however Jake kept his arm around her shoulder with a smug look on his face.


"Imo just listen to me." However the girl clad in black only scowled even deeper as her eyes looked anywhere but me who sat mere inches away.

I growled, my fingers raking through my hair irritably. "Will you listen?"

Her black eyes focused on mine, her brows furrowed in annoyance. "Yea you're sorry, you won't do it again. You were frustrated." She snapped back sarcastically. Guess my sarcasm is rubbing off. "But the thing is Eli, I'm starting to worry."

My eyes widened as confusion swept in. "Worry? Why?"

"Because Eli," The doors bell chimed, Imogen's eyes flickered to the door as her attention was captured. My gaze quickly followed and I felt the pit of my stomach twist.

Jake strutted inside, a satisfied smile on his face with a red face Clare clinging to his arms. Not exactly the picture I dreamed of.

Clare POV

"Wow." My lips formed the word before my brain could even function. I quickly turned red and stuttered out words in my defense, "I mean I never been here before so it looks pretty epic. And Eli used to always say he was coming here with his friends but he never took me with him. So right now I feel so mature and this place-"

"Breathe Clare." Jake chuckled at my obvious discomfort. "Relax babe, I understand what you mean. No need to be shy."

I cocked an eyebrow at his new name of endearment for me. "Do you call every girl 'babe?"

"Just the ones I'm really into." He responded with a wink causing my cheeks to once again redden.

"Oh," Was my lame response to his obvious and not so subtle flirt.

The table once again took an awkward silence I chanced a glance at his face, catching him staring at me quite hungrily. It resembled a starving bear watching his next meal.

"Listen Clare," he started but was cut off by a sight behind me. His eyes narrowed at the object. I turned around and noticed a very aggravated Eli walking towards our table.

Oh shit.

Not long after a pair of combat boots, black skinny jeans and a dead hand t shirt wearing boy stood in front of our table. His eyes glared into Jake's as the boys seemed to have a silent battle, a battle I was not invited to. Eli's green eyes then went over to me. His eyes went lower and stopped at the front of my shirt, where my cleavage was making a rare appearance. Eli's mouth fell open as he gaped at my cleavage in a not so subtle way.

"Uh um." Jake coughed obnoxiously making both Eli and I to stare at him. His eyes were planted on Eli with a frown which seemed to be permanent glued to his face. "See something you like Eli?"

Eli raised an eyebrow. "Nope I'm not into big headed jocks with a small dick."

"Eli," I hissed. "Don't be rude. You're interrupting our umm…umm..."

"Date." Jake finished, looking at Eli with a smug look.

Eli clenched his jaw and an animalistic growl was heard between his teeth. "So you two are dating?'

"No." I quickly replied a blush falling upon my cheeks.

"Yet." Jake added staring at Eli as if he just won the noble prize. Eli, a short tempered person (I should know) had his fists locked together tightly.

"Is that so?"

I nodded my head, answering truthfully because it was as clear as day Jake and I were headed in that direction. I was positive we would begin dating in no time.

"Well that's good, because I just talked to Helen and told her the great news." The blood drained from my face. "And guess what? She is dying to meet you."

The stare Eli was given to Jake was anything but pleased. This was a challenge.

"Oh…really?" Jake's voice cracked giving Eli a surge of happiness. "When?"

"She said tonight."


"Yes," Eli nodded a smug look on his stupid face "tonight."


And with that final word, Eli left our table. A satisfied smirk plastered to his face.


A knock came from my door.

"Come in." I called out as I continued to run my fingers through my unruly hair. Clare wearing a skin tight red dress shyly entered.

"Oh, Clare it's you." I turned around and faced her. Hr dress hung tightly to every curve and she looked delicious. "You look…you look great."

She rolled her eyes. "Can you stop drooling then?'

I cocked an eyebrow, "Feisty. I like it."

She crossed her arms, and gave me a fake glare before a smile broke through her face. "Eli, can we talk?"

I held my hand over to the bed, "Of course." I sat on the bed with Clare nervously sitting next to me. "What's wrong?"

"Eli, I umm…wanted to tell you something." Her cheeks turned red as she fidgeted with the hem of her dress. "I don't like Jake."

A smirk crawled onto my face. "No one does."

She smiled shyly, "I like someone else."

"Who?" the smile once again disappeared as jealousy coursed through my body. "Is it that Adam kid?"

The idea seemed to make her laugh. "Oh heavens no."

"Then who?"

She looked up at me with a nervous stare. "You."

And her lips attacked mine. I reached out and grabbed the back of her head bringing her head closer to my open mouth. Her arms slithered around my neck bring us even closer. I grabbed her waist, lying down on the bed with Clare straddling my waist.

"Oh Eli," she moaned hotly in my ear.




My eyes flew open as a pounding was heard on my door. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and groaned at the realization.

It was all a fucking dream.

Kill me.

I groaned one last time before I lazily stumbled towards my door and yanked it open. Clare, wearing a yellow sundress glared at me.

"Did I wake you from your evening nap?" She asked sarcastically. Something she learned from me.

"Nah, I was just…yeah."

"As fun as that sounds you need to get dress. Helen wants us down for the dinner you set up." She accused.

"Okay." I grumbled in response as Clare spun around and slammed her door shut.

I closed my door and threw on some random clothes as I heard the doorbell ring.

"Clare, Eli" Helen yelled from downstairs, "your friend is here."

I smirked. Let the games begin.

Ok so how was it?